word count: 1142 Poppy Sadler
fantas An investi ation into how marine life influences
style that would help me develop my own For my unit 3 project I wanted to look at something I wanted wasn't sure what specific subject matter in a subject matter that I am interested in. I a variety like 'Marine life' I was able to explore to explore at first so by choosing a broad topic jellyfish and then going on to explore artists of themes and subjects such as whales, sharks, that use mythical creatures and create fantasy art. in London to see various sea life up An outing that as a class we went on was to the Aquarium take photos to help with our projects. close and start to do some observational drawings and
and added them to my book, they I took various photos and when I got back I drew them someone else because the helped me to develop my own style further as I couldn't copy original drawings were photos.
Exploring different styles and techniques was important to me in
this project and I started to look at artists that suited my own personal styles and preferences to drawing. The first artist I discoveredonline was called Artem Solop. He didn't commonly draw marine life but I managed to find some images of sharks that he had done, and copied some of his drawings but also added in a
few images of my own but in his style of drawing. I liked the use of lines and pen x' drawing in his work and thought it was different from the normal line drawings Fig 1. that are very precise and neat. Other artists that I looked at where people like Chiara Bautista (fig 4.), Emma Lazauski (fig 2.) and Jared Muralt. I found Chiara Bautista online when looking for images of sea monsters and mythical creatures. Her work really inspired me and I enjoyed drawing in her style and drawing some of her images, I originally wasn't going to look at her work for that long but ended up going back to it because I really liked her style and it appealed to me a lot. One of the most interesting images that she produced was of a girl tying up her hair Fig 2. but there were also tentacles as her hair. She incorporates marine life into her works and create surreal fantasy images that are popular online and I find really remarkable.The simplicity of the drawing and how I could recreate something similar to it appealed to me later on in my book, as I decided that I wanted to look at drawing "people" and faces in my project so transferring some of her ideas wouldn't be too complex and would challenge me to draw an image in someone else's style. The image that I ended up producing wasn't that similar to her work but it did help me discover my own kind of style and the scale that I enjoy working in, as and A3 image is harder for me to draw and my work where it is on a smaller scale look more effective and work better for me.
I wasn't going to look at Sea monsters within my fantasy art towards the middle and wanted to look at airships after being inspired by Jared Muralt's picture of a ship floating over a desert ( fig 3.). Originally the image was in colour but I decided to draw it in fine line pen in just black
word count: 1142
Poppy Sadler
and white but the image is still effective. I enjoyed drawing in fine line and it suits my style of work well so when drawing more of his work I enjoyed it and felt proud of the end result. From this idea of airships, I decide to do a whole page of my own drawings and ideas to challenge myself and force myself to come up with my own ideas and style, however, I didn't want to just use fine line throughout my book so I used ink and a dip pen to do outlines. Although the ink is a lot harder to control it was fun using it and I liked that you could add a watercolour effect by using water as well to wash bits of the
image out. Even though I enjoyed the ink I wanted to create something a little cleaner cut and like Jared Muralt's work so I
Fig 3. designed my own ship but create layers using tracing paper and acetate. Which actually worked really well and added depth to the images. I particularly liked using the white pen on black paper and then layering it to create a night time one. Even though I enjoyed doing the airships I wanted to go back and look
at Chiara Bautista'swork but in a different medium. So I decided to ĂŽĂ€ look at throwing clay. It was completely new to me but I wanted to challenge myself and change completely the type of material I was working in. There is documentationof my work in my book and designs inspired by Chiara Bautista and Emma Lazauski. I chose to do my own design of flying fish inspired by some of the skeleton birds that are drawn by Bautista. I felt that clay wasn't my strongest point
Fig 4.
and I wanted to develop my drawing and painting skills further as they are more enjoyable and inspire me more. So decided to do a portrait but based on Bautista's work but from my own photo and incorporate
my own ideas. The outcome isn't exactly what I was expecting but there is a likeness to the original image and some elements such as the composition work, I would have changed some aspects such as the smoke and scale of the drawing. which helped me confirm that my work is better on a smaller scale and I can produce more accurate drawing that way.
After looking at Bautista's work again on a double page I decided to produce my own ideas based on her work but of entirely my own imagination. The work I produced I enjoyed drawing and I'm really proud of the drawing I ended up creating at the end of my book which was a
watercolourof one of the sketches I did. I thought about eh colours I used and the composition.I did make a mistake with the teacup and it ended up looking lopsided, to counter this I just cropped the image. It didn't end up looking exactly how I wanted but I am still happy with it as a representation of the project.
Poppy Sadler
word count: 1142
Bibliography: (Fig 4.) Bautista, C. https://www.facebook.com/chiarabautistaartwork/photos/pb.558917134161144.2013.
(Fig 2.) Lazauski, E. Hot spring Salamanders. 2013. https://uk.pinterest.com/pin/359513982730192824/ (Fig 3.) Muralt, J. The End of Bon Voyage. 2014. http://jaredillustrations.ch/the-end-of-bon-voyage/ (Fig 1.) Solop, A. Sketches 2011-2013. 2011. https://www.behance.net/gallery/17408397/Sketches2011-2013