Bethel AME Church Newsletter Fall 2014

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Revival and Homecoming Clergy Corner Pastor Karen R. Schaeffer and the Bethel congregation welcome Min. Ida Hawkins and Lay Minister Tanya Young. Min. Hawkins teachers Bible Study and Min. Young is our new Christian Education Director. Love is our focus this conference year. We have searched the scriptures for descriptions of what Jesus means when he instructs his disciples to love one another. In our search we have found that the love God imparts through Holy Spirit empowers us to function in unity as the Body of Christ. We are, as reported at annual conference, “positioned for growth”. “I give you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, so you also must love each other. This is how everyone will know that you are my disciples, when you love each other.” John 13:34-35 (CEB)

On Sunday August 4, 2014, we were blessed with songs of praise by The Bethel Lockland Mass Choir; their pastor, The Reverend Robert Dye, posed the question from Ezekial 37, “Can these bones live? Rev. Dye said that Ezekial did not know the answer to God's question. Ezekial answered..."Lord, you alone know". The text goes on to reveal that the bones did indeed live! The Reverend Elmer Martin, the choir, and congregation from Brown Chapel Cincinnati brought the revival service on Monday August 5th. Bethel was filled with voices praising God and sharing worship, strength, hope, knowledge and financial bounty with us. Brown Chapel’s ministry of giving and outreach to small congregations encouraged us as we continue in our rehabilitation and revival process.

Worship God  Seek Holy Spirit Grow Disciples Build Up God's Beloved Community

Friends & Family Day: Sunday November 23rd Theme - Wholeness

Worship Service is at 11 a.m., followed by dinner. Please join us as we celebrate together with Gratitude and Thanksgiving for the Harvest with The Reverend Gayle Simmons.

Church Conference Meetings Every third Sunday following church service. November 16, December 21, January 18

Stewards & Trustees Meetings Fourth Saturdays of each month November 22, December 27, January 24

Church News Missionary

Holiday Donate food now through December 21st!

Souper Bowl Sunday Bethel YPD will participate in the 2015 Souper Bowl Sunday event in Cincinnati. Please donate new and gently used coats now through Jan. 31st.

Bethel Kitchen Shower There are 3 ways to donate: 1) Visit and make a monetary donation. 2) Log onto, click on TargetLists and search for Bethel Lebanon (or visit your local Target). 3) Log onto, click on Registries, select Wish List and search for Bethel Lebanon (or visit your local Walmart). Please pray over this list. We have a mission to serve those in need. Scripture for study: Matthew 25 31-46 Needed Items: Cutlery-Cookware-Utensils-Baking Supplies-Serving Supplies-Disposable Supplies-Spice Rack-Salt & Pepper Mill-Coffee Maker-George Forman Grill-Electric Can Opener-Hand Mixer-Blender-Toaster-Cleaning Supplies We also need volunteers to help clean and organize the kitchen!

Church News Christian Education Church School for all ages-Sundays 9:30-10:45 a.m.

Upcoming Christian Education Programs

Weekly Bible Study-Wed. 6:30-7:30 p.m.

Caroling & Christmas Party-Saturday Dec. 21st 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Children’s Dramatic Presentation: “A Christian Example” by Hilda Ann Stahl, Sunday Dec. 22, 2014 during 11:00 a.m. Worship SAVE THE DATE Tawawa Christian Education Congress At Denison University July 6th-9th, 2015 Theme: Evidence of Discipleship “Each One Reach One”

initial and refresher training for Church officers and board members scheduled to begin in November 2014 Church Body Believers 1-day Seminars

Achieve freedom from life's hurts, habits, and hang-ups at Celebrate Recovery. This ministry seeks to celebrate the HEALING and REDEMPTIVE power found in JESUS CHRIST. We invite you to join us and begin experiencing TRUE LIFE CHANGE. Celebrate Recover (CR) is a bible based program designed to help those struggling with hurts, hang-ups, and habits by showing them the loving power of Jesus Christ through the very process. Celebrate Recovery Core Group - Training open to Bethel congregation and general community. Sign-up now by calling church office or Tanya Young @ 937-307-1066.

Health Commission Our local liaison with the Third District AMEC Health Commission is Ms. Karen Bentley. Karen is urging each of us to get out and walk a mile on a regular basis and to please distribute the brochure on Diabetes that the commission has provided (copies available in the flyer rack on the first floor). She tells us that her next challenge to us will be to improve our nutrition.

Bethel Lebanon was represented at the recent Multiple Myeloma Symposium arranged by the Third District Health Commission and provided by MMORE of The Ohio State University. We are learning about this form of bone cancer and finding out who it is affecting in our community. To learn more please call us at 513-932-7919 and leave your number.

Update on HDLI process Thanks to our partnerships with Historic Downtown Lebanon, Inc., and the Martin Luther King, Jr., Community Coalition, Inc., our fellowship hall/community room has been cleaned, organized and painted. An HDLI mini-grant and community volunteers provided a “facelift” including new paint and landscaping in the front. Next steps include painting the sides and back. Sons of Allen from Wayman Dayton got the work started this fall and Faith Based Rehab is now continuing the project. Come and see how God is blessing us through our connections with HDLI and Lebanon’s ecumenical community.

Now that our community room (downstairs) is in good condition, we welcome reservations for use of this space. Members pay only a $25.00 utility fee. Groups from the community who want to use the space may either barter work toward our rehabilitation efforts (e.g., painting, repair work, etc.) or pay $200.00 (including a refundable $50.00 deposit) for a one-day rental of the space. The space rental includes a contract insuring the space is left clean and in good repair.

About Bethel Lebanon The Mission of the AME Church is to minister to the social, spiritual, and physical development of all people.

Do you have a talent or skill that you would like to share at Bethel? We have opportunities for Christian leadership and service in all departments including, but not limited to: Christian Education, Ecumenical Ministries, Choral Music, and the Lay Organization.

Contact Us Bethel A.M.E. Church 111 N. Cherry Street Lebanon, Ohio 45036 513-932-7919

Upcoming Events Sunday December 21st Christmas Program, 11 a.m. Monday January 19th MLK Day Celebration St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church, 7 pm

The AME Church, whose founders affirmed their humanity in the face of slavery and racism, stands in defense of disadvantaged and oppressed peoples in the 21st century. From its origins in the Free African Society through the involvement of the AME Clergy and lay in the Civil War of the 1860’s and the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960’s, the AME Church preaches salvation from sin and deliverance from bondage. At every level of the Connection and in every local church, the AME Church shall engage in carry out the spirit of the original Free African Society, out of which the AME Church evolved: that is to seek out and save the lost, and to serve the needy. It is also the duty of the Church to encourage all members to become involved in church training. The Purpose 1. Make available God’s biblical principles 2. Spread Christ’s liberating gospel 3. Provide continuing programs which will enhance the entire social development of all people From The 2012 Doctrine and Discipline of The African Methodist Episcopal Church.

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