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Nationally recongnized Camas Prairie Elementary!

Camas Prairie Elementary has been named a National ESEA Distinguished School! Camas is one of just two schools in Washington state to receive the honor this year for their exceptional student achievement. Each year the National Association of ESEA State Program Administrators honors up to two schools per state as Distinguished School Award

Recipients. Schools that have successfully used their ESEA federal funds to improve the education for all students – including economically disadvantaged students – are recognized.

Dr. David Hammond, Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Schools, said when he told Principal Melissa Munson-Merritt about the award and congratulated her, she made sure he knew it was the hard work of her staff that made the award possible. Hammond said that’s nothing new, “Everytime I try to give her kudos she deflects it right back on her staff.”

"Camas Prairie Elementary staff are committed to extensive collaboration with fellow educators, in professional learning teams and special programs, to ensure all students receive rigorous, focused learning experiences," Munson-Merritt said. "In short, educators work closely with one another, align the standards and their professional judgement, to determine essential learning outcomes for students and work flexibly to ensure students achieve those outcomes.”

More information about the National ESEA Distinguished Schools is available at ESEAnetwork.org.

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