CONNECT Magazine | March 2012

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Welcome to Bethel! We are so glad to have you here! As you look through this Connect bulletin, we trust that you will quickly find that Bethel has something for you and your family. Our hope is that you will take the next step into our community and get involved. As you do, you will begin to see that Bethel is more than just a Sunday service, it is a family of everyday people following Christ to bring hope and change to the world - one life at a time.

Pastor Tim Gibb Lead Pastor


MARCH 2012


BETHEL NEWS SPECIAL GUESTS IN MARCH Rev. Lorrie Gibbons, the Superintendent for the Western Ontario District of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, will be our speaker on Sunday, March 11th at the 10:30AM Service. Then on Sunday night, March 25th at 6:30PM, our special guest speaker will be Sue Keddy who serves as the Women’s Director for the Western Ontario District.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT HEALING SCHOOL Join us on Wednesday nights from 6:30 to 8:00PM as we watch a powerful video teaching, on the subject of healing, from Pastors Bill Johnson & Randy Clark. This teaching deals with all the practical aspects of healing, with examples and activation. If you have been discouraged in the past, hesitant to minister in healing, or want to be radically encouraged; then this teaching is for you.

JOHN WILKINSON John and Caroline Wilkinson of Shake the Nations ministries from the United Kingdom will be at Bethel for 3 days of powerful encounter services. Mark your calendars for April 8th-10th.

EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE An Easter (April 8th) sunrise service is planned for 6:40AM at Canatara Park. Local churches will be participating. Pastor Keith will be involved in leading the service. A time of refreshments will be provided following the service at Bethel.

BRIDGES OUT OF POVERTY Bridges Out of Poverty is a two-part workshop for professionals and communities to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and strengths of people living in poverty. This workshop will take place at Bethel on March 22 & 29 from 6:00 to 8:30PM. Cost is $12 for workbook. Contact Liz at Neighbourlink for more information & to register. 519-336-5465

Watch This Weeks


BIBLES FOR MISSIONS Bibles for Missions Thrift Store will be moving to their new, larger location in the Spring of 2012. Additional volunteers are needed to assist in our new store. For more information or to volunteer, please call 519-337-1614. Donations of used items for the store is also appreciated. All profits go to purchase Christian material for Missions. Bibles for Missions is currently located at 110 East Street in Sarnia.


THE PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLIES OF CANADA The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada is a Fellowship of more than 1,100 churches across English- and French-speaking Canada. More than 235,000 people attend services across the nation, and we are pleased to provide ministerial credentials for more than 3,500 Pastors and ministry leaders. The PAOC also helps to facilitate the vital work of more than 260 global workers in over 50 countries around the world, who are spreading the good news of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and bringing hope and help to those in need. Rev. David Wells currently serves as the General Superintendent of the PAOC and will be our guest at Bethel on Pentecost Sunday, May 27th in our 10:30AM service.

Western Ontario District (PAOC) Bethel is affiliated with the Western Ontario District of the PAOC. Rev. Lorrie Gibbons serves as our District Superintendent and will be our guest at Bethel on Sunday, March 11th in our 10:30AM service. The District cares for 315 churches in Western Ontario, of which 35% are culturally focused. On an average Sunday, attendance at PAOC churches in Western Ontario numbers over 45,000 people. Bethel Church has been committed for many years to faithfully tithe 10% of our general income to the Western Ontario District to provide for its ministry and service. Total giving for all PAOC churches to the District last year was 4.6 million dollars. The Western Ontario District also then tithes 10% of its gross income to the National Office of the PAOC which is located in Mississauga. Pastor Tim has his ministerial credentials and is ordained with the Western Ontario District of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. Pastor Tim also serves as Section Pastor for the Sarnia section where he provides care and support for 9 churches in this area, working with the District Superintendent and our Regional Director, Rev. Ron Baker.

Our Support To The District Results In: Ministers 13%

• Every Western Ontario district congregation has trained and qualified ministerial leadership.

Credential Health Network (counselling and restoration), Conferences, Home

• Over 300 WOD credential holders have experienced Christian coach training.

Mission’s Emergency, Master’s College and Seminary, Leadership Development, Coaching, Birkman Assessments and Pastor Schools

Ministries 22% Camp Subsidies, Specialized Ministry Departments (Kidz Village, Men, Women, Youth/Young Adult, Toyl), Itinerate Ministers (Evangelists)

Churches 54%

Assisted Assemblies, Church Planting, Penny Day Funds, Transition Pastor

•In the past 7 years over 30 new worshipping communities have started and are now thriving. • We are able to conduct leading edge conferences and summer camps for your children, youth, women, men, seniors, and their leadership teams. •We can gather your Pastor and the Pastoral teams across our district for training, information and spiritual refreshing. • Thousands of people each week gather together in WOD PAOC churches to worship, celebrate and find hope.

for all Churches

• Isolated first nation communities have churches to meet in and trained Pastors to lead them. These Pastors are a resource to band councils in their first nation communities.

Operations 11%

• We can partner with other denominations in creative new endeavors on college and university campuses, in hospitals, nursing homes, and prisons.

Mission & Communication, Church Partnering, National Office Tithe, Support

Office Staff (accounting, credentials administration), Office expenses, Executive & Committee expenses

• Editors Notes in Italics

• To date 20+ communities have been blessed with a “We are Christ” • Scripture in Non-Italics day! • Resources, support and financial subsidies are responsibility given to smaller churches and those experiencing difficulty.


By: Pastor Keith Patrick

Our Christian life as a believer is based on our individual relationship with

remaining ½% being due to copyist errors in spelling, etc. No doctrine of

God. As in any relationship, it is vital that we trust the veracity of all our communications with our Heavenly Father. Since our sole written

the Bible depends on this ½%. (Note that copies of the Greek Iliad reflect only a 95% agreement!)

reference point is the Bible, it is essential to our relationship that we have

When we look at manuscripts from the ancient world (from the Romans,

faith in the accuracy of the Bible. We don’t have the option of discarding or disbelieving parts of the Bible, because, like in any other relationship, if

Greeks etc.), such as Herodotus, or Caesar’s Gallic War, we find that the earliest copies in existence today date from 950 years or more after the

something said is wrong or fiction, how much faith can we have with the rest. God hasn’t left us any choice!

originals were written. In addition, the number of such copies is usually 20 or less. In contrast, there are 5,000 copies of the New Testament (NT) in Greek, 10,000 in Latin, and 9,300 in other languages, most originating

In the February CONNECT, Pastor Tim gave 8 reasons for believing the Bible is the Word of God. Many books have been written on this subject so

within 300 years of the death of Jesus, including the first complete manuscript, and copies of some of the individual NT books dated within

space for him and me precludes detailed arguments, so I can only wet your appetite to study the subject in more depth.

100 years of their being written. The more I study the Bible, the more I believe the Word as written. In


February we have been studying Genesis. I trust in the accuracy of the first chapter of Genesis. I have to dismiss the Gap Theory or the ‘Pre-Adamic

If you remember the longevity time-line chart Pastor Tim talked about on

that God created a previous age and then destroyed it, whatever the Schofield Reference Bible says! The original Hebrew text is very clear that

February 5th, you can understand how the early records were passed down. The Patriarchs were only 3 people removed from the Garden of Eden.

Cataclysm Theory’, invented in the early 19th century to fit in with Darwinism. The Bible says death only came into the world when Adam brought sin into the world (Rom 5:12; 1 Cor 15:21). The idea that the God of order and love would directly create and use a universal system based on randomness and cruelty seems almost blasphemous. It is inconceivable

there was no such Pre-Adamic Civilization.

Jacob had 50 years to talk to Shem, who had 100 years to talk to Methuselah, who was age 243 when Adam died! It was part of their culture and traditions to pass on history and traditions orally – no television, emails, or Facebook in those days! Families actually spent much of their lives talking together. Remember also that the Jewish people were meticulous in keeping records. In the languages of the Bible each letter also represents a number. So, when they checked a record or document, they not only checked the accuracy of the written words but also the addition of the numerical value

The Day-Age Theory states there were long gaps between the Biblical days to equate these ‘days’ to evolutionary geology. Again, this is a theory originated to conform to secular opinion. How could God create vegetation, plants, and trees on the third day, and then there be a huge gap before He created the sun on the 4th day! What about photosynthesis? How could the plants survive? This theory is riddled with errors. The Biblical record itself makes it plain that the days of creation were literal days, not long indefinite ages. The specific context in Genesis 1 precludes the interpretation of the Hebrew word for day (‘yom’) being anything other than a standard day.

of the letters in those words on every line and page. Hence duplication (copying) was meticulous. As an example, in 99.5% of the New Testament, complete agreement exists between all the ancient manuscripts, with the

I contend that the Biblical Genesis story is accurate – once you start questioning that record, as they do in the modern educational system, you start chipping away at a child’s faith. Parents beware! Your child

should know that when the teacher says

•The Geological column doesn’t exist. Fossils are

Latest figures estimate that the net amount of

‘millions of years ago’, then a fairy-tale is coming next!

used to pinpoint the time period in the geological column; the geological column is used

sodium deposited annually is 335 million tons.

to date fossils! This is a circular argument. There

•What do we mean by Evolution. There are 6

Finally, in this section, no archeological exploration has disproven any of the facts of

are fossilized trees lying vertical through geological layers that are supposed to represent

documented types of evolution: Cosmic (Origin of matter); Chemical (Origin of higher

history in the Bible. In truth, everything discovered has confirmed the Word.

millions of years of evolution. Note that trees destroyed in the 1980 eruption on Mount St.

chemicals); Planetary and Stellar (Origin of stars etc.); Organic (Origin of life); Macroevolution

Helen’s are already fossilized in the lake at the

(Animals changing into new kinds); and


foot of the volcano.

Microevolution (Variations within a kind). There is no scientific evidence or observed

•We see men and dinosaur footprints over lapping in rock formations in the US.

record of examples of any of the first five types of evolution. Only in Microevolution do we have

Let me suggest to you proven, irrefutable

•Biblical history gives us a timeline for our past. The earth was created approximately 6000 years

I could go on and on with scientific evidence for

ago, Noah’s Flood 4400 years ago, and Jesus was born just over 2000 years ago. It is

a Young Earth, but there is a wealth of material available both in books and on-line. I urge you

interesting that scientists estimate that the

to investigate for yourselves, especially if you

following are just around 4200-4300 years old: the oldest tree in the world (California), the

have children going through the school and university system so that you can forestall or

largest coral reef (Australia); and the largest desert (Sahara - based on its expansion rate).

counteract the lies that they will be inundated with, which will sap their faith. From

The tree and the coral reef are the 2 oldest living

Pentecostal families in the US, 70 % of children

organisms on earth. This is just what you would expect if everything was destroyed in a flood

lose their faith during their school grades 5-12, and 90% of the rest lose their faith at college.

4400 years ago!

Statistically, only 3 out of the 100 children from good Pentecostal backgrounds will still be firm

•The graph of the world’s population increase

believers at the age of 22!

scientific facts that you won’t see in school text books or hear on CBC. These facts support the Biblical record and disprove the theories of the Big Bang and Evolution. •The theory of the conservation of angular momentum says that if a spinning object explodes, each part of that object would spin in the same direction. The Big Bang Theory taught in Sarnia schools means that all galaxies, stars, planets and moons must spin in the same direction. Why then do many moons in our solar system spin in the opposite direction; this is also true for many stars and even galaxies? Even most scientists discount the Big Bang Theory, but it is still being taught in our universities and schools because they have nothing else to replace it with to explain creation. Parents beware that your children are being ‘brain

any evidence of change; we can mate 2 dogs • People claim stalactites and stalagmites take millions of years to form. This is not true, and

from different breeds and could produce a new or improved dog breed, but they won’t produce a

there are countless examples of them forming very quickly, even growth of many feet per year.

cat. This is directly in line with God’s Word – that is why God wanted 2 of every kind in Noah’s Ark.

shows an exponential curve pointing to a starting point just over 4,000 years ago. How about the 8 people surviving the Flood!


indicate less than a 5000 year history.

•The sun is losing 5 million tons of matter a

•If the Colorado River made the Grand Canyon over millions of years, how did it flow uphill for

year. That means it was bigger and so also was its gravitational pull. We know that the earth’s relative position is crucial for life. •The spin of the earth is decreasing 1/1000 of a second per day; therefore it used to spin faster. If the earth was millions of years old, the winds created by that coriolis force would have exceeded 8000 kph making life impossible. •The moon is gradually getting further from the earth each year. That means that its effect on tides is decreasing. Imagine the size and force of tides if the earth was millions of years old – life on this planet would have been impossible.


•Ice accumulations at the Geographic Poles Briefly, I have been able to share that The Bible is Truth. Why is the Bible important?

6,000 feet to start the process? No, the Grand

1. It is our blueprint and our compass for life 2. It is God’s revelation to man

Canyon was created by the run-off of water after the Flood.

3. It is the way to find God as He wants to be

•Scientist estimate that the 7½ mile Niagara

5. Because Scripture is infallible – always correct

Gorge took about 10,000 years to create. However, erosion is related to the volume of water flowing; wouldn’t much of that gorge be created immediately in the run-off post Flood? If you take the evolutionist’s time-frame, the Falls should have already eroded back to Lake Erie! •There is no way that the salinity level of the oceans, 3.6%, could have taken millions of years.

known 4. It is a true record of God’s revelation

6. Because Scripture is plenary – complete 7. Because Scripture is inerrant – contains no mistakes By Pastor Keith Patrick


By: Pastor Keith Patrick

We are forced to read the Bible translated into

Bible there is a continuing pattern of the

Every passage in Matthew is constructed in the

our native language such as English, and so miss the beauty and Spirit-inspired intricacies

number 7: At least 12 significant variations of the Shebatic

same manner.

of the original manuscripts in Hebrew (Old

(Hebrew word for 7) design in Genesis 1:1

Let’s look at John’s Gospel which has the 7 ‘I

Testament) and Greek (New Testament). Please meditate and wonder on the follow

alone. Every complete passage in the OT is built on

am’ statements. John chapter 7 is a classic where all the vocabulary is divisible by 7, e.g.


the structure of 7s

490 words; 2,079 letters; 49 sentences; 1,162 vowels; 917 consonants; 98 verbs; 77 nouns, 70

The Holy Spirit is represented in Scripture by

Every list of names, e.g. in Kings and

conjunctions; 49 prepositions; 126 pronouns;

the number 7, which represents perfection or completion. Seven is a key number in the Bible

Chronicles, contains this structure.

70 adverbs and articles; 49 pronouns referring to Christ; 91 references to persons in the

and in the original manuscripts, in Greek and Hebrew, there are 63 books; 35 miracles and 35

True also in NT, e.g. Matthew’s genealogy with 28 male ancestors, 7 not his ancestors, and all

Godhead; 7 references to God the Father; and 7 references to the world. If you have ever tried

parables in the Gospel; 7 people raised from

the vocabulary is divisible by seven.

to craft a crossword or Sudoku puzzle, you will

the dead (2 in the O.T. and 5 in the N.T.); 7 pieces of furniture in the Tabernacle; and 7

Whole structure of the Nativity of Jesus in

know the impossibility of writing John Chapter 7 without the guidance of the Holy Spirit!

times Jesus shed His blood. Throughout the

Matthew is based on 7s.

Special Sunday School Teaching | The Biblical Feasts Of The Lord Join Pastor Tim Gibb on Sunday mornings from 9:15AM to 10:15AM as he presents a 8 week teaching series on The Biblical Feasts of the Lord. These Feasts as outlined in Leviticus chapter 23 are more than just Israeli holidays, together they form God's


prophetic calendar. These Feasts are appointed by the Lord, and they are owned by the

March 4 - Chapter 6 - Wandering

Lord. He calls them "My feasts."

March 11 - Spring Break - No reading leading up to this Sunday (Guest: Lorrie Gibbons, WOD)

This teaching class will cover all aspects of the Biblical feasts.... historical background, Biblical observance, and the prophetic significance. From Passover to Tabernacles, we'll see how Jesus is the complete fulfillment of the Feasts and is clearly portrayed as the Messiah and soon-coming King.

3 WEEK SERIES “LESSONS IN COURAGE” (JOSHUA & JUDGES) March 18 - Chapter 7 - The Battle Begins March 25 - Chapter 8 - A Few Good Men... and Women

Schedule Of Classes March 18th - Introduction to the Feasts

April 22nd - No Class this Sunday

March 25th - The Feast of Passover

April 29th - The Feast of Trumpets

April 1st - The Feast of Unleavened Bread

May 6th - The Day of Atonement

April 8th - The Feast of FirstFruits

May 13th - The Feast of Tabernacles

April 15th - The Feast of Pentecost

"This is probably the most exciting study of God's Word I have ever done. God's Word

April 1 - Chapter 9 - The Faith of a Foreign Women (Ruth)

SMALL GROUP Want to go deeper in your understanding as you read through The Story? Then join The Story small group Bible study as they discuss each weeks reading. This

and redemptive plan comes alive as we understand these prophetic Feasts. Not only do

group is open to all and meets on Thursday nights at

we see Jesus as Messiah in the Feasts, but we see what is about to take place

7PM in the Bethel cafe. Dave Strevel is leading this

prophetically on the earth. I invite you to join me for this inspiring study."


- Pastor Tim Gibb

Classes begin Sunday March 18th. Sign-Up at the Welcome Desk to reserve your spot. Handouts will be given out.

Marriage Mentoring - A program that matches experienced married couples with coupes that want to improve their marriage.

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Sunday mornings during service: Nursery - Newborn to Age 3 Pre-School - Ages 3 to 5 Kidsplosion - Grades 1 to 4 YOUTH MINISTRY Revo 3 - Thursday night Jr. & Sr. High Youth service [Ages 13-17} Additional activities planned throughout the year. ADULT MINISTRY We have many groups with ongoing activities, check the bulletin and website for details of what’s upcoming! Young Adults - Weekly Bible Study group called “Life” meets Tues. nights in Bethel Cafe. Led by Chris & Linda Guerette and Steve & Kathy Fraser. Real Women - Ongoing activities for women of all ages. Led by Pam Lozon. The Core Men’s Ministry - Activities for all men. Led by Shannon Smith. Keenagers Seniors Ministry - Monthly lunch or special activity. Led by Carl & Faye Johnson. Music Ministry - Is always looking for new talent, including choir, audio and visual personnel. Speak to Caleb or Stephanie Courtney. Home Fellowship groups - New to Bethel or desire to connect with others? Join one of our Thursday evening Home Fellowship Groups. Contact Darwin & Angela Armstrong or Pastors Keith & Patricia for more details. A great way to connect with others. Bible Study - Tuesday night Bible Study & Hymn Sing. Led by Gilbert & Margo VanSligtenhorst. Foundation Course - A course on the essentials of Christian faith followed by a retreat weekend. Led by Pastor Keith Patrick.

Connect at Bethel


11 10:30 AM Service Lorrie Gibbons

25 Newcomers Reception 9:15 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Service Pastor Tim Gibb “The Story-Chapter 8” 6:30PM Foundation Course-Fellowship Hall 6:30 PM Service Sue Keddy

6:30 PM Service Pastor Tricia Gibb

12:30PM Inside Out Jr. High-Hub

18 9:15 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Service Pastor Tim Gibb “The Story-Chapter 7”

6:30 PM Service Chris Guerette

7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults

6:30 PM Financial Peace Course


6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room


6:30 PM DivorceCare

1:00 PM Mom’s In Touch


6:30 PM Healing School


7:00 PM “THE STORY” Small Group 7:00 PM REVO3

6:30PM Fellowship Groups

6:00PM Bridges out of Poverty


7:00 PM “THE STORY” Small Group 7:00 PM REVO3

7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults

6:30 PM Financial Peace Course

6:30 PM Annual Business Meeting

6:30PM Fellowship Groups


6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room


7:00 PM REVO3

6:30 PM DivorceCare


6:30 PM Healing School

7:00 PM “THE STORY” Small Group

6:30PM Fellowship Groups


7:00 PM REVO3

7:00 PM “THE STORY” Small Group

6:30PM Fellowship Groups


7:00 PM “THE STORY” Small Group 7:00 PM REVO3

6:30PM Fellowship Groups



6:00PM Bridges out of Poverty


7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults

6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room


6:30 PM Healing School



1:00 PM Mom’s In Touch


6:30 PM Financial Peace Course


6:30 PM DivorceCare

1:00 PM Mom’s In Touch


7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults


6:30 PM Financial Peace Course

12:30PM Inside Out Jr. High-Hub 6:30 PM Service Dave Strevel



6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room

1:00 PM Mom’s In Touch



MARCH 2012

6:30 PM DivorceCare

4 Communion 10:30 AM Service Doug Nixon The Story-Chapter 6”








REVO3 Youth Conference in Grimsby




Restoration Retreat Weekend Friday 7-10PM Saturday 9-5PM

7:00 PM Concert Parachute Band Aaron Gillespie

12NOON Keenagers Luncheon





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