Welcome to Bethel! We are so glad to have you here! As you look through this Connect bulletin, we trust that you will quickly find that Bethel has something for you and your family. Our hope is that you will take the next step into our community and get involved. As you do, you will begin to see that Bethel is more than just a Sunday service, it is a family of everyday people following Christ to bring hope and change to the world - one life at a time.
This Month
TO KNOW Women’s Shopping Trip Reminder to those who signed up for the Real Women Shopping Trip on Saturday, November 3rd to Great Lakes Crossing Mall in Auburn Hills, Michigan. The Bus is leaving the church at 9:00AM. Don’t forget your Passport or Nexus card!
Christmas Shoebox Christmas Shoeboxes for Samaritan’s Purse are due back to the church on Sunday November 11th. Thank you for your donation to bless a child in a 3rd world nation this Christmas.
Volunteers Needed Volunteers are needed for the Salvation Army Kettle Campaign starting November 15th. If available to help, please contact Daphne Bourque at 519-3833176 or the Salvation Army at 519-337-3011.
Men’s Sting & Wing Night If you missed buying your ticket for our Men’s event for the Sting game on Thursday November 22nd, you can still get your own ticket to the game and then join us after at Crabby Joe’s.
THE STORY SCHEDULE November 4th #28 - New Beginnings November 11th #29 - Paul’s Mission November 18th #30 - Paul’s Final Days Pastor Tricia Speaking November 25th Pastor Keith Speaking December 2nd #31 - The End is Here
The Schedule
This month, Pastor Tim will be in Uganda for 2 weeks of ministry. He will be joined by his Uncle and Missionary Evangelist Mike Kerychuk.
November 12-28, 2012
This trip was originally scheduled for this past August, but due to an Ebola virus outbreak in the very area where the ministry was planned, the trip was postponed. The main purpose for this trip is to conduct a school for Pastors in teaching Bible doctrine. Last time Pastor Tim was in this part of Uganda and met with local Pastors, he learned that very few had any form of Bible School or training for ministry. The Pastors expressed a great desire for someone to come and teach the Word of God. For the purpose of mentoring, the school has limited the number attending to 60. Pastor Tim and Bishop Mike will be teaching all day for a full week with these Pastors. In addition to the Pastors school, Pastor Tim will also be ministering to Pastors from the Congo, be involved in preaching at local churches, and be preaching at an outdoor city-wide evangelistic crusade. Your financial support and prayers for this mission is greatly appreciated and had made this trip possible. A schedule is provided as a guide for prayer for Pastor Tim and Bishop Mike.
Monday, Nov 12 Depart from Toronto Pearson Airport Tuesday, Nov 13 Arrive in Entebbe, Uganda at 11:00PM. Wednesday, Nov 14 Visit Watoto Village Dinner with General Superintendent of Pentecostal Assemblies of Uganda Thursday, Nov 15 Drive 5 hours to Fort Portal, Uganda Friday, Nov 16 & Saturday, Nov 17 Ministry in Rwebisengo (2 hour drive from Fort Portal on the Congo Border). Ministry with Congo Pastors. Sunday, Nov 18 Ministry at Tree of Life Church & Orphanage Monday, Nov 19 to Friday, Nov 23 Pastors School in Fort Portal, Uganda Saturday, Nov 24 Outdoor City Evangelism Crusade in Fort Portal Center Sunday, Nov 25 Ministry at local church Drive back to Entebbe Monday, Nov 26 Depart from Entebbe, Uganda Tuesday, Nov 27 Leisure Day in London, England Wednesday, Nov 28 Arrive back at Pearson Airport Toronto
1. We need to be PREPARED in order to receive what God wants to do. Many of our intercessors had the same Word: “Prepare the way for the Lord!” This was a heavy emphasis. That we need to be in a time of preparation for what God is about to do. As one of our intercessors put it: “God is about to pour out great increase, and we must be ready to receive it.” A word from one of our Worship leaders is from the Scripture that says you cannot put new wine in old wineskins. In order to receive the new wine, you must prepare a new wineskin. Again, the message is to prepare for what God is about to do.
By: Pastor Tim Gibb
On Wednesday, October 17th, I met with 30 of our Bethel intercessors and church leaders. We came together to ask the question: What is the Spirit saying to Bethel right now? After a time of worship and waiting on God, we divided into 7 smaller groups and gave everyone an opportunity to share what they felt the Lord was saying. Then we had one person report from each group. We all sat in amazement as there was definitely common themes coming through each group and felt that God was indeed speaking to us, giving us His “now” (rhema) word. These themes have now become our prayer focuses for the next season.
2. We need to SOW GENEROUSLY in order to reap generously. In order to prepare for what God wants to do in our church, we must sow generously into that where we desire to harvest. Now when you speak of sowing, often the emphasis is put on financial giving. While this is certainly included, the emphasis here was more to do with prayer, worship, and our hearts. That we need to sow generously in the things of the Spirit, in order to reap generously in the things of the Spirit. That this is a season of going beyond self. “The Lord is excited for us, but He wants depth.” The focus needs to be away from self-interest and on knowing Jesus and hearing His voice. It came strong in our meeting that God will speak to us, but we must be listening for His voice. That God has a plan & strategy to reach this city that He will give to us, as we hear His voice. The promise given though was: As we sow generously, we
will even reap in places we have not sown! 3. We are to do all of this in a spirit of EXPECTATION. The preparation and the generous sowing in worship and prayer, is to be done with a spirit of expectation. That God is going to bless, to increase, etc. And we must be ready and watching for it! A couple weeks before this prayer time, I was in prayer and the verse from Isaiah came to me: “Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near.” And I believe that the Lord spoke to my heart and said that we are coming into a “Near” season again! It will not be like anything in the past, it will be a new place in God! In response to these words, we are looking to begin 2013 with a strong prayer emphasis to prepare us for what God wants to do and to sow generously into this next move of the Spirit. We are setting the first 13 days of 2013 with a time of prayer and fasting. Special times of corporate prayer will be held each day at the church. Then we will conclude our fast with 4 days of Encounter services with two of God’s choice servants who carry a strong prophetic anointing: Tracy Stewart from South Carolina and Jan Painter from Kentucky. Both of these ladies are strongly connected to Pastor John Kilpatrick and the Bay Revival. I encourage you to be a strong part of what God is doing and will do in Bethel as we seek Him.
ENCOUNTER SERVICES Join us in Prayer & Fasting for the first 13 days of 2013 leading up to our ENCOUTER SERVICES.
January 13th-16, 2013 At Bethel Sarnia Tracy Stewart
Jan Painter
Missions news around the world Reports from our Bethel Missionaries
Mark Davy takes the Gospel of Jesus to Southern Sudan Missionary Evangelist Mark Davy will be conducting 4 mass evangelism and healing crusades in the cities of Bentiu, Rubkona, Guit, and Leerof in Southern Sudan beginning October 29th. Their faith goal is to see 100,000 people receive Christ as Saviour and be brought into the kingdom of God. Over the last 12 years, Mark and his wife Sharon through their ministry, Global Harvest, has seen over 12 million people respond to the salvation message of Jesus Christ. Mark feels particularly called to Northern Africa where Islam is the predominant religion. There is much unrest and political strife in these areas. Mark and Sharon are asking us to pray with them for a great harvest of souls in this outreach to Southern Sudan called Operation Philip. Here are some specific ways you can pray for Mark... Pray for - Open doors and Divine contacts. - Safety and protection as well as, physical strength for Mark and the team. - Complete financial provision. - A mighty outpouring of God’s power and demonstration. - An awesome harvest of souls - Strong churches to be birthed and estalished to care for new converts in every city. Mark and Sharon will be at Bethel on Sunday, December 16th in our 10:30AM service to share a report of this outreach to Southern Sudan.
Ed Dickson in Ukraine getting plans ready for Church in Smila. Ed Dickson, of Loads of Love ministries, is currently in Ukraine until he returns to Canada during the first week of November. On this trip, he will be meeting with Pastor Dennis of the city of Smila to discuss the development of the newly purchased land and the process of making plans for a new church facility. Bethel recently provided the funds to purchase property for this church and has committed in raising the funds to build a church building. We are hoping that this could become a reality even this coming summer of 2013. God is moving powerfully in Ukraine. A number of years ago, Ed was instrumental in discipling a young man who had received Christ and left a life of poverty, drug and alcohol abuse. This young man became a student at a Bible College where Ed often taught in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine. Today, that man, Pastor Vladimir Muntyan, and his wife, pastor the largest charismatic church in Ukraine. This past July, Pastor Muntyan rented the largest sports stadium in Kiev and filled it with 13,000+ people praising God! Miracles started happening all over the arena. Then the police came and said someone had called in a bomb threat. But no one wanted to leave and everyone started shouting “Jesus is Lord.” So the police shut the sound system off. The service had already gone for about an hour and a half ... Pastor Vladimir continued, using a battery-powered blow horn! Everyone was screaming “Jesus Is Lord!” They did eventually clear the building but not without the Light of Jesus shining bright in the darkness!
Ilya Bantseev & Teen Challenge Program under attack from Russian Prosecutor Ilya Bantseev, our missionary to Novokuznetsk, Siberia, Russia, is facing criminal prosecution for starting an extremist religious cult. A prosecutor has pressed charges stating that the Source of Life (Teen Challenge Siberia) is harmful to citizens. If convicted, the sentence could be 3 years in prison. Ilya, and his wife Janet, pastor a church of 1,000 people in a city of 600,000. Their congregation ministers in prisons, orphanages, and to people with life controlling problems or addictions through the Teen Challenge program. Ilya was recently appointed president of Teen Challenge Russia, the program this prosecutor is trying to get shut down. Ilya recently wrote to us, asking for our prayer support: Dear Prayer Partners: We really appreciate your continued prayers at this time because this legal battle is very serious. As we previously mentioned, the prosecutor is trying to close all the TC programs throughout Russia. Our lawyer thinks we may lose the case next week because we heard that prosecutor is friends with the judge. We can’t afford to lose this battle. Please continue to intercede for this need. Thank you!
Mike Kerychuk in Cambodia giving away school supplies & building homes. Missionary Mike Kerychuk this past month was in villages in Cambodia ministering the Gospel of Jesus. Mike and his team were able to provide school uniforms for all the children, along with school books and food supplies. This act of kindness goes a long way in opening people’s hearts to the message of salvation in Jesus Christ. Mike is also helping to build homes for Cambodian single moms. For only $500 Canadian, a solid home that protects from the elements can be built. Our support of Reaching Kids International is helping in these areas.
Marriage Mentoring - A program that matches experienced married couples with couples that want to improve their marriage, fix problems, or are preparing for marriage.
CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Sunday mornings during service: Nursery - Newborn to Age 3 Pre-School - Ages 3 to 5 Kidsplosion - Grades 1 to 4 YOUTH MINISTRY Revo 3 - Thursday night Jr. & Sr. High Youth service [Ages 13-17} Additional activities planned throughout the year. ADULT MINISTRY We have many groups with ongoing activities, check the bulletin and website for details of what’s upcoming! Young Adults - Weekly Bible Study group called “Life” meets Tues. nights in Bethel Cafe. Led by Chris & Linda Guerette and Steve & Kathy Fraser. Real Women - Ongoing activities for women of all ages. Led by Pam Lozon. The Core Men’s Ministry - Activities for all men. Led by Shannon Smith. Keenagers Seniors Ministry - Monthly lunch or special activity. Led by Carl & Faye Johnson. Music Ministry - Is always looking for new talent, including choir, audio and visual personnel. Speak to Caleb or Stephanie Courtney. Home Fellowship groups - New to Bethel or desire to connect with others? Join one of our Thursday evening Home Fellowship Groups. Contact Darwin & Angela Armstrong or Pastors Keith & Patricia for more details. A great way to connect with others. Bible Study - Tuesday night Bible Study & Hymn Sing. Restoration Course - A course on the essentials of Christian faith followed by a retreat weekend. Led by Pastor Keith Patrick. 12:45 PM Mom’s In Prayer
6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room
12:45 PM Mom’s In Prayer
12:45 PM Mom’s In Prayer
Pastor Tim Gibb Lead Pastor
Tricia Gibb Student Ministries
Our Pastors
6:30 PM Service Pastor Tricia Gibb
Keith & Patricia Patrick Pastoral Care
7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults at-116 Paul Sloggett Crt
6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room
6:30 PM DivorceCare
25 10:30 AM Service Pastor Keith Patrick
6:30 PM DivorceCare
7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults at-116 Paul Sloggett Crt
7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults at –116 Paul Sloggett Crt
6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room
6:30 PM DivorceCare
7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults at new location116 Paul Sloggett Crt
6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room
6:30 PM DivorceCare
12:45 PM Mom’s In Prayer
6:30 PM Service Pastor Keith Patrick
10:30 AM Service Pastor Tricia Gibb The Story #30
6:30 PM Service Caleb Courtney
10:30 AM Service Pastor Tim Gibb The Story #29
6:30PM Foundation Course-Fellowship Hall
10:30 AM Service Pastor Tim Gibb The Story #28 Communion 6:30 PM Service Pastor Tim Gibb
6:30 PM Prayer 7:30 PM Choir
6:30 PM Prayer 7:30 PM Choir 7:30 PM Prophetic Activation Classes
6:30 PM Prayer 7:30 PM Choir
6:30 PM Prayer 7:30 PM Choir 7:30 PM Prophetic Activation Classes
7:00 PM REVO3
Men’s Night-Hockey Game at SSEC
7:00 PM REVO3
7:00 PM REVO3
6:00 PM KEENAGERS Christmas Banquet
9:30 AM Mom’s Group
Walk Thru The Bible Friday 6:30-9PM Saturday 8:30-Noon
9:30 AM Mom’s Group
9:00 AM REAL WOMEN– Bus Trip to Great Lakes Crossing Outlets
Restoration Retreat Weekend Friday 7-10PM Saturday 9-5PM
9:30 AM Mom’s Group
9:30 AM Mom’s Group
1:00 PM Keenagers Bus Trip
9:30 AM Mom’s Group