Welcome to Bethel
Welcome to Bethel! We are so glad to have you here! As you look through this Connect Bulletin, we trust that you will quickly find that Bethel has something for you and your family. Our hope is that you will take the next step into our community and get involved. As you do, you will begin to see that Bethel is more than just a Sunday service, it is a family of everyday people following Christ to bring hope and change to the world - one life at a time.
This September
Bible Class Sunday Mornings Beginning on Sunday, Sept 15th, Pastor’s Keith and Patricia will be presenting a Bible Class on Sunday mornings from 9:00AM to 10:00AM. This class will cover core material usually studied in a Bible College course. The first 10 weeks would be two parallel but separate interactive classes for men and women to maximize growth and potential. Ladies will meet in the Fellowship Hall and men in the Gymnasium. All are welcome.
Tuesday Night Bible Study & Hymn Sing The Tuesday Night Bible Study and Hymn Sing led by Doug & Elaine Nixon will resume on Tuesday, Sept 10th at 6:30PM. This group meets in the Prayer Room (use front side door entrances). You are invited to join this group for Bible study and singing the old favorite songs.
LIFE - Young Adults NEXT STEP - BE PART OF ALPHA AT BETHEL The Alpha Course is an opportunity for everyone to explore the Christian faith in a relaxed, non-threatening setting over 10 thought-provoking weekly sessions. It is low-key, friendly, and fun
Our College & Young Adults Group will resume on Tuesday Sept 10th, 7:00PM at the home of Chris & Linda Guerette. Bible discussion and a time to hang out with other Christian young adults. Contact church office for information on location.
using a mixture of video teachings with group discussion times, coupled with great social times over a meal each week. WEEKLY ALPHA SESSIONS MONDAY NIGHTS 6:30-9:00PM IN THE GYM AT BETHEL CHURCH INTRODUCTORY DINNER MONDAY SEPTEMBER 16TH
Wednesday All-Church Prayer When God looks to move in a mighty way, the first thing He does is set His people to prayer. This is THE MOST IMPORTANT meeting in our church - our corporate prayer time. Join us each week for one hour (6:00PM - 7:00PM) as we pray for God’s move in Bethel Church.
Bethel Choir The Bethel Choir will resume this Fall season with the first practice being held on Wednesday, Sept 11th at 7:00PM. Bethanie Armstrong will be giving direction to the choir this year, with focus on selected Sunday ministry and the Christmas season. Sign-up at the Welcome Desk.
100% FREE
2. DISTRIBUTE POSTCARD INVITATIONS Thursday Sept 5th at 6PM AND Saturday Sept 7th at 10AM
3. INVITE EVERYONE YOU KNOW IN SARNIA AREA Grab a bunch of Promo Cards from the Welcome Desk!
In 3 Live Kids Shows
*FOR GIRLS PRINCESS TEA Come dressed as a Princess | Limited to first 200 Princesses
New Ministries This Fall
Community groups Community Groups are designed for both the new believer and for those who are mature in the faith but desire an opportunity to grow in relationship with the Lord and with other believers in a comfortable and social environment. Beginning on Monday, September 16th and will continue for 11
weeks, each meeting will involve an enjoyable dinner together along with the Alpha group, before dividing into separate streams for teaching and group times. The schedule will be as follows:
Dinner - 6:30PM + Teachings 7:15PM + Groups & coffee 7:45PM - 9:00PM Sign-up at the Welcome Desk to become a part of a Community Group.
Family Finances Every Wednesday beginning Sept 18th at 7:00PM, immediately following the prayer time in the Sanctuary, there will be interactive and practical sessions on managing family financial affairs, focusing heavily on budgeting, establishing sound financial priorities, and totally avoiding the need for
debt. It is suggested that married couples, and those about to embark on married life, take these sessions together because it is vital in every family for unity of purpose and vision. This is never more important than in the area of family finances. The sessions will start and end punctually so those with chil-
dren can organize their child care arrangements. There will be no provision of child care at Bethel that evening. Sign-up at the Welcome Desk or through the church office.
Cancer Prayer Support Group H.O.P.E. (Helping Others Through Prayer & Encouragment)
Are you facing cancer in your own life? . . . Or, do you know a friend or loved one who is looking for support? Are you a cancer survivor and would like to share your journey of hope with others? Mingle with others who have gone through, or are going through treatment for cancer. Relax, share stories, and meet new friends. Enjoy snacks and
refreshments. Let someone pray with you for your particular needs. Men and women of all ages and all types of journeys with cancer are welcome—including caregivers and loved ones. This group is for anyone in the community who is affected by cancer, whether they are newly diagnosed, or they have been on the journey for a while. The Cancer Prayer
Support Group – H.O.P.E. , will meet every other Tuesday, beginning September 17th from 6:30PM to 8:00PM Fellowship Hall. For more information, speak to Carrol Collins, or call the church office.
Coming This October
ukraine missions report WITH YOUTH MISSIONS TEAM - July 24th to AUGUST 8TH In July a team of 20 packed our bags and headed overseas for 2 weeks of ministry in Ukraine. After months of preparation and prayer we went with expectant hearts as to what God would do in Churches and at a camp for 520 orphans. Of course God not only met our expectations, but also overwhelmed us with His goodness and faithfulness throughout our trip. We began our time in Ukraine by stopping in at Smila where Bethel has generously contributed the funds needed to build a Church. Standing on this piece of property with members from the Smila congregation we knew that God had done a miracle for Pastor Dennis and this Church. We took a tour of the property to see where walls would be going up and walked through the house that is being renovated for ministry purposes. Then we had a powerful time of prayer as we dedicated the ground for the work of the Lord and laid hands on Pastor Dennis and members of the Church. Bethel it is your support that has made this possible! Thank you for giving and supporting the work of the Lord in Smila! The majority of our time in Ukraine was spent at a government-sponsored camp for children/youth living in orphanages in the city of Krivoy Rog. While the campground is not Christian, God has opened doors through the faithfulness of Ed Dickson and allowed Bethel to come in for a week and preach the Gospel. We spent 6 hours each day in the camp, teaching 520 kids Bible stories, playing games and doing crafts. All of our programming this year was centered on the message that God has a plan and purpose for each child. Our days were filled with hugs and laughter and sovereign moments in the Bible room as kids/teens raised their hands and stood to their feet in surrender to Jesus.
A definite highlight of the week for our team was handing out shoes and clothes. The kids were so excited to find an item that fit them; but what really blessed us was their concern over making sure their sibling or friend also found something.
Team member reports Kim Lapier One of my favourite moments in the Ukraine was when a little girl I had befriended ran
By the end of the week our hearts were broken at the thought of saying goodbye to these children that God had placed in our lives. However, we left knowing the Word of God will continue to take root and grow through cell groups being started in the orphanages by Lena, one of our translators. What a blessing to know that our week of ministry was only the beginning for these children and their relationship with Jesus. We finished up our time in Ukraine by visiting various Churches, preaching, praying and sharing our testimonies. There is no doubt, the Spirit of God is moving in Ukraine! Our final service was significant for us and for the Church we were visiting. Pastor Vadim and his Church in Poltava have been renting a hall for their services since their Church began 9 years ago. Through a series of miracles they were finally able to purchase a building and we had the great honor of being with them for their first service in their new building! As our team walked around there was expectancy and excitement in our spirits for what God is going to do in that Church. We will never forget our time with their congregation as we prayed, worshipped and took communion together. We were so blessed by the timing of God to be able to experience the beginnings of greater things in Poltava. Thank you so much Bethel for your support and prayers! It was our honour to represent our Church in Ukraine.
across the amphitheater to give me a hug. It was the best hug I have ever received. It taught me that God’s love doesn’t need words, it transcends all barriers to meet us right where we are.
Neil Armstong The opportunity to be a part of this team to go to Ukraine was incredible! The opportunity to give a hug to an orphan, to speak a word into someone’s life and to give them the opportunity to accept Jesus as their Savior was worth it all! Thank you Bethel for the opportunity to represent you and only eternity will truly be able to tell the story of the impact we made together!
Graham Pedregosa Ukraine was an eye opening experience where God really reconfirmed my leadership abilities. Whether that be teaching bible, praying for people at churches, hanging out with the kids, or doing the Gangnam Style, it was such a blessing to be part of this missions trip! Breanne Newton Ukraine has been a life changing experience! My relationship with God grew in the two weeks we were in Ukraine. I had so many chances to do things like teach the kids the Bible and crafts! The kids in Ukraine always made me smile, even though we didn’t speak their language there was never a problem getting to know the kids. Ukraine really made me think about what I want to do in the next few years. Thank you Bethel!
Carolyn praying over the new Church building in Poltava
Pastor Dennis with the plans for the new Church in Smila
Kids giving their lives to Jesus Our Bethel team with some members of the Smila congregation
Laura reunited with some friends from last year
Ukraine Trip
Pastor Tim is leading a second team to Ukraine this September. Joining him from Bethel are: Grace Celaire, Laureen Elliott, Mary MacDonald, Barb Ring, Dave & Jeannette Strevel, Donna Taylor, along with Bethel’s Missionary Mike Kerychuk. As well, Women Together, will be traveling with the team which includes Margaret Gibb, Bonnie Pioveson, Pat Klein, and Pastor Ray Narula of New City Church in Brantford, Ontario. A total of 13. Ministry in Ukraine will include a worship night with the churches in the Poltava, Ukraine region as well as a Women’s and Men’s Conference. Pastor Tim will be meeting with Pastor’s and Missionaries in the area and with the team will be leading a Pastor’s & Church workers conference in Krivvy Rog, Ukraine. The trip will end in Smila where Bethel is providing the funding for the construction of a new building. The plan is to dedicate the building on Sunday October 6th and live stream the service into Bethel’s morning service so we can celebrate together.
Students Ministries This Fall
Revo is our Sr. High youth ministry program that meets every Thursday night starting at 7:00 p.m. in the Bethel gym. If you are in grades 7 to 12 then Revo is the place for you to grow closer to God and to other students your age. You can learn more about Revo and see what is happening from week to week on our website at
Rescue is for students in grades 5 to 8 who are looking for a fun and safe place to hang out with their friends. Each week features crazy games and conversations from a Biblical perspective about issues students are facing. Rescue happens on Wednesday nights from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. upstairs in our Hub.
2013 RECAP This past July we had nearly 85 kids take over our Church for a week of adventure and learning at Kingdom Rock. At Bethel we greatly value children and the opportunity we have to help them gain a strong spiritual foundation in their young age. Kids Adventure Week is a special time for kids to learn that their relationship with God can be fun and vitally important to their daily life. And best of all we had 27 children give their hearts to Jesus! Thank you to all of our leaders who invested time and energy into making this week a success. It takes a lot of people to make Kids Adventure Week safe and fun for the kids and we are blessed to have many at Bethel who believe in the significance of children’s ministry. Whether you ran a station, or led a crew of kids, you made a difference in the heart of kids and we thank you so much for that.
Public Education & Your Child
Important Information You Need To Know By:Curtis Bryce
In 2009 our Ministry of Education, under the leadership of Kathleen Wynne, then the Minister of Education, and Benjamin Levin, her Deputy Minister, published a document known as the Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy. This document was then used as a standard for all public school boards to develop mandated policy, regulations and curriculum. Some of the components of this new strategy are helpful, but critical elements of the strategy have given School Board’s and teachers’ unions across Ontario license to run rough shod over the wishes of traditional-principled parents. The trouble was that no one told us this had happened. Through the lens of the Equity and Inclusive Education Policy, the Health and Physical education Curriculum was revised. January 2010, the Health and Physical Education Curriculum was posted on the Ministry of Education website. One of the units, sex education, contained content that was alarming, and not age appropriate. Unapologetic in its demand for the affirmation of any expression of sexuality. Tolerance was no longer sufficient. Knowledge of various sexual preferences was short of the goal. The expressed objective of the curriculum was to change the values of Ontario’s student population, and thus Ontario, forever!
“One of the units, sex education, contained content that was alarming, and not age appropriate.” April 2010, under pressure from traditional faith communities, this new “sex-ed” unit was withdrawn, but Premier Kathleen Wynne has vowed to reintroduce it. The first step is to gain the power to teach our children, as part of the regular curriculum delivery, values that contradict our own. They intend to start doing this as soon as children enter school. There is no intent to forewarn parents that some of this may be considered sensitive material. Indeed, some Ontario School Boards already believe that “informing parents” would constitute violations under the Ontario Human Rights Code. Currently, our Lambton-Kent School Board will ‘honour parents’ if the parents indicate in writing planned curriculum topics and mes-
saging they feel are sensitive. As well, the Lambton-Kent Faith Advisory Counsel, and Pastor Tim is a key member of this counsel, are working with our Local School Board to provide input to clarify the Policy and Regulations that deal with these issues. Please pray for God to Bless this work between our local area Pastors and our School Board. You need to actively pursue this option of a written communication tool. They are available here at Bethel. Once completed, simply submit this form to your child’s teacher or to their student services representative. Curtis Bryce is a parent of children in the public school system who is involved in his children’s education. He is giving leadership to the Lambton-Kent Faith Advisory Counsel, which is making recommendations to the Lambton School Board to put in policy that parents must be notified when sensitive subjects will be addressed in the classroom. A form and sample letter is available to our parents to assist them in notifying the school of this desire.
Thank You Steve & Mary Carruthers It’s hard to believe Steve and I have served at Bethel for the past three years; time has gone by so quickly! When I first came to work in the children’s ministry department I was fresh out of Bible College, excited and confident to start this new job. I quickly learned that I still had a lot to discover about children’s ministry. Like for instance, you can teach a whole lesson on Gideon and the Midianites and walk away confident that the kids learned everything you intended them to learn, only to discover later that they told their parents they learned about Gideon fighting “minions”. Working at Bethel has been such a blessing. Since I grew up in this church, I already had a heart to see God move in this church and this city. The experiences I’ve had here and the knowledge I’ve gained is something I will take with me for the rest of my life. Steve and I have enjoyed working with the children, Jr. High’s and with the youth. We came to Bethel to grow and learn, get married and begin life together, and have done exactly that. The result is us being more prepared to both go into full time positions in a church- which we were both called to when we were in our early teens. Having grown under the great leadership of Bethel, in the beginning of 2013 we felt released by God to begin looking at churches to serve at. At the end of May we got a phone call that led us to where we are now going. Starting September 3rd, Steve will become the Youth and Worship Pastor, and I will be working with the kids at Listowel Pentecostal Church, in Listowel, Ontario. We are both going to miss Bethel Sarnia tremendously, however, we won’t be strangers and our heads will be poking through the door occasionally. Thank you Bethel for being there for us and for being a sending church.
Pray For Our Bible College Students Jasmine Wall
Masters College & Seminary Jasmine is a recent graduate of SCITS high school who is entering into her first year of Bible College at Master’s. It was last summer at Braeside Camp that she felt the call of God upon her life to become a Children’s Pastor.
Christina Marques
Studying Abroad - Aaron Gagnon (Wilfrid Laurier, Brantford) - Heather Allen (Kings, London) - Elizabeth Lawrence (Dalhousie, Halifax) - Melanie Carmichael (Western, London) - Robert Carr (Western, London)
Masters College & Seminary
- Cassandra Manktelow (Brock, St.Catherines)
Christina is returning for her 2nd year at Master’s. Last year, as part of her education, Christina went on a missions trip to the Dominican Republic to minister in Churches, do street evangelism and work on a construction project.
- Maggie Marques (Guelph) - Graham Pedregosa (Carleton, Ottawa) - Blake Bennett (St. Clair, Windsor)
Tim Grant
Masters College & Seminary Tim is entering into his last semester of education at Master’s. In January of 2014 he will begin a ministry internship in a local Church. Pray for Tim and his wife Melissa that God would open a door for a full-time ministry position.
- Laura Elliott (Sudbury) - Carlie Faasse (Ryerson, Toronto) - Jordan Pearson (Western, London) - Justin Pearson (Ryerson, Toronto)
*If your student is not listed, please contact the church office so we can add them to our records.
TO SEE SOMETHING AMAZING I will never forget being in Florida in August of 2010. It was my 40th birthday and I was sitting on the beach overlooking the Gulf of Mexico. I decided to make a list of things I would like to do, see or accomplish over the next 10 years. As I was finishing my list, I wanted to end with something unique...and also an even number. So I remembered from the movie, The Bucket List, the main character writes on his list of things he wants to do before he dies: To See Something Amazing! His friend asks: “How will you know when you have seen it?” To which he replies, “I will know it when I see it!” So I finished my list of things I want to see over the next 10 years with... “To see something amazing”! The next day, I heard about a revival that has broken out in Mobile, Alabama, under the ministry of John Kilpatrick. A young evangelist from the U.K., Nathan Morris, was at Pastor John’s church and God was moving in a powerful way. My wife, Kim, and I decided to leave Florida and make the drive to Mobile. The next night, I was in the service. Nathan preached and began to call out miracles
Days of Prayer & Fasting
October 8th + 9th + 10th With Prayer each evening from 6:00PM-7:00PM
over the people. At one point in the service, I watched as he begins to pray for a woman in a wheelchair. I later learned that her name is Delia Knox and she was paralyzed from the waist down for over 22 years as the result of her car being hit by drunk driver. I watched as she declared she was beginning to have feelings in her legs for the first time and then watched as she stood, with assistance, and using her own strength took steps. A mighty miracle! I remember the pure joy of family and friends who came with her as they told me what an outstanding miracle we had just witnessed! I was in was only the second day since I had made my list and I was able to check off my first item...To see something amazing!! We are so blessed at Bethel to have this coming October 22-24, Evangelist Nathan Morris, along with Lydia Stanley Marrow leading in worship. I know we are going to see amazing things in these services. I encourage you to do all that you can to be a part of these meetings. One of our own young adults was miraculously and instantly
healed of total deafness in one ear at one of Nathan’s meetings. I also know that as we commit to prayer as a local body of believers, we will see God do amazing things in and through our church. It is not a secret...God responds to the prayers of His people. This Fall we will be giving a strong emphasis to prayer in our church. Why? Because we want to see God do amazing things! When John the Baptist had a moment of doubt as to whether Jesus was indeed the Messiah, Jesus said “Go and tell John the things you have seen and heard: that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, the poor have the gospel preached to them.” (Luke 7:22). I am ready to see something amazing! I am ready to see God’s glory! Let’s believe for it! Let’s pursue it! We will know it when we see it! - Pastor Tim Gibb
10:30 AM Service Pastor Tim Gibb Communion
6:30 PM Service Pastor Tim Gibb
6:00 PM Prayer
6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room
6:00 PM Rescue
7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults at –116 Paul
6:00 PM Prayer
Sloggett Crt
15 Bible Class 9-10 AM
10:30 AM Service Pastor Tim Gibb
6:30 PM Bible Study & Hymn Sing-Prayer Room
(Photo Directory)
6:30PM Community Groups
6:30PM Cancer Prayer Support Group
6:30 PM Service Pastor Tim Gibb
6:30 PM Alpha
7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults at –116 Paul
22 Bible Class 9-10 AM
6:30PM DivorceCare
10:30 AM Service Pastor Tim Gibb (Photo Directory)
6:30PM Community Groups 6:30 PM Alpha
6:30 PM Service Pastor Tim Gibb
6:30PM DivorceCare
29 Bible Class 9-10 AM 10:30 AM Service MOVIE-Evolution vs. God (Photo Directory) 6:30 PM Service Pastor Keith & Patricia
LABOUR DAY 2:00 PM Church Picnic at Suncor Park
10:30 AM Service Pastor Tim Gibb
Sloggett Crt
24 7:00 PM In ConcertThe Blackwood Brothers Quartet 7:00 PM LIFE-Young Adults at –116 Paul Sloggett Crt
7:00 PM Choir
6:00 PM Distribute Postcards for Family Fun Day
7 10:00 AM Distribute Postcards for Family Fun Day
7:00 PM REVO
7:00 PM REVO
9:30AM Mom’s Group 6:00 PM Rescue
12NOON Keenagers Banquet
6:00 PM Prayer 7:00 PM Choir 7:00 PM Family Finances
7:00 PM REVO
9:30AM Mom’s Group
6:00 PM Rescue 6:00 PM Prayer 7:00 PM Choir 7:00 PM Family Finances
7:00 PM REVO
30 6:30PM Community Groups 6:30 PM Alpha 6:30PM DivorceCare
Lead Pastor Ext. 228
PASTOR TRICIA GIBB Student Ministries Pastor Ext. 223
NEED A RIDE TO CHURCH? Need a ride to Church on Sunday morning? Just call the church office before 8:30AM Sunday morning & follow the instructions to leave a message.
CONTACT US Bethel Pentecostal Church 1565 London Line Sarnia, Ontario N7T 7H2 @bethelsarnia /bethelsarnia 519.542.7731