1 minute read
Wow! We began the Beth El Religious School year by coming together under the tent for Kehillah service, and slowly but surely we moved inside and became bolder and stronger together. We formed new friendships and rekindled old ones, and we celebrated, laughed, and prayed together, creating new experiences along the way.
Thanks to the support of the Dorothy Fleishaker Religious School Enrichment Fund, we learned with our fantastic shinshinim, two Israeli teens, Noa and Gili, who spent a year with us while doing their Sherut Leumi, national service.
We integrated our Religious School with the entire community, coming together for Hanukkah, Purim and Passover. And we are just getting started! Be sure to join us next year. Registration is open www.bethelnr.org/rsregistration.
Enjoy a glimpse of some of our experiences:
Register for Religious School before June 30th and Receive $100 Off Per Child!
Register Here: bethelnr.org/rsregistration Questions? Email Stephanie Lederman at slederman@bethelnr.org