3 minute read


Now that the High Holidays and Chaggim are (finally!) behind us, I thought I would take the opportunity to discuss in this issue’s President’s Message a much more mundane topic: synagogue governance, specifically the nominating process for Trustees and Officers. I know you are yawning and beginning to turn the page to find something - anything - else to read about, but stick with me because this is actually an important topic.

Almost all major decisions at Beth El are either made by, or are supported by input from, our Board of Trustees. The Board consists of 36 members, eight of whom are officers of the synagogue. Trustees are selected in a nominating process that begins in November and ends in March, and then are elected by the congregation at the annual meeting in May. At the November Board meeting, the Trustees elect four members of a nominating committee from amongst themselves, and one alternate. Then, at the December congregational meeting (scheduled this year for December 14 at 7:30 pm), an election is held where three congregants are selected to serve on the nominating committee, and one alternate. Every member of the congregation is eligible to serve on the nominating committee (so long as neither they nor their spouse is seeking to be nominated to a position on the Board or as an officer). The President appoints a chair of the committee, and around the middle of January the committee begins its work. This entails interviewing the current officers to get a sense of how the group is working together and which officers plan to stay on for another term, and to identify members of the congregation who would be assets to the Board. The committee looks to nominate a slate of trustees that reflects the synagogue’s demographics, and to select people who have demonstrated a commitment to the synagogue and/or who will bring unique knowledge and experience to Board discussions about the various matters that come before it. At the March meeting of the Board of Trustees the committee presents a slate of nominees for officerships and for the Board, which is then publicized to the congregation, members of which are free to put together their own slate or slates. At the May congregational meeting (scheduled this year for May 17 at 7:30 pm), the slate (or slates) is presented to the congregation for a vote.

I first became involved in volunteer work at Beth El by agreeing to serve on the nominating committee. It proved to be a great way to not only get to know my fellow committee members, but also to get to know the lay leadership, to learn about members who were being considered for trustee positions, and to gain a better understanding of how synagogue lay leadership works. This launched me on a path to years of synagogue service, which has been deeply fulfilling. If you are interested in serving on the nominating committee and are not already a Trustee, I encourage you to consider coming to the December congregational meeting and asking someone to nominate you. And if you think you have something of value to add to the Board, please let the nominating committee know about your interest once the committee is constituted. Whether or not you seek a position on the nominating committee, please consider coming to the December 14th congregational meeting. It’s a great opportunity to schmooze with your fellow congregants, to hear some words of Torah from one of our rabbis, and to hear about the state of the synagogue. I hope to see you there!

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