Bethel Investor: Fall 2013

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Fall 2013 |

Bethel Investor News for Donors to Bethel University

One Body; One Community

“Together you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of that body.” 1 Corinthians 12:27 undergraduate adult business learners who are usually working full-time while pursuing a bachelor’s degree.

College of Arts & Sciences

Each time I walk in or out of the Brushaber Commons this inspirational scripture etched in cornerstone reminds me that we are one body in Christ. It also reminds me that we are one Bethel community. Across generations and schools, we join together around one mission and purpose. Whether you are a Bethel investor, one of our 30,000 alumni, current student, staff or faculty member, board member, friend, or church partner, you are a vital part of Bethel University. Celebrating our unity has been important in these challenging times. It has also been an important topic for discussion as we launched a re-branding initiative to focus on the strength of our master brand: Bethel University. Rest assured that while our programs are growing and look is changing, our values and mission remain rock solid. Fall is the ideal time to introduce our new look, as autumn is a time of renewal for us at Bethel. The start of the academic year is filled with energy and purpose as students return to campus. And as we look forward to implementing new plans and programs (take a look at the upper right at some highlights), we thank you for your partnership, fellowship, prayer, and commitment to Bethel’s mission.

Jay Barnes

Welcome Week: Bethel welcomed nearly 800 freshmen and transfer students to their new home. It’s one of the most joyful and exuberant times on campus—not just for incoming students and their families, but for all in the Bethel community. Randall Bergen recently started as the new executive assistant—a key cabinet position—to President Jay Barnes. Rich Sherry, who retired last spring, left some big shoes to fill, but Bergen—who comes to Bethel after serving as the acting president of Greenville College in Illinois—brings with him vast experience that will serve Bethel well during this next season.

Bethel Seminary

College of Adult & Professional Studies/ Graduate School

The Physician Assistant (PA) program recently received provisional accreditation, and classes began this summer. Thanks to generous donors, who gave more than $500,000 for program seed money and start-up costs, the first cohort of PA students began their education on a firm foundation. Beginning this fall, the adult B.A. in Business Management program will include four concentrations that allow students to specialize. Concentrations will be offered in global business, management, human resource management, and business communications to make the program even more relevant for today’s

Why the Bethel Fund? Did you know that tuition doesn’t cover the entire cost of a quality Christian education? That’s why the Bethel Fund— and your support—is so crucial for all students in all schools. The Bethel Fund is Bethel University’s bread and butter, providing the distinctive experiences that set Bethel apart from other colleges. The Bethel Fund makes a difference because it helps make a quality Christian education more affordable for all students. A strong Bethel Fund is integral to a strong Bethel University. As one body in Christ and one Bethel community, alumni, parents, friends, investors, faculty, and staff work together to serve Bethel’s students— providing them with the transformative, Christ-centered education they need to make a difference in our world and to advance the gospel. And as the body of Christ, we give joyfully because we believe strongly in Bethel’s mission and investing in young men and women. It takes all of us contributing— at any level—to make a vital Bethel Fund.

Highlights at Bethel Seminary include a switch from quarters to semesters, which has provided an opportunity for improvements in the entire curriculum. New at Bethel Seminary San Diego is the M.A. in Ministry Practice program, designed for leaders who are called to specialized vocational ministry. And last spring, the Seminary Alumni Council honored Paul Berthiaume as the 2012 Bethel Seminary Alumnus of the Year (see page 2).

Every gift makes a difference!


Where Your Donations Go

to the Bethel Fund

You can help bridge the gap between the cost of a Bethel education and the cost of tuition when you invest in the Bethel Fund. Your gifts help provide: • Spiritual formation opportunities, including challenging chapel speakers and off-campus ministries • Innovative academic programs and resources • Student development for seminary students at all sites • Faculty enrichment opportunities • Services crucial to a vital student life experience • Student and faculty research • Traditions such as Welcome Week and interim broomball • Global engagement

How to Make a Donation • Visit to make an online donation. • Mail a check in the enclosed envelope.


Join Bethel Fund Partners When you donate $120 or more in unrestricted gifts to the Bethel Fund in a fiscal year (June 1-May 31), you are recognized as a Bethel Fund Partner. Each gift makes a difference to each student! —Fund continued on page 2

bethel investor

—Fund continued from page 1 Bethel Fund Coffee Club $120+/yr For just $120+/year, Bethel alumni, parents, and friends are invited to enjoy a uniquely designed Bethel mug each year. Dean’s Circle $1,000-$2,499 President’s Circle $2,500-$4,999

Paul Berthiaume Named Bethel Seminary Alumnus of the Year

Trustee Circle $5,000-$9,999 Hagstrom Society $10,000-$24,999 Edgren Society $25,000+ Other Bethel Fund Giving Opportunities Royal Athletic Association (RAA) (see below)

Why the Royal Athletic Fund?

The Bethel Seminary Alumni Council unanimously recommended Paul Berthiaume as the 2013 Bethel Seminary Alumnus of the Year, honoring him in May with a surprise presentation at his church. Berthiaume is a 2000 graduate of Bethel Seminary St. Paul with a master of divinity degree. He became a believer in high school and started a church at age 19. Ten years later, in 2001, he and his wife Whitney founded Jacob’s Well in Eau Claire, Wis., which has a flourishing, high-impact ministry in the Chippewa Valley and beyond. It has grown from 200 participants to a congregation of nearly 2,000 weekend worship attendees. During the award presentation, an emotional Berthiaume said that “Bethel saved my life.” He continued, “I am beyond honored to be the

[seminary] alumnus of the year. . . . when I went to Bethel I was at a low point, and the journey at Bethel saved my faith. [Seminary professors] taught me a whole new way to think about God, the Bible, and His church.” Read more about Paul Berthiaume at bethel. edu/news/articles/2013/july/ seminary-alumnus.

Support Bethel Student Athletes

At Bethel, athletic excellence is about more than scores and stats. It’s about building relationships and developing lifelong leadership skills, character, and discipline—on and off the field. If you’re passionate about BU athletics, consider supporting student athletes with a gift to the Royal Athletic Fund. This special fund helps ensure that today’s and tomorrow’s student athletes receive a top-quality Christian education along with a competitive athletics program led by compassionate coaches.

Why I Support BU Athletes

“Athletics at Bethel teaches athletes the principles of hard work, enthusiasm, cooperation, loyalty, self-control, and conditioning. These lessons can be applied to all areas of life as athletes serve God by building His kingdom. There’s no better program to support than Bethel athletics.” —Dean Ericson

Where Your Donations Go

• Athletic programming • Athletic priorities • increased investment in coach athlete relationships • Expanded team rosters • Enhanced sports information, marketing, and communications

Join the Royal Athletic Association

Join the community of Royal fans who are making a difference for student athletes. All gifts are welcomed. Make a gift of $500 or more to unrestricted athletics funding and enjoy the special benefits that come with membership in the Royal Athletic Association (RAA). Visit bethel-fund/athletics to donate online.

Bethel Foundation

As of June 30, 2013, Bethel’s endowment was

$37,846,270 and total assets under management were $129,402,728. For more information about opportunities available through the Bethel Foundation, contact Angella Hjelle, Bethel Foundation executive director, at a-hjelle@bethel. edu or 651.635.1001 (800.255.8706, ext. 1001).

In Memoriam

Virgil Adolf Olson ’36, S’41 Virgil Olson, ’36, S’41, died in June at the age of 96. The son of Adolf, who taught history and systematic theology at Bethel Seminary, Olson pastored churches in Michigan and Chicago before returning to the seminary in 1951 to teach church history, and later, missions. In 1968, Olson moved to Bethel College to serve as academic dean during the transition from St. Paul to the current campus in Arden Hills, Minn. From 1974 until his retirement in 1981, he headed the BGC World Mission Board. In 1981, he was named Bethel College Alumnus of the Year and in 1994, he was named Bethel Seminary Alumnus of the Year. Bethel

University President Jay Barnes calls Olson one of his personal heroes and a model of pietism. Read more about Virgil Olson in the Summer 2013 Bethel Magazine at publications. •

Join us in Prayer All across the country, Bethel friends pray for the university through the Nation­al Prayer Initiative (NPI). The NPI has 40 prayer teams comprised of grandparents and parents of current students, alumni, and friends who believe in the power of prayer and strongly affirm Bethel’s mission. To keep in touch with the current prayer concerns, team leaders receive Prayer Points, a monthly com­munication that lists items of praise and requests for prayer from Bethel’s leaders and faculty. Each team determines when and how often they pray. Says Judy Moseman, NPI coordinator, “Becoming a prayer partner gives you access to specific prayer requests and praises that are substantive and timely for Bethel. No guilt. No pressure. Just pray as you have opportunity.” Interested in praying for Bethel University? Please contact Judy Moseman at or Julie Tutt at j-tutt@


bethel investor

Make a Gift—and Leave More for Your Family

Want to leave more of your estate for your heirs and help Bethel at the same time? One gift plan allows you to do both!

A Charitable Lead Trust (CLT) is an individually managed trust that holds your gift of appreciating assets, pays income to Bethel University for a period of years, and then returns the remaining principal to you. If the lead trust returns its principal balance to you, it is called a grantor lead trust. In order to pass assets to their children or other heirs, however, many donors choose a lead trust that will pay its principal balance not to themselves but to other remainder beneficiaries. This version of the CLT is called a non-grantor lead trust.

Will your children face a tax burden when you die? Non-grantor lead trusts reduce the cost of passing property to your heirs in two ways. This combined reduction in the taxable value of the lead trust assets means that your family can often receive more from an estate plan containing a lead trust than they could from an outright bequest from you. Planning points • A non-grantor lead trust can be funded with shares in a growing family business, thus lowering the cost of passing ownership on to the next generation.

• The income earned by a nongrantor lead trust while it is in operation is not taxable to you. • The trust can run for a term of years or the lifetime of an individual. • Unlike most other gift plans, a lead trust provides immediate benefits to Bethel University. Payments from a CLT can be used to fund capital projects as well as endowment. • A lead trust can pay Bethel a fixed amount of income every year, or pay us a fixed percentage of the value of trust principal, as revalued annually. The choice of

format will affect your tax savings. We can help you and your advisors model the different options as you consider your gift plan. For more information about lead trusts, please contact Dan Wiersum, associate vice president for planned giving and certified specialist in planned giving (CSPG), at 651.635.8052 (800.255.8706, ext. 8052) or This publication is intended to provide general gift planning information. Bethel University is not qualified to provide specific legal, tax, or investment advice, and this publication should not be looked to or relied upon as a source for such advice. Consult with your own legal and financial advisors before making any gift. Copyright © 2013, PlannedGiving.Com, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Thank You, Golfers!

Meet our New Development Officers

One hundred forty investors, alumni, and friends teed off in June to show their support of Bethel students at the 19th annual Bethel Golf Classic, held at the championship North Oaks Golf Course in North Oaks, Minn. Golfers enjoyed great weather, golf, fellowship, prizes, dinner, a brief program, and interactions with the Bethel students and recent graduates who were

Bethel University recently welcomed two development officers, Hannah Brandes ’04 and Jason Rainey, who work with investors to learn about their passions for Bethel and help them explore creative giving options. “I want to make a lasting impact,” Hannah says, which she feels she can do at Bethel. Jason concurs, saying “I love the legacy of Bethel and building personal relationships with investors.” If you have an opportunity to meet or talk with Hannah or Jason, please give them a warm welcome to the Bethel community.

Members of the Royal Heritage Society gathered in May to enjoy fellowship, dinner, and a concert. The event celebrated the stewardship of those who have committed to estate planning with Bethel University and those who have provided loyal support for at least 20 years.


posted at numerous holes. Proceeds from the Bethel Golf Classic benefit the Bethel Royal Athletic Fund and student athletes. Mark your calendar now for the 2014 Bethel Golf Classic: June 24, 2014. Thanks to golfers, sponsors, and students for making this event a success! Read the full story at articles/2013/july/golf-classic

bethel investor

Remember When?

142 years of your stories. Your memories. Your traditions.

After Carol Schouweiler ’54 died recently, her daughter Kaye Thibault passed on this photo of her mom on Freshman Day at Bethel. Freshmen were required to wear non-matching shoes, a hat, and a sign, and carry a piece of luggage all day (Schouweiler is the one sitting on her suitcase.) Thibault wrote, “My mom always treasured her years at Bethel, especially for the friendships made and kept and the values that were reinforced during her education there.”

BETHEL HOMECOMING OCTOBER 4-6 Come help us celebrate.

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In This Issue: – Bethel Fund Page 1

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– Paul Berthiaume, Seminary Alumnus of the Year Page 2

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– In Memoriam: Virgil Olson Page 2 – Charitable Lead Trusts Page 3

calendar of events September 5 Skye Gilkerson, Johnson Gallery (through October 27) 12 Mary Temple, Olson Gallery (through December 20) 15 The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra, Benson Great Hall 29 Guy Penrod in Concert, Benson Great Hall October 4-6 Homecoming 6 Community Hymn Sing, Benson Great Hall 12 Sandi Patty in Concert Benson Great Hall 23, 24, 30 Step on a Crack, Bethel Theatre 25, 26, 27, 31 The Odd Couple–Female Version Bethel Theatre 25-27 Family Weekend

November 1, 8, 9 The Odd Couple–Female Version, Bethel Theatre 1 Organist Richard Elliott, Music Concert, Benson Great Hall 2, 3, 6, 7 Step on a Crack, Bethel Theatre 7 The Skeptical Believer: Telling Stories to Your Inner Atheist—An Evening with Dan Taylor 7 Megan Vossler, Johnson Gallery (through December 20) December 5-7 Festival of Christmas

Office of Development Bruce W. Anderson ’74, Executive Development and University Relations Officer Phone: 651.635.8050 Email: Website: Editor: Tricia Theurer Designer: Thomas Vukelich ’82


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