Visual Standards & Guidelines
Prepared by Beth Fried
Mission Statement
As a 100% organic loose tea cafe we want to bring good health to you and your family while creating an atmosphere of relaxation to nuture your mind and body.
Graphic Components
his logo is designed to communicate to its audiences what makes Fine Fettle unique from other tea cafĂŠs. Building the Fine Fettle brand through the consistent use of the logo creates a foundation on which to build a successful brand. The core brand elements are made up from the logo (an icon and wordmark), color palette and typography.
Logo Sizes
here are two different sized versions of the logo. In the smaller version of the logo, the leaf is no longer surrounding the text, Fine Fettle. This improves the the reproduction quality and legibility of the name. Do Not distort, skew, drop shadow, or dif fuse our logo, please keep it as it appears here.
This is the larger version. Please submit a request for the “finefettle-logo-lg-green. eps” or “finefettle-logolg-green.png”. Use this version when the logo is about four inches wide or larger.
This is the smaller version without the leaf icon. Please submit a request for the “finefettle-logosm-green.eps” or “finefettle-logosm-green.png”. The minimum size to display is two inches.
Clear Space
t is extrmemly important that the Fine Fettle logo have breathing room around it. The Fine Fettle logo cannot be compromised by other elements crowding around it because they would diminish its impact. All elements must be ½ inch or more away from the outside of our logo.
The clear space surrounding the logo must be one-half an inch from the outside of the leaf icon of the logo.
Color Palette
he Fine Fettle logo was designed to be welcoming, subtle, neutral and versatile. For this reason our color palette was developed based on rich and muted earth tones. Our logo must not be printed in any other colors other than the ones shown here.
C: 50 M: 0 Y: 80 K: 0 R: 137 G: 199 B: 101 Hex # 99CC66
C: 30 M: 100 Y: 80 K: 10 R: 167 G: 35 B: 58 Hex # A7233A
C: 0 M: 35 Y: 100 K: 75 R: 97 G: 66 B: 0 Hex # 614200
C: 0 M: 15 Y: 20 K: 5 R: 240 G: 209 B: 188 Hex # F0D1BC
C: 50 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 0 R: 109 G: 207 B: 246 Hex # 6DCFF6
This color palette is shown in CMYK for prints and RGB & Hex for websites.
Color Combinations
ere is the Fine Fettle logo in all of its glory using the color palette on the previous page. Below we use our color palette in so many ways to please the eye of the client and entice them to join us. All of our color combinations must be exact. There are no substitutions or dif ferent combinations other than listed here.
Fine Fettle in Green 100% Organic in Brown
Fine Fettle in Red 100% Organic in Brown
Fine Fettle in Brown 100% Organic in Green
Fine Fettle in Blue 100% Organic in Brown
Fine Fettle in Tan 100% Organic in Green Background in Brown
Color combinations also apply to the wordmark without the leaf icon. With the exception of the tan on brown background. The tan wordmark is to be place on a white background.
Pattern of Leaves
ur pattern of leaves is only used on the backside of our business card, the gusset of our shopping bags and tea boxes. Never use the pattern of leaves on any other materials or as a background to the logo. The pattern of leaves must only be in the colors seen below.
Do not change the background colors. Keep the background white for the green, brown, blue & red pattern . Keep the background brown for the tan pattern.
Business Card & Shopping Bag
100% Organic
415 Spring Street New York, NY 19842 212 .777. 2325
Logo must be placed in the center, front panel of the shopping bag. Only this color of the pattern and the logo are allowed on the shopping bag.
Tea Infuser Mug
The logo must be placed towards the upper portion of our tea infuser mug for the best visibility.
e want to keep the visual identity of Fine Fettle simple and direct, therefore we use a single type family: ITC New Baskerville. It comes in eight different weights and widths. An acceptable substitute for ITC New Baskerville is Baskerville, which only comes in six different weights and widths and can only be used for website body copy and generally small sized text.
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Roman abcdefghijklmnopqrstuwxyz Larest Font Size: 32 pt Smallest Font Size: 8 pt 1234567890
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Italic abcdefghijklmnopqrstuwxyz Larest Font Size: 32 pt Smallest Font Size: 10 pt 1234567890
Small Caps & Oldstyle Figures
Italic Oldstyle Figures
Bold Small Caps & Oldstyle Figures
Bold Italic
Bold Italic Oldstyle Figures Other Weights & Widths Larest Font Size: 32 pt Smallest Font Size (non-italics): 8 pt Smallest Font Size (italics): 10 pt