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Mercaz Makes the Most of Virtual Learning

Last spring, Mercaz moved its comprehensive suite of adult education programs online, providing participants intellectual stimulation, spiritual connection and social interaction while staying safe at home. “It has been an anchor for people who are home, allowing them to connect to others, and providing a spiritual and social lift,” said Chana Slavaticki, director of Beth Tfiloh’s Mercaz Dahan Center for Jewish Life & Learning.

Mercaz has expanded their regular offerings and launched a variety of new options, including a summer “minimester” and four-week High Holy Days preparation series. The 2020-21 year, which kicked off with Penn Lecture speaker Bari Weiss, includes a twice weekly BT in the AM series with nearly 100 participants; a Yaffe Scholars series featuring world-renowned Israel experts; a new Moms and Midrash cohort; and the debut of BT University, featuring experts in media, academia, religion and politics who explore a range of topics. On March 9th, Ambassador Nikki Haley will join Rabbi Mitchell Wohlberg for a discussion about the challenges of the 21st century at the Annual Dahan Lecture. (See pg. 7)


Mercaz learners shared their excitement and gratitude for Mercaz’s robust and fulfilling slate of programs. “Being able to learn with my teachers and my rabbis… has literally been a lifeboat for me during this extraordinary time,” said Mercaz cochair and BT in the AM participant Anne Pfeffer. Co-chair Shelley Kaye agreed, adding, “Rising to the challenge of the last few months was not easy, but Chana and Mercaz Coordinator Sheera Zaidman Shar were able to create the virtual program so that this BT mainstay never missed a beat.” Eva and David Engels continue to enjoy the learning process, even online. “The classes provide us with much material to discuss with each other after the presentation. It gives us something to look forward to during these pandemic times,” David shared.

BT shul members and school guidance counselors Vicki Hervitz and Nikki Elgamil helped launch the new Moms and Midrash cohort. Through this program, mothers of young children share how they are juggling parenting positively in a pandemic with personal growth – all through the lens of Jewish textual sources.

“As moms with young children, we have little time for self-care. Being a part of Moms and Midrash gives us an opportunity to focus on self-growth and to connect with other moms in our community,” said Vicki. Nikki added, “What makes this so valuable is that our much-needed self-care is met through a love for Judaism and for learning together.” The online learning format has a distinct benefit, especially for this year’s Yaffe Scholars series, Israel – The Land, The Story, The People. “Because it’s entirely virtual, we have access to presenters we normally wouldn’t have,” said Chana. “They are scholars and tour guides, many of whom are Israel based. It helps the participants to feel closer to the land, and to vicariously experience Israel through these scholars who are giving live tours during the session. It’s bringing a whole new experiential dimension to our learning.”

“Considering the ‘traveling’ I’ve done lately, I should be having jet lag!” longtime Mercaz participant Rachel Meisels said. “This year’s Yaffe Scholars program has given me in-depth insight into the biblical story of Israel from highly respected educators. As our tour guide explained Chevron’s ancient geography and topography and showed us recent excavations of the city, our class was able to visualize the lives of the biblical people who lived there from the time of Avraham to David. I look forward to the rest of the year of exciting learning.” Expand your horizons and connect with other BT community members through learning.

Explore Mercaz’s exciting opportunities at bethtfiloh.com/mercaz.

BT University is generously funded by the Ronnie H. and Alli Russel Charitable Foundation Inc. and The Russel Family.

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