7 minute read


BETH TFILOH הלפת תיב

Synagogue Office 410-486-1900 Schedule of Services Dial Main #, then 6, 2 Information Hotline 410-413-2345


mail@btfiloh.org • www.BethTfiloh.com



Rabbi Chai Posner Chazzan Avraham Albrecht Rabbi Mitchell Wohlberg, Rabbi-in-Residence Rabbi Dr. Eli Yoggev Rabbi Chaim Wecker, Ritual Director


Dan Silien, Director of Shul Operations Larry Brenner, Director of Finance Talia Jordan, Director of Programming & Engagement Chana Slavaticki, Director, Mercaz Center for

Jewish Life & Learning Sam Bloom, Director, Beth Tfiloh Camps Gary Eidelman, President Neil Sweren, Board Chair


Switchboard: 410-486-1905 Dr. Zipora Schorr, Director of Education Laurie Kott, Director of Admission Allison Magat, Chief Administrative Officer Joan Feldman, Director of Strategic Initiatives Becky Brenner, President, Board of Trustees


Mandi Miller, Director of Institutional Advancement Mark Kaiser, Director of Facilities, Security and Technology Seydee Doradea, Events Director


Rina Schiff, Director of Marketing and

Communications Paul Miller, Art Director Erin Smith, Marketing Coordinator Julie Wolff, Content Marketing Specialist Meredith Hill, Digital Marketing Associate


Samson Yuhuda

הדוהי ןושמש Son of Michael and Dana Stein June 4, 2022 Samson attends 7th grade at Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School. He is the brother of Astrid ’29, the grandson of Steven and Melinda Stein and Dr. Arthur (z”l) and Paulayne Epstein. His hobbies are running cross country, playing basketball, pretty much enjoying all sports, reading, and playing with his three cats, Kasha, Matza, and Cheddar.

Chaim Zidell

םייח Son of Yossi Zidell July 9, 2022 Chaim attends 7th grade at the Talmudical Academy. He is the brother of Moishy and Hadassah, the grandson of Dvorah and Max Zidell and Sandra and Asher Jacobs. His hobbies are baseball, football and chess.


To Roz and Irv Kalb on the birth of their great-grandson, Ethan Joseph Kalb, and to parents Shelley and Jordan Kalb.

To Daniel ’04 and Jen Schmerling on the birth of their son, Ariel “Ari” Jesse, and to big sisters Gabrielle and Amelia. To Itael and Hersh Toibman on the birth of their son, Yisrael Yair, and to big brother Uri ’37 and to the entire family.

To Sara ’08 and Benjamin Michaels on the birth of their son, Gabriel Teddy (Gavriel Tal), and to grandparents Gary and Jill Eidelman.


To Dr. Michael (Karla) Sandler on the loss of his mother, Sonia Sandler (née Ellis); grandmother of Elana Sandler ’14 and Evan Sandler ’10.

To Lisa (Steve) Paquette, Gloria (John) Segall and Sherry (Joshua) Mauer on the loss of their mother and sister, Elaine Bormel.

To Howard S. Rosenblatt, Rachel Rosenblatt and Samuel (Michelle) Rosenblatt on the loss of their wife and mother, Dr. Sandra S. Rosenblatt (née Shapiro).

To JL Polovoy (née Entwistle) on the loss of her husband, Norman Polovoy.

To the Tuvin Family on the loss of Carl Tuvin.

To Laura Dansky (née Rothenberg) on the loss of her husband, our member Robert Dansky.

To Susan (Richard) Rotner on the loss of her mother, our member Eleanor Ochfeld (née Fishman).

To Israel (Joelah) Orange on the loss of his father, Rabbi Chaim Orange; grandfather of Ilan ’32, Yonah ’25 and Aviva ’23.

To Judith Werner on the loss of her husband, our member Carl Werner.


Milestones ......................................2

Beth Tfiloh Centennial Campaign ...................4 Shul Photo Gallery ...............................7 Reflections on Moldova by Rabbi Chai Posner .........8 Summer Programs ..............................10 Spotlight 2022: Thank You! .......................12 Philanthropy and Giving. . . . . .....................14

To Sharon Benus (née Katz), Mia (Lee) Blecher and Avi (Liba) Benus ’94 on the loss of their husband and father, our member Jacob Meyer Benus; brother of Sarah Lehnhoff; grandfather of Naomi Benus ’21, Moby Benus, Devora Benus ’26, and Joshua Benus; and uncle of Marcie Lehnhoff.

To Yosef (Jessica) Furman on the loss of his mother, Helen Furman.

To the Davidoff Family on the loss of our member, Harvey Davidoff.


To Nathan Altshuler on his marriage to Zoe Taitel. Mazal tov also to parents Alexander and Rozanna Altshuler and Andrew and Haya Taitel.

To Renee Koplon and Marc Schwartzchild on the engagement of their son Avi Schwartzchild to Samantha Notowich, daughter of Jill and Scott Notowich. To Melissa Harans ’10 on her marriage to Logan Levinson, and to parents Paul and Susan Harans and Lloyd and Liane Levinson.

To Alicia and Jason Broth ’90 on the marriage of their son, Noah Austin ’17, to Yonah Meira Hamermesh, daughter of Hannah and Matthew Hamermesh.

To Dr. Cheryl Kalb on her upcoming marriage to Dr. Albert Aboulafia, and to parents Roselyn and Irving Kalb and Dr. Elie and Eileen Aboulafia.

To Noa Cardin ’14 on her upcoming marriage to Spencer Kronthal ’14, and to parents Jan and Andrew Cardin and Stephanie and David Kronthal.

To Marcia and Marc Leavey on the B’nai Mitzvah of their grandsons, Isaac Leavey ’27 and Jonah Leavey ’27, sons of Shauna and Michael Leavey ’94, and on the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter, Stephanie Leah Glazer, daughter of Amy and David Glazer.


We warmly welcome the following new members to our Beth Tfiloh family:

Alexander and Jennifer Rozenberg Alexander and Jennifer are both accountants; Alexander works as a tax manager for 14 West. Their children, twins Benjamin ’28 and Hannah ’28, are in BT’s 7th grade. Aidan is a 2nd grader at Summit Park.

Norris and Janice Brodsky Norris works in financial services for Wells Fargo Advisors; Janice is a retired teacher.

Josh and Elizabeth Greenwald Josh is the senior vice president for investments at Wells Fargo Advisors; Elizabeth is corporate counsel for The Whiting-Turner Contracting Co. Their son, Nathan ’29, is a 6th grader at BT; daughter Jenna is a 9th grader at Roland Park County School.

THE OPERATIVE WORD by Dan Silien, Director of Shul Operations

Summer Fun!

School is over, camp has started, pools are open, and sun is being enjoyed (for at least two days before we all say it’s too hot!). Yes, summer is definitely here. For some, summer means a time of rest and catching up after a long school year. For others, it’s about spending time with family, either at home or on a family vacation. At Beth Tfiloh, it’s yet another transition period for our staff and our planning.

This summer means saying goodbye to two long-time staff members – Eve Kresin Steinberg and Cherie Brownstein. Much was said about these two amazing people during our Centennial Celebration, but it bears repeating just how much Eve and Cherie have meant to this institution over the past years. They have created quite a legacy and will be missed. That said, we know that both of them will still be around, and we are excited to see them start a new chapter of their lives.

Believe it or not, summer also means the start of our High Holiday planning (ok, we actually started that in May, but who’s counting?). We are excited to see as many of you as possible and look forward to welcoming you to High Holidays filled with meaning, opportunities for introspection, and inspiration. Keep an eye on your mailbox and inbox for complete High Holiday details.

We are also spending this summer putting plans in place for our upcoming year of Bar/Bat Mitzvah programming (stay tuned if your family is about to enter that cycle). Construction on our new program center is getting underway (thank you again to the Russel family!), with more details (and the official name) coming this fall. We are lining up our program calendar, trying to ensure there will be something of interest for every one of our members!

This summer also marks the last issue of our Bulletin in its current format. Starting this fall, you can expect to see more substantive columns, with articles from many more of our clergy and staff. This should include more on programming and engagement, features about some of our donors as well as gifting opportunities, profiles of new members, divrei Torah from our clergy, pictures from our events, and more! One feature we want to mention now is the start of an “Ask the Clergy” column. Each issue will feature several questions from our members posed to our clergy, along with answers to these burning questions. We encourage each of you to submit your questions to AskTheClergy@btfiloh.org. Note that this is NOT a private email address, and you should not send anything too personal to it. That said, the questions can be from you, your children, or even your grandchildren! They can be questions you have always wanted to know but hesitated to ask, questions about practice or prayer or holidays, questions about history or tradition, or even questions about something a little silly. We hope you will let us print your name, but you can also indicate that you prefer the question remain anonymous. Please note that not all questions will be answered, but we can’t wait to hear from you!

Stay cool, and enjoy the summer.

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