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Pesach celebrates the Exodus, but the truth is that this was not a singular event. The Exodus was a long journey, and the holidays of Sukkot and Shavuot both recall parts of this journey as well.
In fact, the Exodus was such a long journey that it is retold in four of the fi ve books of the Torah.
Pesach recalls the moment Moses and our ancestors marched out of Egypt, but that was just the beginning.
I'm overwhelmed by the warm notes I've already begun to receive from congregants. I'm looking forward to meeting everyone and getting to know your personal stories. I can't wait to get to know Beth Torah. But that is just the beginning.
Like the Exodus, we are about to embark on a journey together.
There will be diffi cult moments. There will be some missteps. That is ok. Just as our ancestors encountered diffi culties, they overcame them. Just as our ancestors made mistakes, they learned from them. We will too.
Each year we sit around the Pesach table and celebrate because what our ancestors did was important; it inspired Jewish practice for generations to come. Together, we are also going to do something important.
Together we will create a community that will inspire others, defi ning what Jewish life can be in the modern world.
It will not happen overnight; it will not be a single event or moment. But like the Exodus, it will be a journey. I am honoured to have the privilege of walking that journey with each of you.
My wife Lauren, our daughter Lillie, and I all wish you a Hag Passover Sameach! We look forward to meeting you, to welcoming you into our family as you have welcomed us into yours.
Pesach Sameach!
Rabbi Louis Sachs