Retro is a project which explored the opportunity of improving both the reliability and community for classic car users.
The two critical elements of this project were the sensors which collected several data points of critical engine components and the service which would allow classic car users to share their knowledge and experience on an intuitive device and web service.
The Hub (see fig.1) was designed to match the interiors of classic cars. The hub will alert drivers when there is an issue in the engine bay and aid the maintenance by pinpointing areas that need to be fixed, using the hubs touch screen interface. All information from the sensors is uploaded to the online service which helps users log the data to keep track of their maintenance.
The online service allows classic car users to share their knowledge and experience of owning and using classic cars. They are able to give advice to other users advice on technical problems using the data which is logged on the service by the sensors. Additionally, it allows users to share positive experiences by sharing their favourite roads and allowing users to meet up and find other like-minded individuals.
The original brief highlighted the importance of creating an early warning system for critical components within the engine bay to improve the reliability. The brief also focused on providing an online service allowing users to share their experiences and knowledge with other classic car users.
Research found reliability and continual maintenance are a problem that classic car owners regularly face. Therefore, creating an early warning system for critical components within the engine bay to improve the reliability was critical to the brief. This was further explored. The reliability now heavily focuses on the maintenance of the entire car; using data from various sensors, users are given logical and accurate diagnostics on components which need to be maintained, to improve the reliability and efficiency of their cars. The research also highlighted the opportunity of improving the community aspect, giving users more opportunities to get out and drive their classics, sharing their passion with other enthusiasts. It also allows them to share their own valuable knowledge of working on classic cars and share this information with other enthusiasts to help the less experienced.
There are currently 1,039,950 classic cars in the UK (MacLeman, 2016). A survey was carried out trying to understand who would be interested in this product and who would be willing to pay. It was found that 40.4% of the population asked said yes to using a service that would improve the reliability of their classic car (Betteley, 2021). Using this data, it is calculated that there are potentially 420,140 users in the UK alone. US is much larger with 6-7 million classic cars on the road. (Wiebe & Muller, 2019).
1 in 3 classic car owners say that reliability negatively affects the driving and ownership experience” (T.Betteley, 2020)
Initial bodystorming highlighted the importance of creating an intuitive system which allowed users to share their knowledge and experiences of owning a classic car. One of the first aspects which was explored was the possibility of bringing more classic car users together by allowing them to share their favourite roads and log them on the service. Similar to how Strava works and allows users to put up their runs and post them on their feed. The other aspect which was explored was being able to access the data from the cars various sensors.
A low fidelity prototype was produced using Adobe XD. This allowed for testing through navigating through the screens and forming functionality tests with a target user group. The testing lead onto further development of the system. Due to this user testing it was realised that the data from the car should be available to everybody. This allows others with a similar car to share advice based on their own experiences to aid others in the maintenance of their own classic cars. This sharing of ideas helps to bring users together and make the maintenance process easier and more direct.
The user browses new routes to explore and save to the Hub.
The user checks to see if there are any issues with the car. He finds there are two problems which need fixing.
The user goes to the garage to carry out the maintenance.
The user attaches the Hub using the carabiner to a hook on the bonnet.
The user carries out the maintenance suggested by the Hub.
The user starts his journey, heading to an event hosted by other classic car enthusiasts.
The user gets a warning that his engine temperature is high and needs to pull over.
The user checks the hub to find the source of the problem, he finds the engine temperature is high because the coolant hose is clogged.
The user carries out the suggested advice and unclogs the coolant hose
The user continues with his journey.
This projected looked into how social media affects young people and how they could be made more conscious of their social media consumption and online purchases.
In this project an app and a phone case widget were developed. The app contained several features which would help the user become more aware of the data they were consuming online and help reduce impulse buying and screen time. The widget was designed as a physical deterrent to reduce prolonged exposure to social media by physically prying fingers away from the phone.
Young people aged 16 - 24 years old are spending vast amounts of time on social media. This had led to a decline in mental health and an increase in impulsive buying habits, which gives users a short-term hit of dopamine. This is not sustainable, both for themselves and the planet.
The process started with development of a physical product. However, through rigorous user experience testing a app was found to be very influential. Both ideas were ruthlessly explored to find a healthy balance of negative and positive reinforcement to understand which features would have the maximum impact at stopping users from going on social media. A key finding was the reward scheme which incentivised users to spend less time on social media.
An app and physical device that reduces social media usage among people age 16 - 24 whilst making them more consciously aware of their physical and digital footprint. The service encourages and incentivises users to reduce their social media usage. The physical device disrupts the user’s negative social media habits.
“Social media is a real challenge for mental health support workers, so having a tool like this which they could give to specific students who they think would benefit, I could see them paying a corporate membership” (Operations Manager and Warden Loughborough University)
Rewards Points are gained from using social media in a positive and conservative manner, rewarding the user with a sustainable range of prizes.
Shows users their purchasing habits and the affect these purchases have on themselves and the environment.
Shows users social media activity, but provides alternative activities to do in that time.
Social media will be blocked from those who are at work or working so they can work in a more productive environment.
In social situations Social media will be blocked to allow people to connect in the real world.
Bars will condemn the phone screen after a prolonged social media “Free Scroll” time. All “Free Scroll” access will be blocked
Recommends motivational resources. Focuses on improving mental wellbeing and attitudes
Gadget can adhere to any phone type.
As “Free scroll time” on social media increases, bars on the gadget will emerge.
The opp works in tandem with the product blocking a user’s screen, the phone would become very difficult to hold.
When the user decides to go on social media, they must complete a puzzle by pressing in on the bars when they light up. The more the user is on social media the longer the puzzle is to get in.
If a user closes social media all bars will retract. Retraction times may vary.
The user’s phone is returned to a compact state.
The bars will extend across the phone screen and out of the gadget at a constant speed. If the user decided to push or resist the bars extending out of the gadget, the bars will increase their speed across the phone screen. The more time the user spends on social media the harder it is to push the bars in.
When the user closes social media, the bars will retract slowly into the gadget. The longer the users spend on social media the longer it takes for the bars to retract.
A sensor will detect if the user has their phone on the table, if they do then the bars will go across the screen at an increased rate. This is to stop people from trying to get around holding the gadget.
This project looked into creating an app that educates, connects, and incentivises domestic energy reduction within the community. Reducing energy consumption using these key features will benefit the target user, their close geographical community and the world. The user will be given key information so they are more informed about reducing their energy consumption. Users will be able to connect with others and work together as a community to reduce energy consumption. Incentives will help to keep users on the right path.
Research the community experience and knowledge of being responsible for domestic energy usage in order to enhance the experience of domestic energy reduction for young professionals (under 35 years old) in their first home.
The target user is young professionals under 35 years old who have just moved into their first homes. They are uneducated about their energy usage and bill paying.
This is Charlie (fig. 2), he is 23 years old and has just moved into a rented apartment just outside of Nottingham. He has made the move to be closer to his new full time job; a physio for Nottingham forest football club. His family live 3 hours away and Charlie has no prior experience of sorting his own energy bills.
The first screen shows the users monthly energy usage. The users is given a score, the dial changes colour depending on the users energy usage. (Red is bad, green is good). The second screen shows the communities energy usage and also shows areas which can be improved. This data is collected by the users smart meter.
The learn section helps to teach users on good energy discipline. They are given a news reel which shows the newest tips and tricks to reduce their energy consumption.
If the user has a specific issue then they can search for a solution. The user can then find the right advice/article for them which shows a simple breakdown of what to do.
This Shows users how many points their community has. These points are used to fund the projects/rewards that are implemented into the community. The next section shows the individual and collective goals. Achieving these goals creates the points needed for the rewards.
The connect section allows people to share and upload issues they are having or advice to others in their area. This allows the community to connect and help one another out.
The rewards section shows the potential eco friendly energy projects which could be implemented into the community. These projects will be granted once the votes have been cast and the community reaches a 1000 points.
This projected looked into making running more enjoyable by engaging the brain as well as the body. Combining exercise with brain training increases blood flow to the back of the brain (PCA). This part of the brain is fundamental for controlling our mood and helps improve both the physical and mental wellbeing.
The proposal is an AR headset with built in bone conduction headphones. This stimulates both the audio and visual senses in the brain. The device will show an immersive world which is full of games and challenges which help to engage the mind while the user exercises to maximise positive mental wellbeing. The device can also be used to connect with friends; they can connect and run with each other no matter where they are. This will be done by showing the friends avatar of themselves through the glasses, this will simulate running together in the real world.
Performing exercise and mental challenges can increase blood flow to posterior cerebral artery (PCA) by 92%. This part
Running is the best activity for improving mindset, this is because of the release of endorphins, which not only reduce stress but increase happiness.
An issue found was that people do not find running stimulating enough, therefore they soon lose interest. Additionally, people lack the motivation to go out running. 1 in 3 Young adults aged 18-25 years old have mental health issues (Anon., 2021. Mental Illness. [Online] Available at: https: //www.nimh.nih.gov/health/statistics/mental-illness.shtml#:~:text=Prevalence%20of%20Any%20Mental%20Illness%20(AMI),-Figure%201%20shows&text=The%20prevalence%20of%20AMI%20was,50%20 and%20older%20(14.1%25) [Accessed 6 02 2021])
The PCA is the back part of the brain, increased blood flow to this part helps alleviate major mental health disorders in the long term. Exercising alone increases blood flow to the PCA by 63%. (The truth about... Improving Your Mental Health. 2021. [Film] Directed by Paul Overton, Jacqueline Smith. UK: BBC).
There are currently a few AR glasses on the market, Including those for fitness. These glasses can show users their performance in real time. However, there are no products on the market that look to combine physical exercise with brain training to maximise blood flow to the PCA, which is fundamental for mood. Stimulating their mind as well as their body will have real positive impacts on peoples mental health.
The user decides to go for a run and turns on the glasses. The user selects a 5km route at a 9min/km pace. The user can scroll and select by touching the edge of the glasses or by talking to the device, this allows for hands free connection while they run.
The user selects a scavenger hunt mode to play along the run. This will take the user on a new random route allowing them to discover and explore a new area. Additionally, they will be given random questions along the run.
04 - The user sets off and is given a question/challenge to complete before the 1km checkpoint. The user must collect the coins that will appear through the glasses while they run.
05 - The user solves the question before the checkpoint, therefore the points double. If the user can not complete the question/ challenge they can ask for clues to help them answer, but they will not receive a coin boost.
06 - The user starts to slow down and dip below the 9min/km pace after the second checkpoint, so an avatar/ghost of themselves appears which runs ahead of them to show them the pace they need to be on, this should help motivate the user. This is a similar visual affect users will see if they run with their friends.
07 - The user sees the virtual finish line at the end of their run. If they complete the last question/challenge they will gain extra bonus points.
08 - All the points go towards prizes. Users can view the leader board with their friends to see how they are doing in comparison. The person at the top at the end of each month will win a prize.
The questions and challenges can change depending on the users preference. The user can learn about a new topics through the bone conduction headphones and answer questions, test their observational skills, solve riddles and much more in a fully interactive and stimulating world which will help push users mental and physical ability.