Cleaner air for stench-drenched Christchurch children Forty air purifiers were gifted to a Christchurch school to help clear the air for children with worsening respiratory issues due to the ongoing stench. The Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ gave the air purifiers to Bromley School, after hearing worrying comments from students about headaches, difficulty concentrating, upset tummies and worsening asthma symptoms. Foundation Chief Executive Ms Letitia Harding says she hopes the air purifier help affected families breathe healthier, cleaner air. "Every breath matters, especially for our children. "So when we learned that students were struggling with worsening asthma symptoms because of the stench, we knew we had to help. “Managing daily symptoms is challenging enough for our children – they should not have to endure this added burden." Bromley School principal Scot Kinley says the ongoing air quality issues has taken a toll on his teachers and students alike over the past 18 months, with many forced to stay home due to health issues. "It's simply unacceptable that our community has had to put up with this." He thanked the Foundation for their kind donation, adding they will go to deserving families.
Leisha McCullum and son Connor were the recipients of one of the 40 air purifiers
Bromley School Principal Scot Kinley
"This support is a breath of fresh air for our community, both literally and figuratively,” Mr Kinley says. "It's heartwarming to see organisations like the Asthma and Respiratory Foundation help make a real difference in the lives of our students and their families." “This donation is a step toward helping families with a situation that should never have persisted for so long." The air purifiers were kindly donated to the Foundation for Breathe Better September by Better Breathing 5