Let’s Get Out Of Debt!
This Planner Belongs To:
Let’s Get Out Of Debt!! Use the elements of this Let’s Get Out Of Debt planner to make tracking your expenses, paying off your debts, and building your savings FUN! Inside are the tools you can use to set a monthly budget for each of your expenses, track the actual amount spent, and log your overspending or savings! Having this overview can really help pinpoint where you need to increase your budgeted amounts if you consistently overspend in one area or make an adjustment if you find you underspend in a certain category. Having everything clearly laid out will also assist with identifying areas where you may be able to cut back expenses while you are trying to pay off debts. After each month, answer the questions on the Reflections page and really take a hard look at your spending and you may just find pockets of money. Sometimes giving up the drive-through coffee for a short time can help in the long run! Packing a lunch for work rather than eating out or even buying generic brand items at the grocery store can help. Every small step can really add up over a year! This planner includes some fun savings and tracking pages too that can help make the budgeting task a little more fun! Here’s to your savings success!
Yearly Expenses February
Total July
Met My Budget Goals
Monthly Overview M
Monday 5:00 6:00
7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00
12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00
Weekly Overview
Weekly Overview M
How do I use the tracking sheets? Let’s get rid of your outstanding debts using the ‘snowball’ method. In the following pages you will track your monthly budget versus expenses. Each month take your Amount Saved total and subtract the Amount Overspent total. If you have leftover funds, make an extra payment on your lowest balance debt/credit card/loan, no matter what the interest rate – pay off your smallest balance FIRST! Getting rid of that first debt (let’s call that Balance1) is the goal and it will feel soooo good you’ll want to do it with your next highest balance (let’s call that Balance2). Keep making your regular payments to Balance1 with your added Amount Saved each month and you will pay off Balance1 faster! Once you pay off Balance1 it’s time to start on Balance2!! Now, take whatever monthly payment you were making on Balance1 and combine that with your normal monthly payment toward Balance2 AND if you have anything in the green Amount Saved column each month – add that to your Balance2 payment! Now you’re making an even larger payment on Balance2 so it will get paid off faster! Keep using this snowball method until you get all your debts paid off. Now you can really start saving! Once your debts are paid off, don’t incur more debts if you can help it! Start putting your Amount Saved into a savings account or an IRA or if your have a deferred compensation program at work. It’s never to early to get debt free and save for your future!
Amount Budgeted
Monthly Expense Tracker - 1
Actual Amount Spent
Amount Overspent
Amount Saved
Carry Over Totals (blue row) To Next Month
Reflections Review Month 1. Take the total from the green column and subtract the total in the red column. Did you come out ahead or behind this month? (answer below)
If you came out behind, were there unexpected expenses that contributed to this? (answer below) If you were over this month but had no unexpected expenses, it’s time to compare your Amount Budgeted to your Actual Amounts Spent and increase your budget accordingly and/or decrease spending in some areas. Write out your plan below.
If you came out ahead – WHOOHOO!! Let’s make an extra payment on your debts! Let’s look at Month 1 again. Are there any expenses that you could cross off (at least for a while until you get out of debt)? That extra coffee run or maybe reduce the times you eat out in a month? Write a plan of action below.
Amount Budgeted
Monthly Expense Tracker - 2 Totals from Previous Month
Actual Amount Spent
Amount Overspent
Amount Saved
TOTALS (only add up yellow, red
Running Total (add blue plus
and green-don’t include blue)
orange. The totals from this line go into next months blue cells)
Reflections Review Month 2. Take the total from the green column and subtract the total in the red column. Did you come out ahead or behind this month? (answer below)
If you came out behind, were there unexpected expenses that contributed to this? (answer below) If you were over this month but had no unexpected expenses, it’s time to compare your Amount Budgeted to your Actual Amounts Spent and increase your budget accordingly and/or decrease spending in some areas. Write out your plan below.
If you came out ahead – WHOOHOO!! Let’s make an extra payment on your debts! Let’s look at Month 1 again. Are there any expenses that you could cross off (at least for a while until you get out of debt)? That extra coffee run or maybe reduce the times you eat out in a month? Write a plan of action below.
Amount Budgeted
Monthly Expense Tracker - 3 Totals from Previous Month
Actual Amount Spent
Amount Overspent
Amount Saved
TOTALS (only add up yellow, red
Running Total (add blue plus
and green-don’t include blue)
orange. The totals from this line go into next months blue cells)
Reflections Review Month 3. Take the total from the green column and subtract the total in the red column. Did you come out ahead or behind this month? (answer below)
If you came out behind, were there unexpected expenses that contributed to this? (answer below) If you were over this month but had no unexpected expenses, it’s time to compare your Amount Budgeted to your Actual Amounts Spent and increase your budget accordingly and/or decrease spending in some areas. Write out your plan below.
If you came out ahead – WHOOHOO!! Let’s make an extra payment on your debts! Let’s look at Month 1 again. Are there any expenses that you could cross off (at least for a while until you get out of debt)? That extra coffee run or maybe reduce the times you eat out in a month? Write a plan of action below.
Amount Budgeted
Monthly Expense Tracker – 4 Totals from Previous Month
Actual Amount Spent
Amount Overspent
Amount Saved
TOTALS (only add up yellow, red
Running Total (add blue plus
and green-don’t include blue)
orange. The totals from this line go into next months blue cells)
Reflections Review Month 4. Take the total from the green column and subtract the total in the red column. Did you come out ahead or behind this month? (answer below)
If you came out behind, were there unexpected expenses that contributed to this? (answer below) If you were over this month but had no unexpected expenses, it’s time to compare your Amount Budgeted to your Actual Amounts Spent and increase your budget accordingly and/or decrease spending in some areas. Write out your plan below.
If you came out ahead – WHOOHOO!! Let’s make an extra payment on your debts! Let’s look at Month 1 again. Are there any expenses that you could cross off (at least for a while until you get out of debt)? That extra coffee run or maybe reduce the times you eat out in a month? Write a plan of action below.
Amount Budgeted
Monthly Expense Tracker – 5 Totals from Previous Month
Actual Amount Spent
Amount Overspent
Amount Saved
TOTALS (only add up yellow, red
Running Total (add blue plus
and green-don’t include blue)
orange. The totals from this line go into next months blue cells)
Reflections Review Month 5. Take the total from the green column and subtract the total in the red column. Did you come out ahead or behind this month? (answer below)
If you came out behind, were there unexpected expenses that contributed to this? (answer below) If you were over this month but had no unexpected expenses, it’s time to compare your Amount Budgeted to your Actual Amounts Spent and increase your budget accordingly and/or decrease spending in some areas. Write out your plan below.
If you came out ahead – WHOOHOO!! Let’s make an extra payment on your debts! Let’s look at Month 1 again. Are there any expenses that you could cross off (at least for a while until you get out of debt)? That extra coffee run or maybe reduce the times you eat out in a month? Write a plan of action below.
Amount Budgeted
Monthly Expense Tracker - 6 Totals from Previous Month
Actual Amount Spent
Amount Overspent
Amount Saved
TOTALS (only add up yellow, red
Running Total (add blue plus
and green-don’t include blue)
orange. The totals from this line go into next months blue cells)
Reflections Review Month 6. Time for a 6-month review. Have you been able to cut down on your expenses? (answer below) Are you feeling more in control of your monthly spending habits? Write down your thoughts about how you can do better or give yourself kudos for a job well done below!
Were you able to shrink your expenses by crossing off unneeded expenditures and save a little more money each month? (answer below) Have you been able to make extra payments toward your debts yet? If so, how much extra have you paid toward your debts? (answer below)
Now what is your plan for the next 6-months to continue your debt paydown plan? (answer below)
Amount Budgeted
Monthly Expense Tracker - 7 Totals from Previous Month
Actual Amount Spent
Amount Overspent
Amount Saved
TOTALS (only add up yellow, red
Running Total (add blue plus
and green-don’t include blue)
orange. The totals from this line go into next months blue cells)
Reflections Review Month 7. Take the total from the green column and subtract the total in the red column. Did you come out ahead or behind this month? (answer below)
If you came out behind, were there unexpected expenses that contributed to this? (answer below) If you were over this month but had no unexpected expenses, it’s time to compare your Amount Budgeted to your Actual Amounts Spent and increase your budget accordingly and/or decrease spending in some areas. Write out your plan below.
If you came out ahead – WHOOHOO!! Let’s make an extra payment on your debts! Let’s look at Month 1 again. Are there any expenses that you could cross off (at least for a while until you get out of debt)? That extra coffee run or maybe reduce the times you eat out in a month? Write a plan of action below.
Amount Budgeted
Monthly Expense Tracker - 8 Totals from Previous Month
Actual Amount Spent
Amount Overspent
Amount Saved
TOTALS (only add up yellow, red
Running Total (add blue plus
and green-don’t include blue)
orange. The totals from this line go into next months blue cells)
Reflections Review Month 8. Take the total from the green column and subtract the total in the red column. Did you come out ahead or behind this month? (answer below)
If you came out behind, were there unexpected expenses that contributed to this? (answer below) If you were over this month but had no unexpected expenses, it’s time to compare your Amount Budgeted to your Actual Amounts Spent and increase your budget accordingly and/or decrease spending in some areas. Write out your plan below.
If you came out ahead – WHOOHOO!! Let’s make an extra payment on your debts! Let’s look at Month 1 again. Are there any expenses that you could cross off (at least for a while until you get out of debt)? That extra coffee run or maybe reduce the times you eat out in a month? Write a plan of action below.
Amount Budgeted
Monthly Expense Tracker - 9 Totals from Previous Month
Actual Amount Spent
Amount Overspent
Amount Saved
TOTALS (only add up yellow, red
Running Total (add blue plus
and green-don’t include blue)
orange. The totals from this line go into next months blue cells)
Reflections Review Month 9. Take the total from the green column and subtract the total in the red column. Did you come out ahead or behind this month? (answer below)
If you came out behind, were there unexpected expenses that contributed to this? (answer below) If you were over this month but had no unexpected expenses, it’s time to compare your Amount Budgeted to your Actual Amounts Spent and increase your budget accordingly and/or decrease spending in some areas. Write out your plan below.
If you came out ahead – WHOOHOO!! Let’s make an extra payment on your debts! Let’s look at Month 1 again. Are there any expenses that you could cross off (at least for a while until you get out of debt)? That extra coffee run or maybe reduce the times you eat out in a month? Write a plan of action below.
Amount Budgeted
Monthly Expense Tracker - 10 Totals from Previous Month
Actual Amount Spent
Amount Overspent
Amount Saved
TOTALS (only add up yellow, red
Running Total (add blue plus
and green-don’t include blue)
orange. The totals from this line go into next months blue cells)
Reflections Review Month 10. Take the total from the green column and subtract the total in the red column. Did you come out ahead or behind this month? (answer below)
If you came out behind, were there unexpected expenses that contributed to this? (answer below) If you were over this month but had no unexpected expenses, it’s time to compare your Amount Budgeted to your Actual Amounts Spent and increase your budget accordingly and/or decrease spending in some areas. Write out your plan below.
If you came out ahead – WHOOHOO!! Let’s make an extra payment on your debts! Let’s look at Month 1 again. Are there any expenses that you could cross off (at least for a while until you get out of debt)? That extra coffee run or maybe reduce the times you eat out in a month? Write a plan of action below.
Amount Budgeted
Monthly Expense Tracker - 11 Totals from Previous Month
Actual Amount Spent
Amount Overspent
Amount Saved
TOTALS (only add up yellow, red
Running Total (add blue plus
and green-don’t include blue)
orange. The totals from this line go into next months blue cells)
Reflections Review Month 11. Take the total from the green column and subtract the total in the red column. Did you come out ahead or behind this month? (answer below)
If you came out behind, were there unexpected expenses that contributed to this? (answer below) If you were over this month but had no unexpected expenses, it’s time to compare your Amount Budgeted to your Actual Amounts Spent and increase your budget accordingly and/or decrease spending in some areas. Write out your plan below.
If you came out ahead – WHOOHOO!! Let’s make an extra payment on your debts! Let’s look at Month 1 again. Are there any expenses that you could cross off (at least for a while until you get out of debt)? That extra coffee run or maybe reduce the times you eat out in a month? Write a plan of action below.
Amount Budgeted
Monthly Expense Tracker - 12 Totals from Previous Month
Actual Amount Spent
Amount Overspent
Amount Saved
TOTALS (only add up yellow, red
YEAR IN REVIEW (add blue plus orange. The totals from this line go into the blue cells on the next page)
and green-don’t include blue)
How Did You Do? Monthly Expense Tracker – YEAR IN REVIEW
Year In Review Totals
Actual Amount Spent
Amount Budgeted
Amount Overspent
Amount Saved
How does the amount budgeted column compare with your actual amount spent over the year? Did writing down your monthly reflections help you to identify areas where you could cut back? Were you able to pay down your debts faster? Write out your plans for the next 12 months below and go back to the beginning and do it all again until you get those debts paid off! GREAT JOB!! Notes:
30 Day Savings Challenge Why or what are you saving for?
What is your deadline? $ $ $
$ $ How does it feel to meet your savings goals?
$ $ $ $ $
Goal $
$100 Savings Challenge Color In One Bubble For Every $5 Saved
What are you saving for?
How will I feel when I meet my goal?
What is your deadline?
How can I save more?
No Spend Challenge Month Start Date End Date Motivation
Exceptions O O O O O
Color In Each No Spend Day!
Debt Snowball Tracker Month Of
Due Date
Amount Owed
100% 95%
Interest Rate
90% 85% 80%
Goal Payoff Date
Minimum Payment
75% 70% 65%
Payment Date
Payment Amount
Running Balance
55% 50%
45% 40%
35% 30%
25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0%
Debt Tracker Debt Name: Starting Balance:
Interest Rate: MONTH