Embrace When The Wait Seems too Long Parents Discuss the struggle of waiting To Adopt their child
P. 16 An Orphan’s Ticket Home P. 4 What Not To Wear While Traveling Internationally P. 14
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Becoming a father to the fatherless
y r o t S r u O
itor d E e h t rom A note f or f h c u ery m v o cres n u a o g y e tIb hank a t h t y t is a n s a o h s o t t a e e s r r t i wan . The a des rphans e g c e n a v i r a d b h a Em se I he o nd re t u a o a t c y e t b b u o sa is ng i a h e c p n d a i p e e t z o r t r a s sta e to mag n m o s i i f s o h s t has e a t g d i p i s s s i n r i atin h a deep rld. T ouple of ye y d o e m w d e d d e h n t b c a r t em pas yself ll ove e m h a t e d r r e mise t a v l c e o a f t n f o u that i a b t has me, erna t a d l n n i f a t l l s r of e r e r i i f f m sma y m a u d into atic way. M uring the s e d ked r o l a p b d m m ex e dra nts agua e a r r a n a i c i p ay r l y N d o m t a t s a fami n i a life ter th ip w r r a t l u s o r n a e e girl o e l g t y si n t i a a l h e s c d on e It wa that would t n. p a 5 o g 0 d n 0 a i t 2 e p ado s hav urney t f o n o j een e b s r a s a y e n l p c o o w y r .M s slo he p y t a a h n i t w r e c r i a is to e a e h r d i mat y s n e a yd a. M ina, n i M h nd . h C s a C s e m n l m o r i o e t r fro girl f e fath ess of adop h y t b ke f a o a b s m c r t o e r o r t h a t p e t o the h emen n the i g o e! g t a g e r n b a u y w o y o c e a r n V h d and e y and Bon s as t r e e c i h t v o d assist them with a pe you enjo o e provid s easier. I h ces o r p e th iette L e l l e Mik itor d E r o i Sen
4 14
An Orphan’s Ticket Home
What Not to Wear While Travelling Internationally
When The Wait Seems too Long
What To Pack?
16 18
embrace... embrace this moment... embrace this life... embrace the heart of the unseen
An Orphan’s Ticket HOME By: Mikelle Liette
Sera Manubens Shares her story of the journey to complete their family There 573,000 children that are orphaned in China. 86% of these orphans are living in the countryside and more than 50% of the children have special needs in regards to medical care. It may be these grueling statistics that challenge families to embark on the journey of adoption or it may be, like Sera Manubens family, a call from the Lord. Manubens, 19, is the oldest of seven children, three of which were adopted from China. There are many reasons why people hesitate to adopt from china. One reason is simply because of the amount of paperwork involved in the application process. Manubens said that there are a lot of medical forms and social security documents that are required to get certified. She says, “Getting everything certified was the hardest part. First at the state level, and some at the Washington DC level.” Manubens adds, “by the third adoption we had a lot of the copies of documents, so it was a lot easier and quicker for us.” Another reason families hesitate to adopt from China is due to the fact that China has one of the longest waiting periods for adoption. Right now the wait time is up to three and a half years. For special needs children, the wait is less. No body knows why it takes so long. Families that adopt have found that no matter how
quickly you do the paperwork, China still takes several years to process it. It usually takes about 3 to 4 months, but that all depends on how long it takes to get the documents certified and then sent back to you, then sent to the agency. A mass of paper work is required to be filled out, copied, organized, and certified, before the waiting period in China begins. A home visit with a social worker is also required as part of the paper work process. “We had a total of four home visits,” Manubens said. A home visit is when a social worker visits the home of the family adopting and interviews each family member. They also take a detailed look at the house, making sure it is suitable for a child to live in. Although the wait can be several years, Manubens feels that it doesn’t take away from the excitement of traveling overseas to China and finally holding the baby in your arms. Manubens had the opportunity to travel to China
all 3 times that her family adopted. “It was amazing,” she
said as she described her first experience outside of the United States. “It is a blend of the old and the new, being there is awesome.” Manubens expressed the excitement she felt as she and her parents were in the waiting room, anticipating the moment when they would hold the new addition to their family for the first time. “Waiting was amazing, but our expectations were met entirely different than we imagined.” Manubens explained that her new siblings each entered into their family in different ways. “Emma was screaming and scared. The other two came easier, but they were older, three and seven. They didn’t even cry.” Like any addition to a new family, adjusting to a new person can be a difficult thing. “The communication was the toughest part,” Manubens says, “But we just learned to point at things and deal with it.” Manubens also mentioned that it was a struggle to discipline Asher and Esther, the two oldest of the adopted children. She explained how Esther was spoiled in the orphanage, making things difficult. Manubens said, “Asher had a hard time too, because he was allowed to do pretty much anything in the orphanage.” Despite the discipline, language, and adjustment struggles along the way, Manubens feels that it has been worth it all. “Seeing how far they’ve come has been awesome,” she says. Many people, who have been through the adoption process with their family, are inspired to adopt children of their own. “I don’t see it any other way,” Manubens says about adopting for herself sometime in the future. “I just see that that’s what we have to do as we’re called to be Christians,” she says.
“ I just see that that’s what we have to do as we’re called to be Christians”
“I can’t imagine ever not having seven kids in our family, they came into our lives at the perfect time and the perfect season in their lives.”
After enduring such an exciting journey three times, Manubens encourages everyone to adopt at least one child. She says, “The biggest thing is that people feel that they can’t do it. They need to step out in faith.” She expresses her passion for the scripture in James 1 that says, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” Manubens believes that this scripture is reason enough to adopt. “If more Christians would adopt there would be less of a problem with orphans in the world,” she says. Many people worry about adopting because of the financial burden, but Manubens believes that the body of Christ can come around families and help them. Manubens says, “It is a lot of money, but God provides.” She also adds that the deposits are in increments, not all at once. Manubens feels that once a new soul has entered your life, you can’t remember what it was like without them there. “I can’t imagine ever not having seven kids in our family,” she says. “They came into our lives at the perfect time and the perfect season in their lives.” Manubens challenges everyone to embark on the unforgettable journey of adoption. It is evident that adoption is sure to change a child’s life, and will also mold your heart, soul and mind in a new way.
Where In the World... The first question that enters most peoples mind after God has laid adoption on their heart, is where to adopt from? Although theoretically, you can adopt from any country, there are several countries that do not allow you to legally adopt opt their children. So how do you even begin to decide? e? PASSION. Where do you feel yourr heart being pulled towards? What countries ries children stand out to you? The bestt way to decide where to adopt from is to o discuss the options of your spouse. To o help you along the way we have included d some statistics about several countries in n hopes that one will capture your heart.
El Salvador
Children: Available children are 3-15 years old. Ages 8-36 months are available on a limited basis
Children: One month old through adolescence are available. Both boys and girls are available; girls are typically more requested. You have the option to adopt more than one child (related or unrelated)
Time Frame: About 16-28 months once the application process begins Travel Time: Both parents are required to travel. Families should plan on spending approximately 2-3 weeks total in El Salvador. Guidelines: In order to adopt a healthy child, applicants must be 25–45 years older than the child requested for adoption. Couples who have been married for 5 years or more may adopt either healthy or special needs children. Single women are also eligible to adopt.
Time Frame: About 12-24 months after documents have been submitted Travel Time: At least one parent must travel, but they are only required to stay in the country for 1 week Guidelines: Couples must be at least 25 years old and under 50. Couples must be married for a minimum of 2 years. Singles are not permitted
Should I Adopt From? China
Children: Available children are mostly infants and toddlers. There are some older children as well. 98% of orphans in China are girls.
Children: Children of all ages can be adopted from Russia, although it is unlikely that you will be able to get a child under the age of 1
Time Frame: About 2 ½ to 3 years after documents have been submitted
Time Frame: About 6-12 months after documents have been submitted.
Travel Time: You only have to travel to China once and the stay can be from 10 days to 2 weeks. Your child is given to you in the first few days.
Travel Time: You must travel a minimum of 2 times. The first trip you meet the child. It isn’t until the second trip to Russia that you are able to bring your child home with you.
Guidelines: Only one child may be adopted at a time. Sibling groups are not permitted. Only married couples may adopt from China. The couple must have been married for at least 2 years.
Guidelines: Couples must be married for at least 1 year. Single women may adopt. Single men may apply, but are often rejected.
Tell Your Story... How to Create a Blog for your child that will be worth reading
1 Where Do I Start? Create a blog at a site. Most are free, but have the capabilities to upgrade to a more professional look with a fee. Some popular sites to host your blog are: wordpress.com, TypePad. com, blogspot.com, and many others.
2 What should I Write About? Tell your Story! It is merely impossible to get in contact with all of the people that you would like to every time something exciting happens throughout your journey. This is your way to communicate to friends and family. Share why you are adopting, where you are adopting from, and the journey to adopt your child.
3 Who Will Read? When you put time into something, you want people to read it, so how do you do that? Tell your friends! Spread the news! Email a link to your blog to everyone you know. Put a link up on facebook advertising your blog. Have your friends tell others. The best publicity is word of mouth
4 Why Should I blog?
Sharing your story is part of the journey! However, it is virtually impossible to personally contact everyone that you want each time that something happens with the adoption. This is where blogging comes into play. Also, there are companies that will print off your blog and make a book out of it. This is a wonderful keepsake. When your child is old enough to understand, they will enjoy reading through the journey and experiences.
What Should I include in my blog?
Other than journaling, pictures! Include pictures of each member of the family. When you receive a picture of the child that you are going to adopt, include their picture. Post a map of the area of the world that your child was born. Also, blogging is a great tool to use when you are traveling. Share the culture of the country that your child comes from by including pictures from when you are there.
Capturing Life The Way The
Heart Sees It Childhood is but a moment in time‌
Life is not about the breaths That we take, but the moments that take our breath away
Abigail Qiu Lee Fisher (Below) 5 Years Old Chinese Name: Fu Ai Ming Chongquing province
Sasha Mei liette (Above) 3 Years Old Chinese Name: Yang Chun Hua Li Guangdong Province
Madison Elizabeth Ming Stasiak (Above)
6 Years Old
Abigail and her mom Robin Fisher celebrate the chinese new year on january 14, 2010.
Chinese Name: Fu Ai Ming Chongquing province
(Left) Madison and her mom Beth Staziak celebrate the Chinese New Year on January 14, 2010.
To capture a moment of love, life, or family... and turn it into a masterpiece
Travel Q: How do you handle the jetlag?
Q & A
A: Eat right, stay awake if it is time to be awakeeven if you are exhausted, drink lots of water and take vitamins Q: How does your stomach adjust to the food from different cultures? A: The best thing to do is prepare. Most likely, your stomach will have a hard time adjusting to the different food. In preparation, take along nuts and drink mixes that can be alternatives to meals. This will help you survive. Q: What is the best way to bond with your child quickly after you receive them? A: It is important that you carry him or her all the time, even if she is old enough to walk. You should carry her close to your chest so that she feels the comfort of your heart beat. Also, bathe with her. Try to create as much intimacy as you can, because most likely the child has not experienced it yet. Hold her and feed her like she is a newborn. Even if you are using a sippy cup, hold your child as though you are giving her a bottle. Be as touchy feely as possible.
Q: Where should you NOT go when you are in a foreign country?
A: It just depends. You can venture out on our own, but you must be careful since you cannot read the signs and many don’t speak or won’t speak English. You can easily get very lost very quickly and not be able to explain to explain where you are trying to get back. It is wise to carry a card from the hotel to give to the driver of our cab, since most do not speak English. You can use the train system but make sure you have your guide show you how before you venture out on your own.
Show Hope
Shaohannah’s Hope: A movement to care for orphan’s Show Hope is a ministry that enables individuals and communities to change the world for orphans by not only addressing a child’s need for food, shelter, care, and spiritual nourishment, but by also addressing the root issue for an orphan: the lack of a family.
Let us partner with you on your adoption journey! Visit us at www.showhope.org Show Hope PO Box 647 Franklin, TN 37065 (donations should be made out to Show Hope) (Phone) 615.550.5600 (Fax) 615.595.0850
Pro Life
A Child or a choice?
AWAA American World Adoption Agency Building Christian Families
According to God’s design
of Adoption.
Choose a country... Save a life... www.awaa.org
WhatNoT To
We a r
By: Mikelle Lauren Liette
g n i l e v a r y T l l e l a i n h o i t W a n r e t In
You are getting ready for the moment that your child is finally placed in your arms. Your nerves are getting the best of you. The LAST thing that you need is to be spotted out as a tourist, and put in danger. Look ahead for WHAT NOT TO WEAR while traveling internationally.
Lose The The most annoying thing at the airport is to have someone in front of you who has a million rings, a necklace, that she can’t get off, a nose ring that she refuses to take out, and one too many bracelets that are jingling around. If you can’t bear to leave all of your accessories at home, then at least condense them to a smaller amount for the trip
Leave Back the Pack
That’s right, I said it. Nothing screams out TOURIST more than a fanny pack. Also, it’s a pitpocket’s dream. This is a target for an easy mark. Instead of the classic fanny pack, try an across the front messenger bag with a long strap. Keep things close by, and not look like a tourist at the same time
Decode The Dress Code Understand the culture in which you are traveling to. Don’t be too casual. You may need to pack something other than your favorite Mickey Mouse shirt, and Daisy Dukes. Show up too casual to a tour, and you are looking for trouble.
Don’t Be A Heel Shoes. WEAR COMFORTABLE SHOES. If you are sight seeing for the day, wear shoes that are comfortable. You know you will be walking all day, so think about that before you leave in the morning. Also, stay away from white tennis shoes, or else you will stick out like a sore thumb!
Presume the Perfume While travelling, heavy perfume can quickly fog up the interior of a crammed aircraft. This makes those around you feel sick, and can even cause youto feel sick after a long period of time. Feel free to bring your perfume, but leave it off until you reach your destination.
When The
WAIT Seems Too
long By: Mikelle Liette
Spotlight on Adoptive parent
Cheryl Liette
As Cheryl Liette looks back on the path that God has taken her and her family on, she realizes the importance of listening to the whisper of God, for direction, in every area of life. The process of adoption, is indeed, a long one. Cheryl Liette explained how long it took her and her family to adopt their daughter, Sasha. “We began the paperwork in January of 2006. All of our paperwork was completed and submitted to China by May of 2006. In January of 2007 we changed our application to request a child with special needs. In June of 2007 we received a referral with a picture of our daughter. We were finally able to travel in September of 2007,” Says Liette. No matter what you keep telling yourself, the anticipation to hold your baby for the first time is almost more than you can handle. It is different than carrying your child for 9 months, because it often takes several years. But amidst the years of waiting, Liette found a way to make it through. “I just had to keep telling myself that God has a plan, and his timing is the best. Believing in that, is what will get you through.”
Dave are getting ready to go to China to pick up their second little girl. Liette says that knowing that her child is across the world is an odd sort of feeling. “They sleep with multiple children in cribs, usually with just plywood as their mattress. Some orphanages have one crib, but many have 2 or 3. When I think about it, sometimes it doesn’t even seem real to think we have a child somewhere so far away.”
As liette prepares to travel across the world next month and hold her baby girl for the very first time, she thinks back to just a few years ago when she held their older child, Sasha, for the very first time. “It was like time stood still, an amazing feeling. Here was this little face that we had only stared at in pictures, yet the moment we saw her from a distance, I knew it was her. And in seconds, there she was, in my arms, not wanting this stranger to hold her. The emotion of the moment was beautiful. God’s gift to us, this precious little child.”
But why did it take so long for the Liette family to adopt from China? Cheryl Liette expounds upon the topic, “There are a lot of possible reasons, but none that I am sure of. The way in which China processes paperwork is very slow, and disorganized. Our original group that are waiting on “healthy” children still do not have their referrals. That means over 4 years of waiting. Having done it both ways, I have to say that giving birth is definitely easier.” A lot of people wonder what they can do to speed up the process of adoption. Liette will assure you that there is no way that you can personally speed up the process of adoption, unless you decide that you want to pursue special needs adoption. During the long process, Liette says, “Just stay busy, and pray.” Cheryl Liette has once again found herself in the process of waiting as her and her husband,
The Liette Family reunited for the first time
What to Pack? Paper Work
Money Belt
Hotel Confirmation
First Aid Kit
Zip Lock Bags
Copies of Passport
Travel Alarm Clock
Wallet Picture ID Cash Travelers Checks Emergency Phone Numbers Copy of Adoption documents
Clothing Comfortable Shoes Weather Appropriate Clothing Coat or Jacket (season appropriate Dress Clothes Clothes that are easy to wash
Toiletry Items Shampoo Conditioner Body Wash Baby Shampoo Baby Lotion Sunscreen Lip Balm Toilet Paper Purell Clorox Bleach Wipes
Snack Foods Granola Bars Beef Jerky Sunflower Seeds Cheese and PB crackers Lipton Cup-a-soup Goldfish Crackers
Baby Supplies Small Toys Snacks and Formula Diapers Bottles Baby Spoons Sippy Cups Pacifiers Diaper Rash Ointment Baby Wipes Bibs Baby comb and brush Baby nail Clippers Small Books
Medical Necessities Benadryl Vitamins Motion Sickness medicine Neosporin Band Aids Antibiotics Medication for Scabies
Make your Blog into a Book!
BLURB .COM Holding a finished book with your name on the cover is a truly amazing feeling. It should not take tons of time, technical skills, big bucks, or friends in high places to publish a book. Blurb is a creative publishing service that is simple and smart enough to make anyone an author – every blogger, cook, photographer, parent, traveler, poet, marketer, everyone.
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