2012 Architectural Design Portfolio

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Rob Beusan

[architectural design portfolio] [2012]



Rob Beusan

[beus2173@vandals.uidaho.edu] [(208) 699 2942] [University of Idaho] [College of Art & Architecture]



The Keystone [4]


Boise Fire Station #5



Marine Research & Education Center



Coeur d Alene After the Reign


Serpentine Pavilion

[40] [5]

The Keystone [design 6] transitional housing & [spring 2011] homeless assistance [prof matt brehm] center [7 weeks] [washington d.c.]

In architecture a keystone is the wedge shaped stone piece at the apex of a masonry vault or arch. It is the piece that locks all others into position and allows the arch to bear weight without it the structure would fall to the ground. Much like in architecture the keystone transitional housing and homeless assistance center adds structure and support to those that have fallen into homelessness. The program offered at the keystone aims at getting participants off of the streets and into their own homes. This is accomplished through offering sustenance, shelter, health care, and training. The dining room provides sustenance not only for the 500 residents of the center, but to a total of 3000 people throughout shifts spread through the day. Those residing in the center have room options designed to accommodate a range of situations from single to family. Health care services are available to the general homeless population along with mental and social services available to those in the program. Both physical and mental training are offered as part of the program through interior and exterior recreation along with various educational and job placement services. The building itself reflects the structure of the program through its two part steel structural system. A diagrid superstructure is set off from the building and paired with an internal beam sub structure. The keystone shaped entry atrium space from which the building gets its name, was shaped by reflecting the east and west site lines across one another. The 6 story atrium connects the floors and the program elements within while acting as a stack ventilation system to passively cool the building. The Keystone acts as a symbol of support and hope for the homeless through its expressive features and its amenities offered to the community.

[6] [6]


Jan. Wind

site analysis

apr. Wind

jul. Wind

oct. Wind

conceptual massing

shelter [8]




site plan

building sections


building diagrams




vertical circulation

exterior spaces

stack ventilation



[12] [12]

[13] [13]

Boise Fire Station #5 [honorable mention 2010 icma design competition]


[design 4] [spring 2010] [prof phil mead] [7 weeks] [boise, idaho]

Boise fire station #5 responds to the diverging needs of the urban and suburban context with a datum line that stretches across the site and unites the northwest and southwest facades while dividing the apparatus traffic from the rest of the site. On the northwestern edge of the site a path constructed of bricks reused from the old fire station runs parallel to the datum and through a park space to the entrance. The path turns into the main circulation hallway running through the building allowing for ease of circulation within. Adjacent to the entrance is the training room that opens up onto the park space, allowing for training exercises to be performed both inside and out and also for functions to spill out into the green

space. Down the hallway lay the more private office spaces. The second level is set back from the entrance and training room, housing the living areas for the fire fighters. The day room projects out through the datum and overlooks the southern side of the site providing a connection with apparatus activity in that area. The fitness room also breaks the datum and overlooks the apparatus bay showing the association between physical and mechanical activities. Half of the dorm rooms are located to the north side of the second level, all of the dorms receive calming light through windows oriented to catch views of the mountains in the distance and allow for rest and rejuvenation for fire fighters. The

third level is stacked atop the second and houses the remainder of the dorms along with a courtyard and recreation room. The courtyard space is pulled back away from the datum and provides a private exterior area where the firefighters can interact with one another and take in the warm southern sun. Views from the southeastern edge of the third level allows for a visual connection with downtown Boise. The datum stretches across the site linking together the facades, one representing the southwest urban the other reaching towards the neighborhoods to the northwest, showing the full spectrum of areas served by station #5.


floor plans [3] [5]









first floor

^n [14]





second floor



third floor


[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]


apparatus bay lobby training room support staff volunteer lounge conference room office dispatch turn out prep


[10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18]

turn out gear day room kitchen fitness room dorm rooms reading room loft area courtyard activity room


sustainablility diagrams

thermal massing


ground source heat pump

water collection & storage




[22] [22]

Marine Research & Education Center

[design 7] [spring 2011] [prof frank jacobus] [12 weeks] [st croix, virgin islands]

It became evident early in the design process that the preservation of the existing landscape was a critical design issue due to the natural beauty surrounding the site. In order to do this the buildings are arranged to match the existing topography. Green roofs stretch from the hillside and over the buildings allowing for the buildings to become an extension of the landscape and read as a series of edges that subtly emerge from a grassy hill. The MREC campus steps up the hill creating a separating distinct program into individual buildings. Moving up hill from the dock and dive operations at the bay to the community

community outreach and administration building where visitors can learn about the park and the local habitat surrounding the island. Further up the hill lays the education and collection building, and the residential and dining building, both in close proximity to the laboratory complex. The laboratory complex was arranged to facilitate the exchange of ideas through increased social interaction. The laboratory program was arranged in long narrow bars in order to allow for natural ventilation and daylighting. High occupancy areas such as the computer lab and the lecture

hall were oriented to catch the prevailing easterly winds. The lab areas, where lighting was most crucial, were arranged with north and south facing windows. The wet labs which require more environmental control were sunk back into the hillside. The bars of program were arranged around a central courtyard space to encourage social interaction and the exchange of ideas. This created a box of program which was then opened up to allow for a visual connection with the rest of the campus and the bay to the west.


massing exercise

laboratory floor plan 5

1 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

6 4 2

5 3



wet labs classroom dry labs computer lab restrooms service

laboratory section


site plan



6 5


2 1



[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

dive + dock admin + community residential + dining education + collection laboratory complex parking living machine

site sections



sustainable strategies

storm water collected off of the hillside and rooftops is stored in cisterns, waste water is treated by living machine

operable windows across narrow floor plates allow for cross ventilation

photovoltaic and solar hot water panels provide energy and hot water for the labs

green roof filters storm water and insulates the building


[30] [28]

[29] [31]




Coeur d’ Alene

After The Reign [living city design competiton winner]


[design 5] [fall 2010] [prof randy teal] [12 weeks] [coeur d alene, idaho] [group: luke ivers, molly culbertson, scott shores]

Peak oil World oil production peaked in 2010. Given current figures for population growth and industrialization of third world countries, it seems demand for oil will continue to increase and the supply will continue to decrease. As the distance between demand and supply grows wider, cost will inevitably go higher. Our proposal endeavors to imagine the impact of even a modest increase in the cost of fuel and the repercussions it might have on our built environment and the way we live within it. Coeur d’ Alene, ID is automobile dependent and relies upon imported products to sustain its current population. What impact would $7 gas have on this oil invested community?

We imagine two important transformations 1.) It becomes no longer cost effective to commute from the suburbs. 2.) Coeur d‘ Alene has enough assets to encourage many of its current inhabitants to continue living there, even if it requires some change to their current lifestyle. Transformation Human beings are resilient. For example if oil were no longer available, we believe people would discover new ways to live without it, transforming their lives and environment. This transformation would be aided by the potential for cooperative efforts within the community. Specifically, by readapting and reusing the existing, suburban space and materials, adapting

houses, garages and yards into multi-family housing, businesses, industry, and agriculture, people might be able to provide resources to satisfy personal needs while supplementing income, cultivating a prosperous community, and transitioning into a sustainable lifestyle. Here a focus on local production and trade limits the dependence on imported currencies and supplies, and eases the loss of oil as the primary engine of our society. The “community” of the suburbs learns to solve problems of the suburb. In this way a new suburb emerges, one that is a dynamic, complex, and livable community, one that could never be planned or controlled.




Peak Oil *You are Here





Certain suburbs densify while others begin to decline and are abandoned. Businesses, industry and multi family housing flourishes in the densified suburbs. Abandoned houses and materials are salvaged and reused in new construction.

Cost of living increases from high oil prices, in response people begin to produce goods on their own, resulting in the first signs of sub/ag development and communal change. Neighbors begin to work with each other in effort to increase food production and share resources.

Local economy begins to stabilize as local businesses and agriculture mature. Living machines and green houses are implemented by the community to further support sub/ag production

Automobiles become reused for alternative purposes other than transportation. Horses, donkeys, mules, and reindeer emerge as alternative forms of transportation




The abandoned suburbs become reclaimed by nature, creating natural corridors between sub/ag communities. Communities become self dependent, providing resources that satisfy personal needs and help in cultivating a prosperous and self sustaining community

sub/ag developement

- increase dwelling units and business’s which can help supplement income for home owners - additional dwellings can be used to help the elderly - when teens leave home, the extra space can be rented out


- individual yards are abandoned in favor of one large space utilized for agriculture - products sold at local markets, limit dependancy on outside food

- mixed use buildings can be inserted in between exising homes - Increase local business and production

2035 [37]




Serpentine Pavilion

[design 8] [summer 2011] [arup foresight] [1 day] [london, uk] [group: luke ivers, molly culbertson, caralina julian]

As part of a summer semester in London we were broken up into groups and paired with an architectural firm, in our case ARUP Foresight, to assist us in a design for the Serpentine Pavilion. We focused on the mitigation vs. adaption to climate change. Our design was based on the fluctuation of space that responds to the user’s actions and reactions. The program was broken down into two main areas; adapt and mitigate.

A moveable wall in between the two could be adjusted to accommodate the addition of people into the mitigation zone, causing the reaction zone to become compressed. Those in the mitigation zone make an effort to increase their area by moving the wall, making reference to the mitigation of climate change. The people in the adaptation zone feel the compression of the others actions and are forced to adapt to

the situation, reflecting a different take on climate change. The design incorporates the re use of excavated sod for inhabitable green roofs, and recycled and local materials for construction. The collection of rainwater is celebrated through a large roof drain that empties into the main space.


concept sketch

pavilion section


[1] adapt [2] mitigate [3] kitchen

floor plan & diagrams

[1] [2]

[3] Circulation Adaptation is accessed through the quieter areas of the gallery patio, mitigation through the main path along the road. Both meet along side the kitchen area and rotating wall.

Water rainwater is collected and filtered through the sod roof and collected along the pivoting wlal hinge in a catch basin displaying the water collection system.

Site reuse the sod excavated for the buildings footprint is reused as a green roof for the pavilion

Sun The inhabitable roof sweeps the southeastern space, opening for southern solar gain. The roof covers the western side for a protected and quite environment.




& more to come...


Rob Beusan

[beus2173@vandals.uidaho.edu] [(208) 699 2942] [University of Idaho] [College of Art & Architecture]


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