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Our President

The Holiday Season is my favorite time of year! It’s flooded with lights, cherished memories and is the time of year where it is hard to be anything but joyful. Growing up my family always made sure that it was a special time. Every detail was always meticulously planned and it created a spirit of love, giving and community. I believe with my whole heart that the Holiday Season is a time where as humankind we can table of our differences and be united but love.

When my mother and I started the magazine 15 years ago, I remember I was so excited to put out our first Holiday Gift Guide. It was such a fun process to come up with the items we would highlight in that first gift guide. From that first year to now, it is still one of my favorite articles we put in the magazine. This year our team led by Luigi Irauzqui our new Editor in Chief have come up with one of the best yet! From beautiful curated gifts like the Judith Leiber Treasure Chest bag to the beautiful scents of a Glasshouse Candle to experiences like the one by James Corwin and commissioning one of his extraordinary paintings, this guide has something for everyone!

Since the Holiday Issue is one of my favorites, it is very important to celebrate and highlight the right people. This issue we are honored that the very handsome, kind and humble Ian Bohen from Yellowstone is gracing our cover. Interviewing him alongside Salisha Thomas-Weiss cemented why we picked him. Ian in already a star but the world will very soon recognize him as an iconic actor. The article is both revealing and also will show you why he is the profile we have chosen for the cover.

A Holiday Issue would not be complete without whisking you away to far off places and spotlighting people that we want to celebrate! This issue will do just that! Explore the beauty of Valcastello to the magnificence of Nobu Los

Cabos and discover the stories of Andrew Keenan Bolger and the artist who is Bill Wood.

My hope for everyone who reads this issue is that you all will be transported, find some stories that you yourself will want to share and that you know that the BHL team has worked hard to bring you this labor of love,

May you sit back, relax, light a candle, put your favorite holiday drink and enjoy! With all my heart I am grateful for all of you and grateful for all the people that make BHL a reality. It’s with a full heart that I wish you all a Happy Holiday and may this time be showered with love, family and joy!

From the BHL family, we love you all!

Letter from



How did this project come about?

This dream project came about from a client referral; a woman who over the years has become a dear friend. Our Lake Las Vegas clients are actually Newport Beach residents and reached out to us after purchasing this gorgeous water front property. The initial concept meeting was a hit and we were off to the races.

What was working with your clients like?

An absolute delight; I think everyone thoroughly enjoyed the entire process. The clients had a complete level of trust in us and I think this shows through looking at the final photography. They also had faith in the process and an understanding of what our interior design firm brings to the table. Every single item was ordered through us. They didn’t shop online, challenge our color palette or aesthetic which always produces a cohesive design. They were also not afraid to spend money on the quality items we suggested. Like I said, dream client!

What was your inspiration behind the project?

These homeowners are extremely stylish and fashionable; and fashion has always been a huge inspiration for me. When we first met and I saw how they presented themselves I knew our aesthetics would meld. Ultimately, I got my inspiration from my clients, with the key components of my design direction veering towards modern, fresh, clean, classic, and layered living.

Why did you choose black and white as the color palette?

The color palette was in some ways chosen for us. The home was already built with all finishes, flooring, tiles, and materials in black and white. Because of this, we didn’t have much of a choice unless we wanted to challenge the fixed finishes - which we did not! And we love the chic sophistication of black and white, so the project unfolded naturally. And together with our clients it was a harmonious decision. It served us very well.

How do you keep so much of one color interesting?

I always use wallcoverings to create more visual interest. I also find it helpful to use a lot of texture and pattern play in textiles, rugs, bedding, pillows, art, drapery, and accessories. As an example, we used a metallic wallcovering on the ceiling in the dining room to contrast the black venetian “plaster” wall covering. In an ode to Paloma Picasso, we chose the polished metal table base with a square glass top.

Working with so many patterns can be daunting. What’s your strategy?

We try to keep larger pieces like sofas, chairs and upholstered headboards in textured solids while accessories like throw pillows, shams and duvets in interesting patterns and motifs. Wallcoverings always add visual impact as a backdrop. Balance is key. You don’t want the eye to be overwhelmed. But we wanted it to be a showstopper and it certainly is just that.

What aspect of this project best reflects the owners and their interests?

That is a really great question. What they really wanted was a home that was stylish, glamorous but at the same time comfortable for family gatherings and entertaining. The clients have called on more than one occasion to share their joy in spending extended time here as a really kicked back and relaxing experience. It’s the best compliment of all when a client loves living and being in their own home that we’ve custom designed for them.

What’s your advice for entertaining in a second home like this?

I’ve had had multiple homes in my life, too many to mention! My best advice is to do it right the first time. I would rather see a client do fewer rooms and do them to completion, styled and picture perfect than to put a band-aid on a house a little here and a little there. That accomplishes nothing. You want all the comforts of your main home . . . nice bed linens and multiples so you are not changing sheets. You want to have a couple of back-up pressed linens ready to go. Fine china and crystal as well as every day dinnerware and glasses. A well-stocked bar is a must! Never skimp on great art, coffee table books scattered about, and the best lighting and mirrors you can afford. These are the jewelry pieces for the home, the finishing touches often make the room. Remember, second homes are intended to be the perfect respite - not a chore or a project around every corner. Do it right once and you’ll never regret it!

How did you find the balance between classic and contemporary?

My signature style has often been referred to as fresh traditional, and that means familiar sophisticated silhouettes, but playing with patterns and textures. It has a nice familiar feel, but it’s very high style and sophisticated.

What’s the key to the mix?

Wow! I don’t really know. :) It’s just a powerful inner voice that guides my designs. I also take as much consideration (if not more so) with my clients’ homes as I would for my own home. So it’s a very personal journey for everyone involved. The best is when you get to know these people and you love to socialize with them - that’s how it goes for most my clients, they become fast friends and “clients for life.”


have a design philosophy?


“Balance is key. You don’t want the eye to be overwhelmed. However, you do want to excite the senses.”
– Barclay Butera



Walking into what seems to be a dream is the only way to describe the experience of entering into Nobu Resort in Los Cabos. From the moment your car turns into the resort you know you are about to embark on what can only be described as an experience of a lifetime. Before you even walk into the lobby you are greeted with a drink, a towel to wash away all the worries you had before getting there and then are escorted through a spectacular entrance that immediately puts you into a zen state of mind. The center piece of the entrance is a beautiful sculpture in a simple and yet extravagant sand installation. The moment yoiu see it there is a sense of AHHHHHH.

Every details is meticulously planned and orchestrated to make sure you have the most relaxing time. The moment you enter into the lobby you feel the breeze from the ocean and get a glimpse into the place you will call home and again are transported to a zen like atmosphere. The hospitality that started from the very moment you were welcomed to the resort, continues when you are seated at a comfortable sofa and personally greeted by name and checked in. The feeling of being home is a gift. The staff gets you acquainted and makes certain that you are treated like royalty.

Being personally escorted to your room you are taken back by the vast and airy ambiance. You feel as though you are the only ones at the resort. The butler opens the door to your room and there is a scent of fresh flowers and ocean. Each room from their junior suite to their Zen Suite are all beautifully adorned with custom furniture that adds to the elements and uses the outside to welcome you in. No matter what level of room you will have amenities that will make yiiu not want to leave the room.


From soaking tubs, to a 65” TV to not just a coffee machine but a Nespresso machine to yoga mats and bath robes, no detail was left to chance. The rooms are bright, welcoming and have the most beautiful view of the ocean. If you choose you can have a room with a swim uo pool directly outside to your patio or have a large outdoor patio, perfect for the morning cup of coffee or the evening margarita.

Known for their cuisine yoiu can enjoy in room dining that is presented as though you are at your own personal 5 star restaurant, but the opportunities to go to the restaurants that Nobu Los Cabos offers should not be missed. elements will captivate your senses, and where Asian-inspired traditions will ground your spirit. Nobu Hotel’s signature spa experiences draw from the best practices in wellness and relaxation and use only the finest products from Natura Bissé. The outdoor hydrotherapy garden features a water circuit, experiential shower, cabana jacuzzi, outdoor shower, steam and sauna areas, and a hydrotherapy pool, promising boundless bliss.

No resort would be compete without a spa experience. Nobu Los Cabos did not make this an after thought.

Enter a tranquil space where simple, natural elements will captivate your senses, and where Asian-inspired traditions will ground your spirit. Nobu Hotel’s signature spa experiences draw from the best practices in wellness and relaxation and use only the finest products from Natura Bissé. The outdoor hydrotherapy garden features a water circuit, experiential shower, cabana jacuzzi, outdoor shower, steam and sauna areas, and a hydrotherapy pool, promising boundless bliss.

Every thought that has been put into Nobu Los Cabos will leave you with memories for a lifetime. To experience this resort is to have a once in a lifetime experience. Give yourself a gift that will always be remembered and plan a trip to paradise or better known as Nobu Los Cabos


The Ultimate Guide for Holiday Luxury

One of the greatest gifts you can receive, is the unmistakable expression on a loved one’s face when he or she is opening a gift from you. It conveys a complex blend of emotions usually enveloped by enthusiastic happiness, gratitude and often times disbelief. I think that last part, disbelief, is really the key ingredient that amplifies the entire effect. Disbelief, after all, is the end result of securing the rare, the coveted, the priceless, the unimaginable, or the perfect match. There is something inherently covert regarding gift giving, stashing away presents or having them delivered to the work place. It is even why we wrap our gifts, so the recipient has a sense of anticipation & surprise. When you are shopping this holiday remember the power of disbelief, it is in this spirit we curated this gift guide. Through your generosity, creativity, thoughtfulness or effort, surprise someone special this holiday.




If you haven’t already heard of Ian Bohen—you will. First impression of Bohen: Easy-going. Zhaddy. Fun. Friendly. I’m cautiously optimistic that he’s as approachable as he appears to be. Knows how to have a good time. TOTAL City-boy.

Cut to Bohen showing his surroundings via Facetime. He’s in the middle of nowhere Montana. The yard is covered in snow. There’s not another building in sight. I think I saw a goat. And he shares how he lived in Hollywood for 30 years but loves his new surroundings even more (which he was able to convince the producers of Yellowstone to shoot Season 4 there. Winning!) He’s warm, kind, and with dashing looks like his, he’s oddly humble.

Twenty minutes into the conversation, Mark Kurian, owner and founder of BHL comments, “Ian, you can fill a room but not be heavy. The mark of an iconic actor.” I couldn’t agree more.

The Teen Wolfe and Yellowstone Star is TALENTED, SUCCESSFUL, HOT, AND SINGLE!
Confidence is what separates you from the person next to you.

Bohen has worked consistently since 1992, with some roles being meatier than others (I’m still geeking out that he was on Boy Meets World!!!). Being an actor is more complicated than becoming a star overnight and being set for life. He’s finally getting his due now but I think a lot of people can relate to the idea of starting something new, building from the ground up, and when it starts getting hard, which it inevitably will, what do you do? Do you give up? Switch course? Pivot? Or do you persist? Ian’s take: “If you keep going—you will win. There were dark times bartending, eaten ramen, schlepping ice. But if you can stay in it long enough and not quit, you will win.”

I then asked him what he’s learned from some of the characters he’s played, be it from Yellowstone, Teen Wolfe, Superman and Lois or many others.

Bohen: ‘From Young Hercules, I learned a lot about my relationship with my father, and that I’m not alone. As an actor, during my time playing Peter Hale in Teen Wolfe, I learned that I can do good things that people enjoyed that were not in the script, which gave me an incredible amount of confidence. And in Yellowstone, my character services the story. If you can do that and be happy, you’re probably going to work for the rest of your life.

The healthy reminder that none of us are alone is inspiring. But also the secret sauce to life: confidence. Confidence is what separates you from the person next to you. Everyone on the planet is equally trying to figure it out, but it’s the souls who march boldly in confidence that are the victors among us.

Bohen has confidence and good looks on his side, but finding the sweet spot for your life can still feel like a mystery. I still wonder, how does a person go from just starting out to eventually seeing their dreams come to fruition? Ian says, “It’s absolutely the power of yes.” He went on to explain how he was up for a role but didn’t get it. The person who got it he described as BEING the role and he says, “You can’t out-act a person who IS the person. It’s a waste of time.” But the creator called him and said, “I have to have you do something in this show. I don’t know what it is yet but just trust me.” He goes on to say, “I said yes. I was there for the ride. I stopped saying no and finally just went for the ride. Before, I enjoyed being upset and would just say no all the time. But with saying yes, it got better each time. The power of yes became a habit. And now it feels as though even if I don’t know where I am, I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be. That’s how Yellowstone came into my life. That’s how this article came into my life!

BHL: Teen Wolfe and Yellowstone are pretty iconic moments. You demand the presence and respect of the other people on the screen. Is it natural? Is it something you worked toward?

Bohen: After decades of finding your way as an actor, you gain a confidence and a sixth sense. It’s a realization that you can do less and mean it more without causing a commotion. You learn a lot from failing over and over again for 30 years. So now, it’s like I know who I am. I know the words in the scene. I can just do it from a real place.

BHL: How is it working with iconic actors like Kevin Costner?

Bohen: I worked with him about 26 years ago and he was kind. He’s one of the last great movie stars. There are still a handful left but when Kevin talks, you listen to him. I respect him as a man but also treat him as a man. He’d be playing guitar and telling stories just like a big kid. That’s how I want to be.

BHL: Speaking of, you’ve got a pretty hilarious twitter account. But one of the great thoughtprovoking dinner table tweets on page poses the question: If you didn’t know how old you were, how old would you be? So what’s your answer to that?

Bohen: *laughing and without even pausing to think about it he says* 25!!! Yeah, it really is about how you think! And that is how old I feel.

Bohen is indeed 46 and if he wasn’t a silver fox, I would probably think he was 25! (If only we could’ve gotten into his skin care regimen.) And his joy and zest for life are captivating.


My biggest takeaway from talking to Ian Bohen is that persistence pays off. That when we get a grasp on who we really are, life settles in to how we wish it always were. We attract the people who are really our people because we are being the most authentic version of ourselves. It’s a blessing to like who you are an be who you are so that the people who are drawn to you are not drawn to some fake persona you’re putting out in the world but indeed drawn to the real you. It gives you the freedom to just be. I can only imagine that taking this idea and putting it directly into your work gives a person the ultimate freedom. Obviously when Ian goes to work, he’s playing a character, but isn’t it true that the best actors put some of who they are into the characters they play? That’s what makes it such a vulnerable profession. It’s also what makes it so real and relatable for the viewers. When we go to the cinema or turn on our Netflix, aren’t we all just hoping to see a glimpse of who we are on the screen? Or for a show or a movie to capture that thing about life that we couldn’t quite put our finger on?

I love what my friend says about people appearing to come out of nowhere. She says that it always seems like people come out of left field and completely and randomly take over the scene. That is not the case. And it is not random. Those people who are suddenly the talk of the town have most likely been grinding it out for a long time. Those are the people that have had their head down as they work their butts off. Those are the people that have been quietly grinding, feverishly hustling, and doing the work that hasn’t gotten any notice. And then one day, one beautiful, magical day, an opportunity presents itself. And that person who has been minding their business and doing the work is presented with an opportunity of a lifetime, an opportunity that they don’t have to hurry to get ready for but instead that they’ve been training for all their life. When preparation meets opportunity the sky is limitless.

Pair this with Bohen’s power of Yes and you’ve got an icon

Bohen has done his dudiligence. He’s put in the work. And he definitely already has our attention here at Beverly Hills Lifestyle. He’s a breath away from being a household name. Centimeters away from becoming America’s sweetheart. And when that happens, because it is inevitable, you will feel very in the know, like you knew who he was before the rest of the world caught on. If there’s one thing we love here at BHL, it’s about being in the know. So go ahead, do your research because Ian Bohen is about to rock around the world. They’re already calling him a modern day Katherine Hepburn.

In addition to continuing to film Yellowstone, he’s also preparing for the 2023 release of the Teen Wolfe movie. And if you aren’t already drooling, go ahead and grab your tissues, because you will be.

I wondered how he feels about social media these days. Because honestly, we live in such a cancel culture: if you say the wrong thing online, people are so done with you. And quickly too! If you said the wrong thing ten years ago, it might come back to haunt you to the end of your career. It’s definitely a thing and it doesn’t really matter if it was said in a different context back when it was originally said. If you put your foot in your mouth, you can forget it. But I wanted to know Bohen’s take. Does he like social media? Or does it hinder him from taking certain roles or affect how he moves about the world? His response was as sweet as a photo full of puppies and babies. He said he loves social media! That he’s able to connect with fans from across the globe. That when people write him, he tries to respond. That sometimes he gets notes from people who don’t think there’s any way he’s ever going to see it or that it doesn’t matter but they’ll tell him anyway, “Thank you. If it wasn’t for Teen Wolfe, I would have taken my own life..” Countless messages saying how the show he’s in (at the time) affected their life in a positive way. Bohen notes that it’s so touching and as often as he can, he will write them back to affirm them. And if that doesn’t make you googly eyed, I don’t know what will. He is caring and so down to earth. And him living in Montana is a reminder to me that you can do big-city work without having to be in the Big City. The pandemic changed the landscape for a lot of people, including Bohen. I even see it here in New York: people using their New York City addresses while escaping the big city prices and hustle and bustle by living their best lives in Maine! Or Jersey. Being peaceful out in nature or the burbs, or whatever that happy place is all possible. When I see other human beings like Bohen (although Bohen does appear to be superhuman at times) it makes me feel like maybe we can have it all. That indeed hard, consistent work will pay off. That having confidence in who you are and a clear vision for your life really helps all the pieces to fall together. That having the power of yes in your spirit opens more doors that you never thought possible.

And when things don’t go your way, Bohen says it best: ‘The show must go on. That’s my life. My work. My family. I’ve been saying it forever. If you can’t do that, then you’re out. You’re off the field.” Truly a lesson in resilience, that you win some and you lose some. But you can’t just lay down and quit. You have to persist. So there you have it. A Star hiding in plain sight. An icon in the making. And somehow unbeknownst to every Teen Wolfe fan alive, SINGLE. Single and actively looking for his wife. Listen, I’m just putting it out there. I’m super married and so he’s not an option for me. He knows his way around a red carpet but deeply enjoys the country. He’s charismatic with the perfect amount of salt and pepper in his full head of hair. And he’s got a smile that will send chills down your spine. I shamelessly asked him, “Ian, but how are you single?” And he laughed and said, “I don’t know! I’m starting to think it’s me!”

It's not him.

His intuition is on point as he offered up words from his mother. She says, “You know what feels good. You know what feels bad. Don’t bullshit yourself.” Ian Bohen is exactly where he’s supposed to be and here to remind us that we are all exactly where we are supposed to be. All the highs and lows of life suddenly make sense in hindsight and when we get a curve ball, as Ian says, ‘the show must go on’ and keep it pushin.

Photography KARL SIMONE Stylist MARK HOLMES Hair & Makeup Steeve Daviault Link Management Model Franci Santos IMG Models Stylist Assistant Katie Chavez
OF WINTER OppOsite page: Coat VersaCe shirt & trousers Cos sCarf hermès (Vintage) shoes Tony Bianco
31 OppOsite page: Coat & trousers Billy Reid turtleneCk COS Dress Koha Belt Vintage shoes Stuart Weitzman this page: Dress Victoria Beckham (aVailaBle at Barney’s) Coat The Loom (aVailaBle at Barney s) turtleneCk Maison Margiela (aVailaBle at Barney s) shoes Stuart Weitzman FASHION
34 OppOsite page: Coat & shoes Narciso Rodriguez Belt Vintage this page: Coat the kooples Dress Aeffe USA (aVailaBle at Barney s) shoes tony BianCo FASHION
35 OppOsite page: Coat, trousers anD knit Narciso Rodriguez this page: Coat anD Dress Maison Margiela (aVailaBle at Barney s) FASHION



Getting into a Broadway show is no easy feat. Some actors only get to strut their stuff in a big time Broadway show after years of work in the theatre. And some actors never have the chance take a bow on a Broadway stage. So, what happens if you land your first Broadway show at the ripe old age of 10? For Andrew Keenan Bolger, the Great White Way was literally just the beginning.

“Theatre has always been a part of my life. I think I booked my first show at 4 or 5,” says Andrew who credits his sister Celia with catching the acting bug and giving it to him and his sister Maggie. (Celia Keenan Bolger can currently be seen in HBO’s The Gilded Age.) After booking the role of Chip in Broadway’s Beauty and the Beast, Andrew and his family moved from their hometown of Detroit, Michigan to the Big Apple. Andrew gives a lot of credit to his parents for giving him a good start on his career path. “Both my parents quit their jobs, moved to New York and became teachers to allow me to follow my dream. My parents instilled in us both a good work ethic and a good moral compass.” And it was those tools that helped him work steadily as a child actor.

As Andrew entered his later teens his life hit a major turn. When he was 16, his mother passed away after a 4-year battle with cancer. “After my mom passed, I was really lucky to have a real community in the theatre world... a lot of adults who took care of me when my mom and dad had to be in the hospital.” He says that growing up with a sick parent, and then a single parent, while working professionally in theatre as a teenager, lead him to a greater sense of independence. “The other major change,” he says, “was that I became very close to my sisters. They’re my two best friends. I think losing a parent a young age, we were sort of forced to create our own new family where we were really depending on each other.”

Even being a short kinda quirky... manchild type looking person, I do still think it is my strength. I think it is much easier to be a unique performer.

His career was also met with some growing pains. “I truly have had my fair share of failing, both publicly and privately,” Andrew admits. After being cast in the original production of Seussical: The Musical, Andrew’s voice changed. He was no longer able to sing in the register of the role he was hired for, and eventually parted ways with the production as it premiered on Broadway. Andrew now sees this change in fortune as a good thing. “Though it was hard at the time... it woke me up to the reality of being in show business... that some things are out of your control. Now I can look back and be really grateful for that lesson... your expectations rarely line up with reality.” He credits this experience for teaching him to “know how to pivot and learn from hardships.”

Pivot he did. While Andrew still went on to originate the roles of Crutchie and Jessie in the original Broadway productions of Newsies and Tuck Everlasting respectively, he began branching out into writing, directing, producing, and creating. He became a multi-hyphenate show business professional way before it was cool (let alone increasingly necessary) to be one. “I’ve always been more interested in other things within the business.” Andrew helped create the critically acclaimed web-series “Submissions Only” when YouTube was in its infancy. He amassed a huge Instagram following with his Saturday Intermission Pics (#SIP) before being an influencer was ever considered a career path. And most recently “Mikey’s Army” Andrew’s latest film collaboration with fellow Broadway multi-hyphenate Eric Ulloa is set to premiere in early 2023.

At 5’4” the chiseled yet cherubic Keenan-Bolger isn’t exactly the image of a cookie- cutter Broadway performer. But where others see limits, Andrew sees assets. “Even being a short kinda type looking person, I do still think it is my strength. I think it is much easier to be a unique performer... If you look at the really big stars who have broken out, none of them are cookie-cutter. There is no other Patti Lupone. There is no other Bernadette Peters. There is no other Kristen Chenoweth. The people who have really long-lasting careers I think are people who are very individual, both in the way that they look and the way that they present themselves to the world.” To Andrew, fitting into conventional casting types might be an advantage to start, but in the long run, it could be


“The jobs that I think I’m right for,” Andrew explains, “I can usually think of like four other people that might be right for them.”

Andrew attributes his successes to “50% hard work and 50% luck.” While luck is out of our control, I witnessed this first-hand his hard work when we were both in a production of Broadway Backwards, a yearly charity concert where musical theatre songs are given a queer twist when the genders of lead singers are swapped, but the pronouns are not. In our number, Andrew sang “I Feel Pretty” from West Side Story. Broadway Backwards raises thousands of dollars every year for the LGBTQ Center in New York City and Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS. Andrew has lent his considerable talents to this concert on many occasions and was an absolute pleasure to work with. “I was really lucky to have folks who were super accepting,”

Andrew says about his coming out as gay the age of 17. “I try to create things I wish I had when I was younger whether that be queer representation... or seeing my passions portrayed in film and online.” It’s no wonder that all the proceeds from his sneaker line (yes, he has a sneaker line too) are being donated to Gender Cool Project, a youth lead organization empowering trans and non-binary kids.

So, with endless options on the horizon, is Broadway still one of them? “It was my first love,” Andrew says. “It has I think given me the most joy, and I think provided a community for me when I most needed it.” And if he could choose any role, “I would love to play any role in a Stephen Sondheim show.”

And whatever that role, I know I will be one of the first in line at the box office.




Just a 20km drive away from Cortina D'Ampezzo near the Three Peaks of Lavaredo, and Braies lake - both declared World Heritage Sites by UNESCO - lies a historical 19th century private five-hectare Italian chateau with the relaxed atmosphere of a hunting lodge. Valcastello was the backdrop of my teenage years in Europe and 30 years later, I have come full-circle and returned for a milestone birthday accompanied by family and friends for a party of a lifetime that I will never forget..



Her name is Cinzia Chantal D'Acquarone...Countess D'Acquarone.

To me she is just Chanti, my best friend since meeting at a student launderette in Oxford, England when we were just 17. Today this incredible human, sportswoman and entrepreneur is the mother of three outstanding children – the oldest of which is my first Godson Cesare …

She just also happens to own Valcastello: an opulent and aristocratic 19th Century Boutique Resort located in the South Tirol region of Northern Italy.

King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy stayed at Valcastello, in what is now known as the King’s Suite…L’Avvocato Gianni Agnelli, head of Fiat stayed there…Prince Aga Khan and his wife Rita Hayworth stayed here in the days where Chantal’s father, the late Count D’Aquarone and his wife Claire hosted their famous royal hunting parties in the 1950’s.

Many Hollywood stars of the Golden Age of Hollywood came here too…from David Niven to Peter Sellers…to the 007’s Roger Moore and Sean Connery.

The Italian Chateau has belonged to three generations of Countess Chantal D’Acquarone’s family since 1910. The mansion still embodies an exclusive Polo Club with suites, the layback feel of a hunting lodge, the grandeur of a historic chateau and the pristine service and the ultimate alpine location of a ski chalet.

While playing Polo remains central to Valcastello, it welcomes both polo players and non-polo playing guests.


The chateau has stunning living and dining areas, featuring floor-to-ceiling handwoven tapestries, original oil paintings, Gio' Ponti vintage furniture, Peter Beard photographs and various historical artefacts. Windows let plenty of natural light into the magnificent dining room and there is a delightful open bar where you can enjoy a drink or two.

Guests can try their hand at 'Snow Polo' from December through to March and it is possible to organise tournaments varying from friendly chukkas to corporate competitions. The chateau also has a Finnish sauna, steam room, massage room and a gym





the right scent that fits my mood is never an easy process. Do I want something light and refreshing, warm and cozy or do I want to be completely transported to my favorite destinations around the world. On this cold Sunday morning, I reach for Glasshouse Fragrances Kyoto in Bloom Candle.

This particular scent belongs to the Amber family, known for evocative scents with highly aromatic notes to transport you to exotic far-flung places. As I burn the candle, it instantly takes me on a journey through a garden of cherry blossoms in the spring time. Beginning with citrus and bergamot, I soon start to take in the ethereal scents of camellia and lotus.

The fragrance continues to burn and my home becomes a calm oasis of amber, sandalwood, musk and vanilla. I’ve been taken on an emotionally charged fragrance experience without leaving the house.

Glasshouse Fragrances are known for their powerful scents and triple scented soy-



Anartist creates using passion, their past, their present and looking to the future. When Jordan Carlyle our Interiors Editor was looking for art for his East Hampton home he knew what he needed. The most important piece of art would sit outside and be a beacon of beauty for all the work he and Mario his partner would put into the home they were designing

After a lot of time and effort when they saw the work of Bill Wood, they knew instantly that his work echoed what they wanted. It was unique, but not odd, big but not heavy and ushered conversations that celebrated the decision of a sculpture in their garden.

When i saw Bill’s art I knew I wanted to get to know the man behind the vision.

Sitting down with Bill I was instantly taken by his willingness to share his story. The good the bad and the ugly. He took me back to his childhood and walked me through the way he was molded into the artist he was today. The humility surprised me. So many times I have met artists and it is rare that they point their success and talent to the people around them. Bill did exactly that.

Bill took me through a list of people who inspired him, motivated him to push further and helped him see the vision of his art.

Bill sculpts both visually beautiful and also very functional art. His art is displayed proudly by many art collectors and hold their space of influence in whatever location they are in.

Jordan Carlyle dedicated his life to beauty and making everything f around him beautiful, so for him to put stamp of approval by purchasing one of Bill’s pieces is what makes us at BHL know that this is a man you should take notice of.


For a HolidayHealthy

I love the holidays! It’s a time that allows us to enjoy the things we hold close to our hearts and allows us a chance to relax more than we normally would.

One thing we all can expect going into the holiday season is good food, and a lot of it! So what can we do to make sure we aren’t feeling down about those extra pounds of turkey we’ve eaten. Because let me be honest when I say there are ways to get through the season without regretting it come January 1st!

After years of maneuvering the ways to feel good and still look good, here are the 5 tips that I have found to be the most important. Try them out and let me know what worked best for you!

1. Don’t feel bad about eating

The first thing anyone might expect to hear, is to just eat less. Well we hear that all the time and frankly now is not the time for that! Health is much more than just what we look like so lets make sure not to develop a bad relationship with food over the season. We all knew we were going to eat more than usual, and that is okay. So understand this is not your normal eating habits, enjoy it and use it as a lesson that you can still enjoy food without having to feel bad about yourself.


Keep up and build your habits

One of the most important things to remember when it comes to building a healthy lifestyle is keeping up with your habits, and although the holidays are a great excuse to forget those habits, stay strong! Along your journey you will find yourself making small changes in your diet and fitness routine that positively impact your lifestyle. Simple things like cutting out creamers from coffee or using less oil and butter while cooking. Although small, these changes


Share the experience

Fitness and diets are not something you think about during the holiday season, and not something most people want to do. So try and make it fun, involve your friends and family and turn your daily routines into events and activities you can share with your loved ones. Go for walks to see lights,

take the dog out as a family, show your friends what you’ve been doing for yourself. The best way to stay accountable is to have other people reminding you and taking part in your life.

4. Everyone has 15 min!

The holiday season is busy, and that’s understandable, don’t stress if you can’t get your normal workouts in, but don’t make the excuse that you don’t have time. Everyone has 15 min! So get a quick HIIT workout in, do some cardio, or spend a few minutes in the morning doing some push ups! Stay consistent, because although its okay to take some time off your workout schedule, it’s not okay to get out of habit and lose your routine for when the new year comes around.

5. Take a moment to celebrate your achievements this year

This is the end of the year and you deserve to celebrate your accomplishments and progress! No matter where you ended the year, you have a lot to look back on. Remember that this journey has many ups and downs, so don’t beat yourself up at the end of the year. Take joy in what was accomplished and get ready to kick it into high gear for the new year!

Your lifestyle will change during the holidays, but it’s nothing to worry about. This journey is about progress and not perfection, so just do what you can and realise that with the right mindset and ambition you will be making the progress you want.

Consistency, and building these habits for the new year is what will set you up for your future success, so although you want to be easy on yourself and celebrate your victories, make sure to stay strong. I’ve had the absolute pleasure of going through this journey and being able to share my knowledge with a growing community through my social platforms and as of recently my online training program. If you are looking for a community built around the idea of consistency and support check out If the program and community seem like a fit for you, it would be my absolute pleasure to share in your journey over this next year!

Happy holidays and lets make 2023 the best year yet.



I see my face up close. I'm not sure I like those crow's feet that have sprouted at the corner of my eyes. But I don't have to put up with them. Cosmetic surgery is becoming normalized. Year on year, getting "work done" becomes more accessible and more acceptable. In other words, we are becoming normalized, both by delaying the impact of aging, and by tweaking young bodies into conforming.

Feeling beautiful in your own skin is one of the best feelings in the world. To be able to look in the mirror and love what you see is a true gift. None of us are perfect but that’s what makes us beautiful. It's those imperfections that make us unique. Even though we can own that statement and truly believe it, there is also nothing wrong with trusting someone to help you achieve feeling a lot better with some professional expertise.

Welcome Dr. James Rosing, board certified by both the American Board of Plastic Surgery as well as the American Board of Surgery who is brilliant at making you feel even more confident and beautiful. Dr. Rosing who has a stunning office in Newport Beach is a master at giving people the exact results they are asking for and makes the experience even more enjoyable than you could ever hope for.

With offices overlooking the ocean that make you feel like you are at a spa, to a staff that not only love their jobs but find pleasure in making sure you are comfortable, there is no detail left to chance, and this is one of the most unique parts about Dr, Rosing and his office.

Many people will go to the best and have an experience that they soon want to forget. When you first call Dr. Rosing’s office you will understand and cherish why he is a step above the rest. The experience is truly a luxury experience. The unique part of Dr. Rosing is his belief that not everyone needs plastic surgery. He is one of there few doctors that cares so much, that he will honestly, respectfully and with confidence let you know if he can help you. He cares more about your happy results and knows instinctively and because of his years of experience whether he should do the job you want.

He is creative and will also walk you through how to make you the best version of yourself and sometimes its as simple as heading to the next room for treatment at his Med Spa. His staff have years of training, learning and continue to keep up with the best of the best when it comes to procedures, products and new and exciting ways to find some amazing results.

Dr. James Rosing who is a master at procedures on the face, body and great work has taken the task of being the best and most unique experience to heart. His clients all rave about the end results but also make sure to highlight the experience they have from the second they walk into the door.

If you are wanting to do something that will make you feel better and want the best of the best, reach out to Dr. James Rosing. Check out his website and see some of the transformations, read more about his passions and give him a call. His years of perfecting his work shows in all his clients and his passion for making it wonderfully memorable experience will give you a reason for wanting to come back.

You can find him at or on his Instagram

29 DR.

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