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Publisher’s Toast Summer Breezes
The Highs and Lows of an Eventful June
As our lives seem to be rolling back to where we were before the start of COVID-19, it’s time to take stock of the present, because business isn’t the same. First, while the pandemic seems to be receding in so many eyes, it is important to remember that it’s still affecting the country’s health, and in the impact it has had on us emotionally and fi nancially is profound and lingering. There are still many factors affecting the beverage industry. We’re looking for normalcy, but it didn’t come fast enough for many brands that left us the past two years. Many more still struggle with a shortage of drivers, stockers and production workers to bring them all the way back. That qualifi es as a defi nite low. We’re clearly not back yet.
So, I look for some highs -- and not the same kind I used to chase in my wilder days. First, my 3 ½ year old granddaughter just got her fi rst shot, and knowing she is starting to be protected warms my heart. (I don’t understand why so many people are reticent or skeptical of science. Sadly, we are a country of disinformation and that has affected our return to normalcy. That is obviously a low.)
More good news: Watching Mike Repole win and place in the Belmont Stakes was a joyous event. Mike epitomizes all that is good about our industry. His honesty, work ethic and leadership in everything he gets involved in sets a standard for success and integrity. I’m happy to call him a friend.
The next high was our BevNET Live conference. We had over 600 of our compatriots in New York. June is always a great time to be in the city and a splendid time was had by all. It was a high energy event, and the excitement was palpable. Watching the interaction of attendees, networking to the fullest, made all the countless hours putting it together worthwhile. We are prideful in our work. The content was terrifi c as we put together a stellar cast of speakers to share insights on every aspect of our business. I’ve spent 32 years involved in beverages yet I still pick up nuggets listening to our speakers impart their knowledge. You’re never too young or old to learn. Hosting this event is a labor of love.
Sadly, the lows in the month of June have impacted our lives. While they are not beverage centric, I use my bully pulpit to share what is so important to me. The senseless mass shootings are a blight on our lives. I am so tired of watching the carnage and seeing the right allow and justify it under the banner of the second amendment rights. Killing innocent people with assault weapons is not a right.
My other grievance is the assault on women by the Supreme Court. The overturning of Roe vs. Wade is the greatest travesty in my lifetime. I cry for the millions of women who have lost the right to control their bodies.
This is nonsense, and it must be addressed and rectifi ed. I look for a brighter second half of the year.
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Barry J. Nathanson PUBLISHER bnathanson@bevnet.com Jeffrey Klineman EDITOR-IN-CHIEF jklineman@bevnet.com Martín Caballero MANAGING EDITOR mcaballero@bevnet.com Ray Latif CONTRIBUTING EDITOR rlatif@bevnet.com
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BPA Worldwide Member, June 2007