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from Growing Ute II
Maik’ welcome to volume II of Growing Ute. As we move forward with our language and preservation work, we continue to embrace and strengthen our people, our way of life and our cultural traditions. The Ute language is a spoken language. As we embark on writing the language, we find many variances in the written form. Our focus is to increase the usage of speaking Ute among our people and awaken our cultural spirits so that we may continue passing all of our heritage to the next generation and those to come. I’m pleased to say volume of Growing Ute won a silver and four gold Anthem Awards for global purpose driven work. Volume II celebrates our resiliency and recovery from covid and highlights our traditional cultural gatherings.
The Ute Mountain Ute Tribe’s Tiwahe Initiative, directed by Juanita PlentyHoles, has been working for three years to preserve and protect the Ute language. With funding from the United States Department of Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs, as well as the Indian Economic Development Living Languages Grant Program. The Ute Mountain Ute Tribe has created an online Ute dictionary with both Android and Apple applications, an e-learning platform, award winning films and books. Visit GrowingUte.org