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Our Team

Creative Team

Lauren is the Executive Director for the countywide initiative, BeWellPBC, advancing behavioral health and wellness for all residents in Palm Beach County. The Well of PBC is a passion project for Lauren to increase behavioral health awareness, engage diverse perspectives across the county, and promote solutions to address our county’s most complex challenges.

Katrina, founder & CEO of Unity3 Palm Beach, brings her executive advertising background combined with her love of faith, family, and this vibrant multicultural community to The Well of PBC and BeWellPBC.

Julie, CEO of Khanna Connections, enjoys using her creativity to help health and wellness industries communicate with their audiences.

Surej, founder of Photography & Design by Sunman, is the creative visionary that brings life into each page, concept, visual and digital design of The Well of PBC publication.

The information in this issue of The Well of PBC is for information purposes only. The Well of PBC assumes no liability or responsibility for any inaccurate, delayed or incomplete information, nor for any actions taken in reliance thereon. The information contained about each individual, company, product or organization has been provided by such individual, company, product or organization without verification by us.

Alita Faber is the Networks & Special Projects Manager at BeWellPBC. Through her work, she wishes to help the field of behavioral health to become more equitable for the entire community, including those seeking services and those looking to work in the field.

Melanie, president of Otero Communications, provides consulting services for some of Palm Beach County’s leading nonprofit organizations. With a special interest in behavioral health, she serves as a contributing writer to The Well of PBC.

The opinion expressed in each article is the opinion of its author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Well of PBC. Therefore, The Well of PBC carries no responsibility for the opinion expressed therein.

Any form of reproduction of any content in this magazine without the written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. © 2023 The Well of PBC All rights reserved.

Get Your Green On Campaign Talking Points

Why the Get Your Green On campaign?

• The campaign is in honor of national Mental Health Awareness Month (May).

• Palm Beach County also honors trauma-informed care as part of the campaign.

• Green is the national color for mental health awareness

• The Get Your Green On campaign aims to raise awareness by creating visible support (by wearing green on May 18th) and fostering safe spaces to talk openly about behavioral health and trauma.

What is the story of the Get Your Green On campaign?

• Began in May 2016 – Healthier Delray Beach and students at Atlantic High School wanted to encourage the community to give attention to their mental health and wellness. Everyone was encouraged to wear green and post pictures on social media.

• In 2017, 2018 and 2019: o Birth to 22: United for Brighter Futures (an alliance of Palm Beach County community providers) partnered with Healthier Delray Beach to take the campaign countywide. o More than 100 providers, government agencies, schools, media outlets and businesses participated each year and over 6000 individuals wore green and posted pictures. o The Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners, 15 additional cities, and multiple agency Boards of Directors adopted Mental Health Awareness and Trauma -Informed Care Proclamations in the month of May.

• In 2020 and 2021, the community celebrated the annual Get Your Green On campaigns virtually due to COVID-19. Recognizing the toll the pandemic was taking on resident mental health, the campaign was more important than ever to encourage self-care.

• During May 2023, Palm Beach County honors behavioral health again, encouraging everyone to care for themselves and the people around them. The month of May will include Mental Health Awareness Proclamations, trainings and awareness events across the county, and the social media campaign on May 18th will get everyone wearing green!

Why is mental health awareness and trauma-informed care important?

• 1 in 4 adults and 1 in 5 youth (ages 13 to 18) experience serious mental health concerns.

• 26% of children experience a traumatic event before the age of 4.

• 60% of adults and 50% of youth in need of treatment do not receive help due to limited/no knowledge of their mental health needs, barriers to receiving care, or fear and shame.

• Communities can change these statistics by promoting awareness about behavioral health and offering trauma-informed care.

Where to find more information about the campaign, how to get involved, resources, and a social media toolkit?

• www.GetYourGreenOn.org

• May Events Calendar at https://pbcbirthto22.com/gygo/events2023.htm

The Board of County Commissioners has proclaimed May 2023 as Mental Health Awareness and Trauma-Informed Care Month to encourage every resident and professional to practice self-care, support the people around them, and seek help when needed.

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