Beyda Gökçe Yıldız
EDUCATION TED University (Full Scholarship)
Anadolu University (Open education faculty)
Rhino Grasshoper Sketchup
Architecture Department Global Citizenship Secondary Field 2017-2022 GPA: 3,60
Web Design and Coding 2020-2022
V-ray Enscape Lumion
EXPERIENCES Office Internship SCRA Architecture
Beyda Gökçe Yıldız
June-September 2021
Architectural Construction Internship Selçuk Alten
Photoshop Illustrator Indesign After Effect Html Python
June-August 2020
BGS Information Technologies Limited Company
Architectural drawings in Microstation software
Telephone: 05372202705
January-February 2020
Photography Studio
June-September 2018 / June-September 2019
Web site: https://beydagokceyilik.wordpress.com
E-posta: bydgkc@gmail.com
Web design learning Taking-editing photos Write blog posts Learning software Drawing Explore new places Reading books
Certificates / Workshops
Brand a New Brand California Institute of Arts Graphic Design Specialization
Introduction to Python Programming Global Artificial Inteligent Hub TIFA Studio Contemporary Mosque Design
Turkish English German Competition Yarından Sonra C-19 sonrası Mekan ve Nesne National Student Competition (2nd grade) Cemer Düşten Geleceğe Ulus Cultural Center Competititon
Contents 4
untitled :
Project X : dualities on site / neighbourhood / multiplication of housing units / cross bracing on facade
University Sports Center (Cus)
Competition : Yarından Sonra: C-19 Sonrası Mekan Ve Nesne Ulusal Fikir Yarısması - 3rd Prize
Rivus :Architectural Photography
Personal Reading-Research About Urban Design
an ambigious reading through calculated uncertanity
:Data visualisation
untitled :
an ambigious reading through calculated uncertanity
Semester: 2021-2022 Fall Site: Beirut Port Co-workers: Bilgesu sever, Deniz yeni, Umay çınar Studio Conductors: Alper Kiremitçi, Basak uçar, Derin inan, Onur özkoç, Ziya imren, Çagrım koçer
system proposal
Beirut is a city, facing an urban collapse on many scales. From its economy to urban management, transportation, lack of access to the public & green spaces and climatic risks are a few examples of the problems that await solution with larger-scale interventions and sets of integrated urban strategies. The multicultural structure of the city, its historical significance, and its position within the region also play an important role in understanding and reclaiming the urban qualities of the city and its urban edge. This project intends to study the urban edge at the coastline of Beirut and consider it as a surface morphed among the water and land/city, where different agencies (human/non-human) overlap to transform each other. Discovering the spatial, material, and experiential dispositions along the encounters of water with land/city will be the main focus of the studio research. The challenge is to be able to develop adaptive, solitary, and resilient strategies for this particular urban context. Throughout history, Beirut has changed rapidly such as French and Ottoman Mandate Christ-Muslim density and so on so its level of adaptation is highly recognizable. That’s why, socio-economic inconsistencies, cultural diversification, historical juxtaposition occur in the city. But in each transformation Newcomers take a place in the city. Thanks to our system thinking in terms of resilience, we designed a system that can change according to all events from the civil war to a festival, port activities to the explosion. this system is formed by the superimposition of several systems. We consider trucks, cars, humans, containers, cranes, waste management systems, electricity, water as infrastructural elements. The project is exposing all of the infrastructures of the building. The skeleton itself engulfs the building from its exterior, showing all of the different mechanical and structural systems not only so that they could be understood but also to maximize the interior space without interruptions. This everted condition applied in whole port. There is almost no zoning but there is a was exposing all of the infrastructures of the building. The skeleton itself engulfs the building from its exterior, showing all of the different mechanical and structural systems not only so that they could be understood but also to maximize the interior space without interruptions. There are some constant(resistant) elements which are passenger terminal some of the waste management system elements and inconstant (resilient) which are warehouses festival spaces and all other possible spaces.
contexual analysis
3D visuals
Perspective Section : general view
Project X : dualities on site / neighbourhood / multiplication of housing units / cross bracing on facade Semester: 2020-2021 spring
Site: Turkey/Ankara/çankaya Studio Conductors: Esatcan cşkun, Azize elif yabacı, Ferit can aker, Namık erkal, Onur yüncü, Melis acar
Human is biopsychosocial entity that’s why human need space for dwelling, working, eating, performing, sport and leisure. So dwelling is not the only necessity for living. Project X mass housing project gives equal value to social and dwelling programs.The site is full of dualities that block the visual and physical relations according to topographic values -there is 30-meter height differences-and site analysis.Thanks to the understanding of living and site potential, I elevate the dwelling blocks to achieve a free ground plan for great lawn eatery spaces, meditation garden, children’s play hill, fitness zone, herbal garden.Turan Güneş which connects the site with the center and Konrad Adenour Street which connects the housing zone wraps up the site. So privacy level of the streets also creates duality. So Konrad street is more related to private spaces, Individual living blocks located near it. Contradicted to that Turan Güneş refers to public spaces, working-living blocks locate there.
Noise - Silent
Vista - viewless
Commercial - Housing
Dispersed - grid layout
Solid - Void
Dualities in site 6
Work-Live Housing Block A
type A2+ D2
type B2 + C1
type A2 + C 1
type B3 + D 3
Individual Dwelling Housing Block type B
type A1+D1
type A
type A2+B3 + D2
type B2 + D2
Visual permeability and acessibility
Individual Dwelling Housing Block
Suggested Treatment
Unıversıty Sports Center (Cus) Semester: 2020-2021 Fall
Site: Italy / Venice/ dorsoduro Studio Conductors: Namık erkal, Ferit can aker, Onur yüncü, Sinem çınar, Esatcan coşkun, Melıs acar
University Sports Center (CUS) Dorsoduro houses a variety of sports activities such as basketball,volleyball, tennis, fitness .The project developed in the context of Venice. So whole project take referance from Venetian elements like tower-square relation, spatial scenarios, architectural elements (like portico,loggia).But with my own architectural ideas and architectural gestures in the facades, structural systems, promenade etc. Project does not look like Venetian building. In the analysis of the given program elements, it has been determined that the open air courts are mostly used. And the idea of a square that supports these open spaces and comes with circulation axes and curvilinear promenade platforms is proposed. The promenade like element is not only provided physical connections but also enhances the multiple experiences and spatial integrations at various levels for the people who pass from the square. Moreover, it also provides visual relationships that are ensuring the flexibility of the spaces.
SceneTASİS Data visualisation
Semester: 2020-2021 spring Conductor: Başak uçar kırmızıgül Co-worker: Duygu dikmeer
00:50-3:52 England 3:52-8:30 Racew ars (LA-California) 8:30-11:30 Oakland Cemetary 11:30-16:34D SS LA-night16:34-19:411 327-LA 19:41-23:07 Sacred Heart Hospital-interrior 23:07-25:53M onte
25:53-28 Tokyo-interrior28-33:48 Tokyo- exterrior33:48-37:30C overtO pera on Base/El Seguardo-gece 37:30-41:42C overt Opera on Base/El Seguardo-gündüz 41:42-1:05:08C aucasus Mountain-R ussia 1:05:08- 1:22:00A bu Dhabi+ E hadT ower-interrior1:22:00-1:35:00L A-best known streets 1:35:00-2:06:00C IA Deten on-jail 2:06:00-2:09:00C oastline
Timeline + Movie Barcode of whole movie
The scenes determined as a re sult of the intersection of the important scenes in the scenario and the color concen trations noticed in the barcode are discussed as chapters.
Crop the movie
In Step A, the color of exterior and interior locations of the films were turned into an alluvial diagram, and color comparisons were made. Since it is an action movie series, there are more exterior locations than interior ones. Throughout the process, the repetition of some places in different movies was noticed. Analyzed showed that the color codes were different. It has been told that there are no specific color codes for cities. The difference in colors was occurring because of the emotion that tries to be given as in Berlin and London. But there are also places where these changes are small—like the Canary Islands and Tokyo. This may be because some cities have similar emotions created and visualize in people's minds. For example, the Canary Islands are known for being coastal cities and the first view of the coast comes to mind. On the other hand, Tokyo is also the city of technology, and night photos usually come to mind. Therefore, some unwritten but generally accepted rules are also used in cinema. In Step B, there are some relations between action, time, and color. While the action scenes are concentrated towards the middle and the end of the movie, the final scene of each movie contains a minimum degree of action and bright-colored scenes.
Exterrior spaces
Interrior spaces
Step B
Chapter lenght
Create Movie Barcode of each chapter
Alluvial Diagram
Step A
Color Summarizer
to create chapters
Chapter range
Degree of action
Fast Furious 6
Fast Furious 5 Tokyo
Los Angeles
Lusitania, Spain
Headquarter - inside
Canary Island, Spain
Fast Furious 7
Havana, Cuba
34.1381N- 118.3534W
London - England
Vladovin- Russia
Undisclosed location
Jail - LA
Fast Furious 8
Los Angeles
New York City
Malibu, California
Mr. Nobody Base
AbuDhabi- Ethiad Tower
Monte Crisitic, Dominic Republic
Tokyo, Japan Los Angeles
Sacred Heart Hospital
Caucaus Mountain-Russia
In the latest movies, the colors of some action scenes are darker than the previous years of movies. The reason for this may be the change in locations. For example, in the last movie action scenes were mostly shot in Russia. Darker and cold colors give the feeling of cold which is the climate of Russia. This example explains the relation of the colors with the narration. On the other hand, the beginnings of the movies, like the endings, started with lighter colors. Also, usually, the beginning and end scenes are fragmented. Scenes get longer towards the main action scenes-middle part-. However, there is no certain color rule (dark-light) in high-action level scenes. In this way, the perception of using dark colors in action series has changed. Therefore, the effect of colors in storytelling can be interpreted and changed.
Yarından Sonra: C-19 Sonrası Mekan Ve Nesne Ulusal Fikir Yarısması - 3rd Prize
METAMORFIK HACIMLER: YENI NORMAL METAMORFIK HACIMLER is a private space design with a system that responds to the changing spatial needs of people over time, thanks to the movable walls that function as environmental and special space furniture. With this project, the existing aluminum and glass joinery has been mobilized in line with the need to create space, and thanks to this movement, it is aimed that the side surfaces created by pushing these panels forward or backward are intended to design the space according to the needs. The spaces are designed with a grid organization and offer a flexible space setup in response to the smooth form of this organization. That is, a sense of limitlessness is emphasized within the borders.
Co worker: Deniz yeni
Variational form that allows vertical circulation
Restricted partition yet still enabling it horizontal and vertical Isolated and hygienic relation with the outside via greenhouse on top ‘Hygenic layering‘ in the vertical direction
A formal configuration that allows the solution of the larger scale series of private interrior spaces by altering on various floors.
Winter version of the main form Transparent and opaque panels and fragmentation to reduce heat loss
The variation with high visual connection and easiest to ensure the quarantine area layout
Restricted interaction with outside, potential of extroverted spaces like, greenhouses
Spatial diversity and possible necessary isolation in both horizontal and vertical with mezzanine configuration that allow visual integration. It is in line with the courtyard concept through the combination of this series of proposals on a special spatial scale, strengthening and defining the outside and inside context.
L type in the possibility of an infected habitant, with a lineer organization The quarantine room of the infected person can be formed easily with the walls and close to hygenic units
Architectural Photography Semester: 2020-2021 Spring Instructor: Duygu tüntaş
The word “rakip”, meaning “rival” in English, comes from the Latin root “rivus” meaning “river”. Accordingly, being rivals means living on opposite sides of a river, benefiting from the same water and polluting the same water. A strip of water often called a “canal” bisects nearly all major cities in the world. Istanbul, London, Paris, Vienna, Cairo are a few of the best known. Some cities have been completely shattered by water: Venice and Amsterdam. If there is no water, there is a wall or the main street that cuts through the city’s belly, just like in Ankara. The inhabitants of the city almost need this division. The river creates an urban void while dividing the city in two, creating contrast on both sides of the river. The constant shift of the reference point, the fact that both sides of the water are “this side” and “the other side” shows that there is no clear positioning in the middle, only contrast is needed.
This urban void fills all the streets of the city and organizes the life there, and as this void gets smaller, it starts to connect the lives and defines the neighborhood at that point. So, urban voids serve as a link between different eras, lifestyles, city transformation, and ruins, and it is the physical manifestation of time. So, we can easily relate to different scales of rivus idea. And there is a various way of creating an urban void in several scales. Natural (river, trees, hills) and artificial boundaries (highway, urban facades) create urban voids. The features of urban voids have also altered as a result of the zoning of uses, the rising size of new urban needs, and the variance in the evolution of city structure with artificial boundaries. In the past, when cities expanded, urban voids were absorbed by the city. Therefore, new urban voids were formed around the new city and natural boundaries become a definer of urban voids. Nature, which is our lifeblood in the environment we live in, is irreversibly plundered and tries to survive in the voids of the city. My photos aim to compile clues from our world of perception that make such plunder possible.
Personal Reading-Research About Urban Design urban design history reading and searching
Degree of stem
Unit is an important element to maintain and control the level of complexity in these three projects. The unit can be designed in smaller frames and it makes multiplication an effective way of creating systematized projects. There is a system that enables us to link units together. Then those units generate autonomous parts. Even though they are autonomous they have their own architectural character. How those units come together and how those units generate systems are different in those examples.
Stem obtain a diversity of activities in a way. It is a system of functional and physical linkage that is open to growth and change. The aim here is to give the pedestrian freedom of movement without being interrupted by motor traffic and to facilitate human association. In this system main stem is supported by the auxiliary stem. The auxiliary stem includes all the needs to generate an urban life like a commercial. These auxiliary stems are aligned along the stem in a way to support the served spaces. So served spaces stem is also a part of this system. I mean, the stem also continues within the served spaces like dwelling blocks. So It creates a continuous pedestrian network which creates different degrees of the stem like most public one is the main stem but less public one is the stem which is inside of the dwelling blocks. I analyze each system with those aspects which create a degree of the stem.
Beyda Gökçe Yıldız bgokce.yilik@tedu.edu.tr bydgkc@gmail.com https://beydagokceyilik.wordpress.com https://tr.linkedin.com/in/beyda-gökçe-yıldız 0537-2202705