The Devil Goes to Church

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Current Events & Trends


Governments spying to silence potential critics


recent commentary by John and Nisha danger based on your public activities . . . looking ciation’ society in which we are all as guilty as the Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute for any hints of ‘large public events, social unrest, most culpable person in our address book.” pointed out that, “on any given day, the av- gang communications, and criminally predicated The Whiteheads comment: “Now the governerage person is now monitored, surveilled, spied individuals’ . . . [and] such ‘suspicious’ behavior as ment wants us to believe that we have nothing on and tracked in more than 20 different ways by people buying pallets of bottled water . . . to fear from these mass spying programs as long both government and corporate eyes and ears” “Flagging you as a danger based on your social as we’ve done nothing wrong. Don’t believe it (“We the Targeted: How the Government Weap- media activities. Every move you make, especially . . . The government’s definition of a ‘bad’ guy is onizes Surveillance to Silence Its Critics,” Aug. 29, on social media, is monitored, mined for data, extraordinarily broad, and it results in the war2023). crunched, and tabulated in order to form a pic- rantless surveillance of innocent, law-abiding While the piece goes into more depth on some ture of who you are, what makes you tick, and Americans on a staggering scale. Moreover, there of these elements, here are some highlights: how best to control you when and if it becomes is a repressive, suppressive effect to surveillance “Consider just a small sampling of the ways in necessary to bring you in line. As The Intercept that not only acts as a potentially small deterrent which the government is weaponizing its 360 reported, the FBI, CIA, NSA and other government on crime but serves to monitor and chill lawful degree surveillance technologies to flag you as a agencies are increasingly investing in and relying First Amendment activity, and that is the whole threat to national security, whether or not you’ve on corporate surveillance technologies that can point. Weaponized surveillance is re-engineering done anything wrong. a society structured around the aesthetic of fear.” “Flagging you as a danger based on your feelThis ties back to a quote from President Harry ings . . . [by] an artificial intelligence surveillance Truman that opened the commentary: “Once program that can detect ‘sentiment and emotion’ a government is committed to the principle of in social media posts . . . Flagging you as a danger silencing the voice of opposition, it has only based on your phone and movements . . . Flagging one way to go, and that is down the path of inyou as a danger based on your DNA . . . It’s only a creasingly repressive measures, until it becomes matter of time before the police state’s pursuit a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a of criminals expands into genetic profiling and a country where everyone lives in fear.” preemptive hunt for criminals of the future . . . This is the way to totalitarianism, and America “Flagging you as a danger based on your face. and other Western governments that espouse Facial recognition software aims to create a society freedom are on that track. The Bible speaks of a in which every individual who steps out into public mine constitutionally protected speech on social time soon ahead when the world will be plunged is tracked and recorded as they go about their daily media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and In- into even more severe repression under what the business . . . Scientists are also developing lasers stagram in order to identify potential extremists book of Revelation calls the mark of the Beast, that can identify and surveil individuals based on and predict who might engage in future acts of where no one will be allowed to buy and sell— their heartbeats, scent and microbiome. Flagging anti-government behavior . . . participate in commerce—without demonstratyou as a danger based on your behavior . . . includ- “Flagging you as a danger based on your social ing compliance to the system. This will be part of ing gait recognition (the way one walks) . . . network . . . the people you might connect with the final European revival of the Roman Empire. To “Flagging you as a danger based on your spend- by phone, text message, email or through social learn more about that system, send for or downing and consumer activities . . . Flagging you as a message . . . What this creates is a ‘guilt by asso- load our free study guide The Final Superpower.

China seeks new world order

tries, which includes Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa” (ibid.). The same piece interestingly notes: “Xi seems to perceive the future as a binary competition between his China and the United States. But he is hen world leaders gathered Sept. 9-10 for the G20 Summit in mistaken. The global order that is now emerging has multiple centers of New Delhi, India, the year’s premier diplomatic event, the ab- power, each with its own goals and interests. China will not automatically sence of China’s president Xi Jinping was palpable. As reported be the primary beneficiary of the coming world order, nor will the global by Michael Schuman in The Atlantic, Xi “deemed it not worth his time. His South necessarily flock to its banner in a renewed anti-colonial struggle.” absence sends a stark signal: China is done with the established world or- Quite true. The Bible shows that China, Russia and other Asian nations der” (“Xi Jinping Is Done With the Established World Order,” Sept 9, 2023). will form a major power bloc in the end time. But they will be overshadThe story goes on to say that “Xi is willing to hang on to some estab- owed by a European power, and these two forces will confront each lished institutions, such as the United Nations, that he thinks he can re- other in global war, leading to massive loss of life and imperiling human purpose to promote his global aims. But apparently, the G20 wasn’t one of survival if not for God’s intervention. To better understand where events those . . . Xi has been pushing rivals that he thinks he can dominate or pack are headed, send for or download our free study guides Russia and Bible with friendly clients. One such form is the BRICS group of developing coun- Prophecy and The Final Superpower.


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