The Great Reset - Where Will It Lead?

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Gain From God’s Perspective We need a higher vantage point to understand the full context of our own lives and the whole human story. We’ll then see that even amid life’s difficulties a great plan and purpose is being worked out—toward a wondrous future with God. by Victor Kubik


large and respected investment firm advertises, “Gain From Our Perspective,” assuring clients of help in achieving financial goals. The firm’s experts know and see things customers may not. Their perspective reflects years of investing experience, seeing a bigger picture of what techniques and practices are necessary for success and prosperity. They offer customers guidance toward this end, helping to keep them from financial ruin. The slogan “Gain From Our Perspective” intrigued me because this principle can be applied to a far more valuable and lasting venture than merely making money. Consider: What if we could have a clearer view of life that solidly reveals who we are, where we came from, what is ahead for us and how we will get there? Wouldn’t you like to hear from One who has been alive through all time, who designed and created all that is, whose extraordinary perspective encompasses all, seeing so many things that we don’t? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to truly find out how it all works—learning this from a loving, all-powerful God who wants us to gain from it all? Many would jump at this chance. The question then becomes: Can we tap into and experience this? Many have searched, conjectured and devised various philosophies and founded many religions that claim to offer enlightenment. Many others are clueless regarding these questions and are left in darkness and ignorance. At first, we may feel too overwhelmed to give this more thought. We may find it challenging to choose any particular line of thinking about life’s meaning. After all, many have already explored this. Who, one may think, can stand against the accumulated knowledge of a legion of thinkers and clerics? The answer, as we will see, is both surprising and satisfying. Questions about life’s meaning are timeless. Some 3,000 years ago King David recorded the apparent insignificance of human beings when contrasted with the majestic vastness of the night sky. As a shepherd before becoming royalty, David had spent many nights gazing at the stars above. Notice how he framed his thoughts in 24 Beyond Today

B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g

Psalm 8:3-4: “When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained, what is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You visit [or attend to] him?” When I was a teenager I pondered similar thoughts. I wondered about what happened after death. Would I cease to exist? I thought long and hard about these questions many a night in bed when it was quiet. It was very troubling. But through the pages of the Bible, God gave me an awesome perspective. I embraced that marvelous and sure perspective, and it has brought great things to my life. I want to share with you some thoughts about having this perspective. God wants us to see, but there are hindrances A fact sometimes overlooked is that our Creator God, our divine Parent, intended that we come to understand the meaning of our existence. He wants us to see what He is doing with and for all mankind, including you personally. But this insight does not come through intellect alone, or secular philosophers would have found the truth and agreed on it by now. The world’s most erudite thinkers cannot see the meaning of life. It’s presently hidden from them even though it’s right in front of them. Yet it’s not entirely their fault for not seeing it. The problem with perception is mostly one of obstructions and mental barriers. This means that once the obstacles are removed, an entire world of design, a relationship with God and the profound meaning of life can come into clear focus. Here’s the backstory: Jesus Christ came preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God. This gospel (the Greek word here literally means “good message” or “good news”) addresses the big questions of life—concerning God, man, the relationship between God and man, and our eternal future. When Jesus preached in the ancient towns of Chorazin and Bethsaida in northern Galilee, He was met with closed minds and resistance. In His prayer to His Father in heaven, Jesus made a remarkable statement: “I thank

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