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Chin Up

How a subtle dermal filler chin enhancement can improve self-esteem and confidence

Every feature of the face has an element that contributes


to one’s unique beauty and attractiveness. Although the chin is an area that isn’t often looked at in detail, a chin that has a nice angle, is well-defined and balanced can help to improve a person’s overall facial attractiveness. For 36-year-old Holly, her chin was causing her to be selfconscious about the way she looked. “When I could see that my chin was slightly out of proportion from the rest of my face and it didn’t really fit; it was smaller and set back,” she explains, adding, “It just made my whole face look off balance and there are a few pictures where I’ve been caught from a side angle and I thought, gosh is that what I look like?” After chatting about her concerns with her sister, who works in the aesthetics specialty, Holly learnt that the appearance of her chin could possibly be improved with cosmetic surgery or dermal fillers, so she sought advice from aesthetic practitioner Dr Raul Cetto.

Chin augmentation with fillers

When Holly told Dr Cetto about her concerns, she was relieved that he understood. She says, “He explained that I was right in the fact that my chin was out of proportion, before detailing what the proportions should be to create more balance in my face.” He described an imaginary line called the meridian that you can draw from your forehead to your chin. To achieve facial harmony and balance to the profile of the face, the chin should be at most 2mm from this line, Dr Cetto explained. “Having this described to me really helped because I was able to understand the causes and how they could be addressed,” Holly reflects. As Holly wasn’t interested in invasive cosmetic surgery, Dr Cetto suggested that a dermal filler treatment would be a good approach as it could improve the projection of the chin and bring subtle harmony to the face with minimal downtime. “Dr Cetto explained clearly what he could do and why it would have an impact. He also told me what the results would be like and the possible side effects and complications that could occur, so I felt I knew exactly what to expect after the treatment,” Holly explains. He also told her about his choice of products. “Dr Cetto said he would be using the Teosyal range of dermal fillers with a layering technique, which would help ensure I got natural results and didn’t end up with a ‘stiff’ look.” Dr Cetto uses this technique because the face has different layers of bone, muscle, fat and skin, which all have unique biomechanical characteristics. Different dermal filler products are therefore needed to replicate the different mechanics of the layers that the product will be injected into. Dr Cetto first injected Teosyal Ultra Deep into the chin using a needle. He then pricked the skin so that he could use the hole as an entry point to slide in a cannula (a long, blunted needle). This instrument is ideal for helping to minimise bruising and it also has a lower chance of causing one of the most serious dermal filler complications, vascular occlusions (learn more on p.28). From there, Dr Cetto injected another dermal filler called Teosyal RHA 4 in the layer

"When I looked at myself after the treatment, I thought the results were fantastic! My whole face looked in better proportion and my features were in harmony with each other"

Before After Before After

Before and after chin augmentation treatment showing subtle increased projection of the chin and jawline for a more balanced profile. Patient treated by Dr Raul Cetto and image taken by Surface Imaging Solutions and Canfield VECTRA H2.

"This small treatment has given me that extra boost of confidence, and really improved an area I didn’t like so I can hold my head a little higher, and really feel better about myself"

above the previous injection. Holly notes, “There was a bit of discomfort, but it wasn’t painful. Dr Cetto worked in stages and talked me through the whole thing, explaining what he was going to do and checking that I was feeling okay, which was really helpful.” The whole procedure took under 30 minutes.

A balanced result

Holly says, “When I looked at myself after the treatment, I thought the results were fantastic! My whole face looked in better proportion and my features were in harmony with each other.” She continues, “It’s very subtle and is really only obvious when you see the before and after pictures, which I like because I didn’t want to look like a different person. This is a really good ‘tweakment’ that has made such a big difference to how I feel and look!”

Holly says that she would not think twice about getting dermal fillers in the chin area again. “Generally, this small treatment has given me that extra boost of confidence, and has really improved an area I didn’t like, so I can hold my head a little higher, and really feel better about myself. It’s just the small things that can really make a difference about how you feel day to day, and I feel far more confident in pictures now,” she notes. The treatment will last 16-18 months, but Dr Cetto will ideally see Holly again in a year for another assessment and see how her results have developed. The price of a treatment like Holly’s is between £800-1,200 at Dr Cetto’s clinic.

Dr Raul Cetto,

aesthetic practitioner, Clinic 1.6, London

IG: @drcetto Practitioner perspective

Where surgical implants were once the only option for someone like Holly, chin augmentation using dermal fillers is now a good non-surgical and non-invasive option for people to consider, with minimal downtime. The chin can have a big impact on how the rest of the face presents itself, making a nose look bigger or the face out of proportion, for example. It’s becoming a more popular treatment due to people wanting to improve their side profiles in photographs. Holly’s case was particularly interesting because by layering only a total of 1.4ml of the two different dermal fillers, we were able to achieve a lot of projection, and her chin is now actually a huge 3cm more forward than what it was! This layering approach also helps the product to behave as naturally as possible when you move, creating subtle results that patients like Holly love.

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