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Ther. ar.


ways 10 moke a sustalnabl. Ior.duop. \elYS ilia .. -AI the dt~gn slage, on. must rio mmlmllm turlllli II1II fdlpIg IIIId maintam the naluiol 'erlBIO Usag' of drought "\111l1li1 s,.uI!t helps conserve waf,r Use 01 dup and Ip"n~l.t SrS" If, lllpertortl Use of ,ecydecl waler It anotb!,II1It1l1Ollf' la W'li wvt._ OrJGIIII: peYKldn tDII b. und .. h......,. "'"~It U ~ Wag. uns, IIlDldl.s " plants [011 " _ , . . .-I•• u.,osl pi! I.. ~, U !I!IlrJIIIIItd iIIIotI rI ~ IIe.set' ...... iIM<Ir~ (Inlt.,.. leU I. mIKI ,....... 4Q 1m-g...... , ....... . .

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Intenor ~pmi!: l~ trW pr~ot~ .tOO ca~ fc.- livVlg pl.m~- In ft1L.I:lWd nn~ ~ mnJ\"I(1rm>nI\ contam plam!;. ~ :'Id'1orizom an.' ...;>lleneci. ;It't'efltuaIOO or &l~.,j b,; ~t~ addJ.!'ion Jf pIanb Ind planters-thus 'Iandk4pmlt' th.> tnh"nar ~ n erN 01 m~lb, ilLTports. \'('rticai walb lo.'TTKl' ~n:kn.<.. roum.rd. Ire no" bemg Iandscaped.'L.1nd.-..:apr- archu«ttin- pta\~ .. \ 11.11 role In transforming thc-;e 'P'-'U"!I int\. lnt\'r~"'lml1 /lrw.~

U\~ "I 'nter,,'f'o \\ e lod,,"d .a\, ariou§ romponenbo th .. t enrich the t~flcr e'l.perien~, viz. the use of art, ~rtt'fil\t ,uch •• pi.lfll'·h 1i~t1J\~ dt'C].." ".lIef, l·le. The m'~t COfllnituli"n in mtcrillf land~caplng I~ made M n.lIUra\ rlam m;1terial. While enriching Ihe atm(l~rhCrl'. II '" ran..,. and iii .. brought by pl3nt'i n!mains only parllall upPl'\lln till! Interior enqtonments of toda".~ \1 Idem millerlals 11M.- ~I~ ... l IVooct ~t"ne, g!d~\ Me n(i\\ Ii w,J In lanJ'lolpmg .\ erb(.l1 SJfdo:'''-~ ilnd roof· t< 'P ,,'fJC'ftfi a",,' tho:' up.:ommf; con(ep~. aJd~ Bh<'..... kar Afttht1 I'It'fltualh' a \iI\u", addilion. t>elteH" t;.hannoL MK.: ob F.ngtl-h ~3rJen... 'r lolP.tIll'§E' g.uderu arli' ~.Ipe arc :l'CUUa reo;pon~ but on\\' bo>autlfi(ahOl'l J'II' Mrll;:tI!'CtU~ h.J, to N much mllR' tholn th.Jt


the Jury word tt'ldol\' and the Iate<-t l.mdJcaf'II".':: arr ~an:I!I ~ll.'.falf\olt-It" m.uend!' ~ n'\' \anWil; deruuuom ~u,taffl .. bl\'l.lnd·

1'U~ !houId ,"duJ... iIfI ilttfol<."tn\' L"fl\ Ironment t!wt

With tile local dlmale and n!qUlfn minlm.1 Ire ... ,nrUb - ,"uch ,b ft"rtih~r, pe-.tlCld ..", time and "".Itc-r "'u'\')lnat-le Lmd5caping begin~ \~;th .tIl apr1tlrrl· .lIt" d~ilo!n tJat indudi""i nmction.l1. c&ot eft1C1<,'nl. \'I~uall~ pl",a'lnll. o!'f11 Ironm.:"nt-iriLondly ')nd maint.lInabl.... rl;'a~ Gn..... n wollI~. gr.. ~ p.. n~rs thai can ta" .. load Qr trucks, 0:«1 PJ\""" !holt r.ldiale less heal and ab'<lrb \\ dter 10 !Iol~'S Je\'.lkumar "Big tree;;. tall palm~, all \..IIW' ".Ill" inhltrate into the grvund, bamb<lo "ood for ded.. ing. feanl~. ~wi!'l\mins pools, indoor land,-<:.lpo."i ,ul' ~'I~1e­ ,Imllng (llh"r things. <Ire some sustainable opl ion~. Khllnn4 thank~ to the latest matl>ri(lls ,'nld tc.:hnol~ies ~\'all.lble, ob:tern·~. "L.lIld$Capt" design is not olbout ·~trl<.'S· !\ i~ In terior land!;Cilpmg is a reiahwly nelll trend In Indld, .to..!ul ", .....llIlal rc"ronses to \'arlous iolctorlll].. ... \:l r\:ull)lIon "''l.plai"-~ Khilnfl,!, adding that it is l'\pected to b«ornt a through ol ~Ite, ecological respun"t's tll pJl'ed olfea.• to flL"I ital rolrt of our erwuonml'nt in the near futur~', "Whll ... a~o;oci.aled with Tenninill3 at D IAL \\t' hold an opportunity du~e he,)! island eft«t, CN'oltm8 micm-cilmolte. about build· to do in-d.. pth re;earch on the appf'O,lch toward~ 111nd~ar- ing (()mmuniti<-"S and 'i()(iologi(allmrl.icauon~ of hnngmg 1ft "-Ianet


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• *"lOlA OCTOBER lOll

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