Understand How Business Intelligence Can Help CFO’s From Beyond Intelligence The Information age has ushered enterprises into a kind of cut throat competition that has never been seen before. Every day brings new innovations to the industry which means that survival is only possible when you are one step ahead of the game. Business Intelligence Software can help with that! Beyond Intelligence – the most trusted name in the world of business intelligence tools is here to explain how it all works. Visit BeyondIntelligence.org to discover how these tools can help CFOs in taking the right decisions. Businesses these days need every scrap of information available out there to gain full understanding of the current scenarios and formulate strategies that can help them survive and thrive. This also creates a requirement for powerful tools that can generate, sort through, manage and process this data so that the right information is available to the right person at the right time. Beyond Intelligence is the most trusted name in this niche industry that can provide affordable solutions for this requirement. “Beyond Intelligence BI works in an environment familiar to your CFO team. The spreadsheet BI interface with Excel is one of the strongest in the Business Intelligence. CFO teams quickly become self-sufficient with self-service business intelligence. Beyond Intelligence BI makes budgeting, even complex budgets manageable. The spreadsheet BI with predictive analytics and cloud computing puts finance teams back in controls of the budget process. Closing process can greatly be enhanced. Analytical review tools and trend analysis can be updated in seconds not hours. Closing iterations can be reviewed in a fraction of time. BI Business Intelligence speeds up reporting. Business Intelligence Reporting packages can be completed in a fraction of time. Eliminate the linking, pivot tables and vlookup formulas from your financials. Publish with confidence. Eliminate errors. With one single source of the truth and master data management, never let a bad link make you look. Acquisitions – Data Integration through Business Intelligence brings critical business information together – from multiple system.” said the founder of Beyond Intelligence and the website BeyondIntelligence.org. The company has listed out ten specific ways in which CFOs can facilitate their decision making process with the help of business intelligence tools. Be sure you check them out. For more information about the company or to browse through the range of business intelligence tools they offer, please visit the website BeyondIntelligence.org. Beyond Intelligence is a company whose sole focus is bringing affordable business intelligence to the mid-market. Their products help companies in leveraging business intelligence to drive efficiencies, gain valuable insight and improving staff morale. Between understanding your financials and being able to analyze sales in detail, Beyond Intelligence is able to help customers in answering 90-95% of the pertinent questions facing a business. CONTACT INFORMATION Beyond Intelligence Phone: 330.485.3888 Email: info@beyondintelligence.org
Website: http://www.beyondintelligence.org/