Considerations Before Investing in React Native App Development Services

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7 Things to Consider Before Developing a React Native App

How to Enhance the Performance of your React Native Mobile Application

Overview Planning to develop a mobile app using React Native? If so, it is a great choice. This framework has been gaining massive momentum due to its enormous benefits. You can easily develop a cross-platform app within a fixed budget and timeline using React Native. Besides, the apps built with React Native are quite rapid to reserve a spot in the app store market and help you gain a competitive edge. However, you must consider a few factors before investing in React Native app development services. These factors can navigate your app development journey and contribute to its success.

Factors to Consider before React Native App Development The Reason Behind Building a React Native app React Native is one of the leading and sought-after frameworks for developing a cross-platform app. But it doesn’t mean that every application can be built in this framework. The App development framework depends on your project requirements. If you aim to develop a multi-platform app, you can achieve this using WebView. However, you also have to publish your application across all platforms, which people are already doing.

On the other hand, if you’re more concerned about high performance and appealing graphics using React Native, you might have to face disappointment. Most React Native apps fail to manage heavy tasks and offer better user experience (UX) than native apps. We suggest you hire React Native app developers who are experienced enough to develop high-quality apps using this framework. They can leverage underlying components that are barely accessible from a WebView app.

Choose the Right Navigation Library Partner with an experienced React Native app development company that can help you choose the right navigation library as it plays an important role in the app development process. React Native provides two types of navigation libraries, including the Native navigators and the JavaScript Navigators. The former type is famous for its outstanding performance, while the latter is known for its easier setup. So, you must discuss with your React Native app developers which type of navigation libraries will suit the best to your project.

App’s Scaling for Different Devices and Screens Considering app’s scaling for different mobile devices and screen sizes is also an essential factor when it comes to React Native app development. Basically, scaling can be done in two ways – choosing different UI/UX based on screen size or the same for all screens. React Native app developers go for the first option for building most of the apps. However, for developing a gaming app, the second option is more viable. You can use third-party packages like React Native Responsive UI, or Dimensions API to identify the screen size.

Performance of Your App React Native enables working in short development cycles that help in creating app quickly. The processing of React Native apps is fast, and they don’t have heavy components that impact their loading speed. In case your app loads slowly, there are many powerful ways to improve its performance. Besides, the hot reload feature expedites the bundling of processes and allows developers to see even a small change in the app in real-time.


We understand that animations are imperative for apps these days, but React Native is not that effective in the animations. You can use animations, but developers have to frequently test the animation on the device because emulators don’t provide accurate feedback and leave them in doubt. However, using useNativeDriver=true can help you yield better performance.

Easily Transform Web Project into a Mobile Version Code Reusability in React Native allows developers to roll out a single update for both platforms simultaneously. This helps in quickly detecting as well as fixing bugs. Even React Native app developers who haven’t worked on the project can understand the code easily. Besides improving productivity, the framework also provides flexibility to the development team. In turn, this reduces the time required for quality assurance and facilitates transforming a web project into a mobile version.

React Native Styling The working of React Native Style is akin to CSS, but the framework provides limited inheritance and doesn’t support cascade and many other properties. So, you should find workarounds or alternatives to achieve what you want. Moreover, in this framework, every single element is flex by default. You must try to keep components small to overcome styling issues extensively. It will keep both the user interface as well as the styles fixed on a single page.

Final Words

React Native has become a sought-after framework among businesses and developers since its inception. The factors mentioned above can help you to improve the performance, scalability, and usability of your React Native app. To get a thorough understanding of these factors and other aspects, approach the experts of a React Native app development company. They will guide and help you in the best possible manner.

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