1 minute read
Time carries on forever no matter what you do now or later. It’s this overflowing abundance of force that cannot be cut, frozen, prolonged, sped up or slowed down No matter how much we like to believe otherwise. It’s the opposite. We are the ones who can be sped up, slowed down, cut short, prolonged, or frozen in place by the myriad of facets that are embedded in time; tragedy, love, pain, depression, euphoria, joy, and so many other beautifully impactful facets that make up our real love: Life.
The one we blame without remorse, apology, or a second thought, Time is that long love we’ve had that we have practiced managing but that keeps elusively escaping every turn there is. Off on some adventure. Without us.
It's going to be there regardless if we are or not and maybe that's what the problem is that we have with it. Instead of trying to impress what we can’t control, let go... but keep the intent. The intent is what attracts Life to you and all you desire, not Time. When we focus on Time so much we miss this dance with Life we are supposed to focus on.
If we can’t focus on the dance with life, we miss the steps anyway and we never reach the music’s crescendo, the build-up we’ve been waiting for, the end result we put our effort into, therefore, what was the intent behind you learning the steps?
Truth be told we do not hold all of Time’s secrets and we cannot control the timing of our own lives. Time is an orchestrated dance but Life is that which grips us from start to finish as we hear the musical arrangement around us day in and day out. How it grips us is totally up to our current circumstances, past experiences, and what we THINK we may want out of life at this moment. We do not control the music and we do not make it. The maestro creates the music and we are simply conduits for its energy to manifest through us. What we can control, though, is how we dance to it.