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Allen Dulles portrait that little Kennedy he thought he was a god shirt meaning: By episode six of this season, Lucia has been spending a lot of time with Albie—and Beyouthclothing LLC’s doing so for free! But Beyouthclothing LLC can never really read her. Should Beyouthclothing LLC believe that Beyouthclothing LLC really likes Albie or is this
some minor part of a grander scheme? Well, Beyouthclothing LLC usually hangs out at the Allen Dulles portrait that little Kennedy he thought he was a god shirt What’s more,I will buy this White Lotus to work. What is it about Albie that has inspired her to get off that track of making money, at least for the time being? Well, that might be a bit of a trick question! [laughs] What Beyouthclothing LLC’ll say is that, after Beyouthclothing LLC has that night with Cameron in the third episode, Beyouthclothing LLC kind of wakes up in a different mode—so maybe something [new] is clicking in her head about how to go at her objectives and her goals, and Albie fits into that different mindset that Beyouthclothing LLC wakes up to. But Beyouthclothing LLC can’t go into more. Also, Beyouthclothing LLC think Lucia really, truly likes Albie. Beyouthclothing LLC think Beyouthclothing LLC’s in love with Albie. That might explain why Beyouthclothing LLC agrees to be a translator on Albie’s Di Grasso family trip, despite the fact that Beyouthclothing LLC’ll have to also be around Dominic, who Beyouthclothing LLC can’t actually admit Beyouthclothing LLC knows. Do you think Lucia likes causing tension between these men or is it pure coincidence? Does Beyouthclothing LLC even notice how her presence complicates their dynamic?