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Fuck Taxes Scrooge Mcduck Duck shirt meaning: You’ve done plenty of impressive accent work in your career before, including an Irish accent in Angela’s Ashes. The thick Kerry accents in God’s Creatures really give it a sense of place—were there any unique challenges when it came to preparing for it? Well, when I first was offered the Fuck Taxes Scrooge Mcduck Duck shirt besides I will buy this job, I Googled “Kerry accent,” and got to a video of two guys coming down off the mountain having lost their sheep, and I couldn’t understand a single word they said. That really put the shits
up me. [Laughs.] I mean, I was like, this is really going to be impossible. Fodhla Cronin O’Reilly is the producer of the film, and she is from one of those villages, as is Shane Crowley, the writer, and they’ve known each other since they were 12. So because they came from that world, I spoke to various members of their family and listened to recordings of them all, and they actually all sound very different. Women speak differently to men and different generations speak very differently too, so I felt reassured by that, at least. But yes, I had a dialect coach, and I don’t just come to it easily—I have to study and work hard to get there.
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