Official i Love Bella Ramsey And My Best Friend shirt
Top Official i Love Bella Ramsey And My Best Friend shirt
My husband is a truck driver When he hired on with a new company, this coworker trained him to do the Official i Love Bella Ramsey And My Best Friend shirt Furthermore, I will do this job After year with this company both my husband and this coworker moved to a new company where they worked together on a daily basis for at least 2 more years My husband says he was kind of chaotic and had some stressors in his life and relationship but overall he was a cheerful guy and good to work with. Both he and my husband are motorcycle riders and they kind of bonded over that Anyway, one day the employees were notified that this coworker had been arrested Everyone thought it was some petty stuff and the company did not fire him right away. As we started getting more information we found out this coworker had shot his girlfriend’s ex boyfriend in the chest, arm, abdomen, and both knees and left him in the middle of the street to die He did die This coworker was fired by the company and later convicted and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. He may have been chaotic and stressed but NO ONE thought he was capable of such a brutal, coldblooded murder! It is really a shock when someone you’ve known and worked with for years turns out to be a murderer!
I used to work at a local grocery store (Giant, it’s a regional chain) and a girl who was 23 or so at the Official i Love Bella Ramsey And My Best Friend shirt Furthermore, I will do this time, had obvious personal issues and really bad skin but seemed to always try to keep a good attitude and did her job She wasn’t so much directly fired while I was there, but stopped showing up 1 day and management just rolled with it and didn’t say much Then on the news after a couple weeks, she pops up on the news for aiding a mother in the “ritualistic” slaughter of her children (2 or 3, I can’t fully remember), believing that they were possessed by the devil and an imaginary boyfriend, my coworker was also stabbed There’s much more to the story but yeah that happened One of the waitresses was almost universally disliked by the rest of the staff. She stole tables from other servers, tipped her busser no more than six dollars, no matter how much she made, and was standoffish and unfriendly She also refused to take her break, which is a huge deal in a union shop Sketchy managers will sometimes manipulate servers, pressuring them to refuse breaks.
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