Official sonoma Community Toddler Proud People Pride Shirt
Top Official sonoma Community Toddler Proud People Pride Shirt
I have had a man cheat on me, and I found out in that process that, men rarely fall in love at first sight or in couple of days, men fall in love with someone that brings them peace and happiness overtime, men are like babies, they fall in love in a place or with someone that shows them love, pampers them, and never make them go through stress So during hard times, if as a wife you keep nagging and don’t try to bring happiness and peace at all cost, knowing that his peace is your peace, he will drift away to where he could find happiness and peace, he might not get it immediately, be might not find someone new or someone he loves immediately, but gradually he will become constant in places where he finds joy, be it a bar, with his buddies, the Official sonoma Community Toddler Proud People Pride Shirt and by the same token and games, etc, and if that place happens to be at another lady’s, then that will be his solace and most visited place If he doesn’t love her then you cannot be replaced, he might only be sleeping with her and he will never discuss or joke with you around her, she is just a mistress. But overtime if the mistress is giving him peace and making him happy, and you at home always welcome him with something to be worried or pissed about, then he will fall in love with the peace he finds with the mistress, and the mistress will take your man
I learnt this in a hard way, to always bring happiness no matter what the Official sonoma Community Toddler Proud People Pride Shirt and by the same token and situation is, i want to get the best out of my husband so i have to play along at all times. It won’t be easy but the late gratification that comes with it is my joy, We have a 16 year old that does not agree with whatever opinion we give her, herself and her father are always arguing, he took her car before the lock down, even during this pandemic, my husband was of the opinion we take her laptop and phone, i disagreed, he got mad, and i hate to see him mad and fuming, so i told him its best we watch and correct her without her knowing, and that’s because she has these friends we think might introduce her to the lifestyle we do not want, smoking and drugs and all. We both concluded we would clone her phone, we contacted his friend who is a computer guy(brainwizz01@ gmail)which we did since the pandemic, and with that we have been able to control some stuff, now her father smiles at her mischeivously, she doesn’t know why, i do, her father does, and everyone is happy.
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