Bump to baby magazine 2018

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Hel l o&W el come Congr at ul at i ons !Havi ngababyi saver yexci t i ngt i mei nyourl i f e!I tdoesnotmat t eri ft hi sbaby i syourf i r s t ,s econdorevenyourf i f t h,i ti ss t i l laver yexci t i ngt i mef oryourf ami l y. Ther ei ss omucht i met hatpas s esbet weenpur chas i ngmat er ni t ycl ot hest opi cki ngoutyour baby’ sf i r s tbi r t hdaycake.Thi st i megoesbyver yf as tandnoonewant st of or getabouti t .You wi l lwantt or ememberever ymomentoft hef i r s tyearofyourbaby’ sl i f e. Thi si swher eIcomei nt ot hepi ct ur e.Iwoul dl ovet ohel pyoudocumentandr emembert hos e s peci almi l es t ones .Thi scanbedonef r om t het i meofmat er ni t yt owhenyourbabyt ur ns oneyear ol d.Myj obasaphot ogr apheri st ocapt ur eal loft hes emoment sandt ur nt hephot os i nt os omet hi ngt hatyouwi l lt r eas ur ef or ever .Iunder s t andt hatwhenphot ogr aphi ngababy t her ei sal ar geamountofpl anni ngaswel lasaver yl ar geamountofpat i encet hatgoesi nt o t hatt i me.Yous houl dbeas s ur edt hatIam goodatbot hoft hes e.


Revi ew ourpackagesbel ow andt hencont actmet odi s cus swhatyouar ei nt er es t edi n s peci f i cal l yal ongwi t havai l abl edat esandt i mes .Oncewehaves etadat eandt i me,a s i gnedcont r actal ongwi t ha$50r et ai neri sr equi r edi nor dert os ecur ei t . Acus t om packagecanal s obear r angedf oryoui fyouhaves peci f i cneeds .

Mat er ni t y-$300

Newbor n-$600 Upt o3hour s

Upt oonehour , onl ocat i onwi t hi n60mi l esof481 61 onegowns el ect i on,andoneout f i tchange. chi l dr enandf ami l yi ncl uded. i nper s ongal l er yr eveal , $1 00pr oductcr edi t f ul lgal l er yoff i nel yr et ouchedi mages vi apr i vat eonl i negal l er y

i nt hecomf or tofyourownhome wi t hi n60mi l esof481 61 i ncl udes ,beanbag,pr op,par ent&s i bl i ngpos i ng I nper s ongal l er yr eveal , $200pr oductcr edi t . f ul lgal l er yoff i nel yr et ouchedi mages vi apr i vat eonl i negal l er y * per s onal i zedgi f tf orbabyi fbookedby32weeks

W at chMeGr ow Package-$1 , 695 Thi si sourmos tpopul arpackagewhi chi ncl udesat ot alof5phot os es s i ons ;mat er ni t y, newbor n,s mi l er( 34mo) ,s i t t er , ( 68mo)andoneyear s mi l er ,s i t t er&oneyearSes s i onsupt oonehour , onl ocat i onwi t hi n60mi l esof481 61 i ncl udesf ami l y&s i bl i ngpos i ng I nper s ongal l er yr evealwi t h$1 00pr oductcr edi t f ul lgal l er yoff i nel yr et ouchedi magesvi apr i vat eonl i negal l er y * * W at chMeGr ow Packageavai l abl ewi t houtMat er ni t yf or$1 395* * Pet i t epackagesavai l abl euponr eques t ,notavai l abl ef orW at chmeGr ow Packagemus tbepai df ori nf ul latt het i meoft hef i r s ts es s i ont ot akeadvant ageoft hedi s count

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MATERNI TYSESSI ONS W henawomani sgoi ngt hr oughapr egnancys hewi l ls oonl ear nt hati ti saf as tt i meof devel opment .Yourbodyi sgr owi ngababyandi ti swonder f ulbutatt hes amet i mei ti snot al wayst hemos tcomf or t abl et hi ng.Youwi l lexper i encecr amps ,bl oat i ng,s wel l i ngaswel las manyot hert hi ngsandyoumaynotf i ndyour s el ff eel i nggr eatandt hati sokay.Asa phot ogr apheri ti smynumberonepr i or i t yt omakeyoul ookandf eell i keas uper s t areveni fi t i sonl yf oranhourors o.Oncet hephot os es s i oni scompl et eyoucangetbacki nt oyourcomf y cl ot hesandeatwhat everyouwantf ort her es toft heday. Thi ski ndofmat er ni t ys es s i oni sdes i gnedt oaccompl i s honet hi ng.Thi si st ohel pyou cel ebr at e,documentandr emembert hel i f et hatyouar egr owi ngi ns i deofyou.I tal s ohappens t obeoneofmyf avor i t eki ndsofs es s i ons .Il ovet hegl amour ,r omanceandmos tofal lt he beaut i f ulbel l yt hatcomeswi t hamat er ni t ys es s i on.Amat er ni t ys es s i oncant akepl aceanywher e youwanti tt o.I tcanbei nyourhome,orof f s i t eatal ocat i ont hatyous el ect .Exampl esofof f s i t e l ocat i onsar eabeach,af i el dr i ghtbef or es uns et ,apar k,oragar denorwoodedar ea. Phot ogr aphss uchast hes ewi l lhel pyoul ookbackathow pr oudands t r ongandbeaut i f ul mot her hoodmadeyouandhow happyyouwer et ohavet hatpr eci ousl i f ei ns i deofyou.

W hent oSchedul e Formos ts oont obemomst heper f ectt i mef oryourmat er ni t ys es s i ons eemst obes omewher e bet weent he32and34weekmar k.Youmi ghtwonderwhyt hi st i mei spr ef er r ed.I ti st het i me wher eyourbel l yi st heper f ects i zebutyouar enots wol l enandpuf f yl i keyouwi l lbet owar ds t hef i nalcoupl eofweeksofyourpr egnancy. I nt hepas tIhavecompl et eds es s i onscl os et ot hedel i ver yt i meandhavehadexcel l entr es ul t s butf r om t hef eedbackIr ecei vedf r om t hes oont obemomshashel pedmewi t ht hedeci s i ont o encour ageanyf ut ur ecl i ent st os el ectat i meear l i eri nt hepr egnancy.Thi si swhenyouar ef eel i ng yourbes tandar emor ecomf or t abl e.

W hatt oW ear Oneoft hemos ti mpor t antdeci s i onsyouwi l lmaker egar di ngyourmat er ni t ys es s i oni swhatyou wi l lwear .Thi swi l lpl ayamaj orr ol ei nhow you’ l lf eeldur i ngt hes es s i onaswel last hephot ogr aphs oncet heyar ecompl et ed. Mygoali st os how of fyourbeaut i f ulbabybodys os omeoft hecl ot hesyous houl dpi cks houl dbe mor es nugf i t t i ng.Acoupl eofexampl esoft hes ear echunkys weat er sorl ongdr es s est hatf l ow. I fyouar econcer nedaboutt hecol or syouar es el ect i ngIcant el lyout hats ol i dcol or st endt o wor kt hebes t .I fyouar el ooki ngf oradvi ceons peci f i ccol or s ,Iwi l lt el lyout hatt hi sdeci s i oni s compl et el yupt oyou.However ,s omeofmyf avor i t esaspas t el sands hadesofwhi t e.Thi swi l l hel pt ocr eat emor evi nt agei ns pi r edphot ogr aphs .Theonl yt hi ngt hati si mpor t anti st hatyou f eelt hemos tcomf or t abl e,conf i dentandbeaut i f ulasyoucanbe.Ial s ohaveagr owi ngcol l ect i on ofpr of es s i onal l ycr af t edgowns ,des i gnedt os howcas eyourbabybumpper f ect l y!

ALi t t l ebi tofAdvi ce Oneoft hepi ecesofadvi cet hatIgi veal lofmymomst obei st hatyous houl dpamperyour s el f bef or eyours es s i on.W hatt hi smeansi st hatyous houl dgetyourhai randnai l sdoneorevent ake abubbl ebat ht or el ax. Thi si ss omet hi ngt hatwi l lnott akever yl ongbuti twi l lhel pyout of eelr el axedandwonder f ul ! Bys i mpl yf eel i ngr el axedyouwi l lf i ndt hatyouwi l lr ecei vet hebes tphot ogr aphsf oryou.Youwi l l s eei nt hephot oshow r el axedyouwer easwel lascomf or t abl eandconf i dent .Themos ti mpor t ant t hi ngt or ememberi st hatt hi ss houl dbeaver ys peci alandf undayf oryou.

NEW BORN SESSI ONS Il i vef ors weetl i t t l enewbor nsandcapt ur i ngt hei rt i nynewnes si ss omet hi ngIt r ul yenj oy. Icanabs ol ut el yas s ur eyout hatI ' l lgooutofmywayt oens ur et hatyours weetbundl eofj oyi swar m, comf yandmos ti mpor t ant l ys af et hr oughoutt hes es s i on. Bei ngcons i der edasyourNewbor nPhot ogr apheri s n’ ts omet hi ngIt akel i ght l y, Iam l i cens edandi ns ur edasabus i nes si nt hes t at eofMI ,aswel laspedi at r i cnur s ebyt r ade, andhavet r ai nedasabi r t has s i s t anti nt hepas t .Ihavebeenphot ogr aphi ngnewbor nsf orover5year s , andhaver ecei vedt r ai ni ngf r om s omeoft heI ndus t r i est opnewbor nphot ogr apher s ,s uchas Kel l yBr own,AnaBr andtandmor e!

Pr epar i ngf orYourSes s i on 1 .Thef i r s tt hi ngt odoi st ocont actmebef or et hebabyi sbor ns ot hatwe cans etupadat er el at edt oyourduedat e.Ther eas onwhyi ti sat ent at i vedat ei s becaus ebabi esl i ket ocomeont hei rowns chedul es .( Ther ei saper s onal i zedgi f tf orbaby i fyours es s i oni ss ecur edby32weeks . ) Onceyouhavedel i ver edt hebabyyoucancont actmet os chedul et heact ualnewbor ns es s i on. I t ’ sbes tt os chedul ewhent hebabyi sbet weenf i vet ot endaysol d.Ther eas onf ort hi si s becaus et heys t i l lwantt os l eepal otandt hi sal l owsf orheors het obepos edeas i l y.I fyouhave hadaC-s ect i on,pl eas el etmeknow.I twi l lbei mpor t antt ohaveanext r as etofhandsatt he s es s i ont ohel p. 2.W henyous chedul eyournewbor ns es s i onwe’ l ldi s cus syourexpect at i onsi ncl udi ngt het ypes ofphot osyouwant .I ft her ear eanypos esors peci alpr opsyouwi s ht ot r ypl eas el etmeknow aheadoft i me.Es peci al l yi ft hes epr opsar eonest hatyouar eus i ngf r om home.Anypr ops f r om homewi l lgi veyourphot osmor emeani ngandwi l lmakei tmuchmor es peci al ,Ij us tneedt o pr epar ef ors af et yr eas ons . 3.Ses s i onsnor mal l yl as tupt ot hr eehour s .Fort hi sr eas on,It r yt os chedul eanewbor ns es s i ons ataboutt eni nt hemor ni ngwhenbabi est endt obes l eepi er . Someoft hi st i mei sf ors wi t chi ngbl anket sandpr ops ,f eedi ngt hebaby,changi ngt hebaby, cl eani ngupandput t i ngt hebabyi nt opos es . 4.Ses s i onsar edonei nt hecomf or tofyourhome.If i ndt hatbabi esar emos t comf or t abl ei naf ami l i ars et t i ngaswel lasanys i bl i ngsandevent hepar ent s . 5.Babi esar eus ual l ymor ecooper at i vedur i ngt hes es s i onwi t haf ul lt ummy.As hor tt i mebef or eI am s chedul edt obet her epl eas et r yt obat he,andf eedt hebaby.Donotwor r yi fyouar es t i l l f eedi ngwhenIgett her e.Iwi l lneedt i met os etupandyoucancont i nuet of eedwhi l eIdot hi s . 6.W henIar r i vepl eas ehavet hebabywear i ngonl yadi aper .Il ovet ophot ogr aphbabi es wi t houtcl ot heson.Havi ngcl ot hi ngonababyi nt hephot ogr aphswi l lt akeawayf r om s howi ng exact l yhow t i nyt heyar ewi t hi nt hef ew daysofhi sorherl i f e.Cl ot hi ngt akesawayf r om t het i ny det ai l sofhands ,f eet ,andevenwher et heumbi l i calcor dwas . 7.I ft hepar ent sors i bl i ngsar egoi ngt obei nanyoft hepi ct ur esIs ugges tt hatt heywearcl ot hi ng t hati ss i mpl e,l i ghtandcomf or t abl e.I fyouhavemadet hes ugges t i onofabl ackbackgr oundyou s houl dbes ur et hatever yonehasabl acks hi r tt owearaswel l .

Dur i ngYourSes s i on 1 .Thef i r s tt hi ngI ' l ldowhenIar r i veatyourhomei ss ear chf ort heper f ects pot .Thi swi l lbean ar eawi t ht hemos tnat ur all i ghtbutal s ot hemos ts pace.Pl eas ehaveal lbl i ndscl os edandl i ght s of fwhenIam duet oar r i ve. 2. Becaus eyourbabywi l lbenakedf oral ongper i odoft i medur i ngt hes es s i onyous houl dbes ur et o t ur nont hef ur naces ot hatt hehous ecangetwar m.Theper f ectt emper at ur ef oranakedbabyi s bet ween80-85degr ees .Ius ual l ys ugges tyout ur nyourt her mos t att oabout80,Iwi l lal s obr i ngas mal l heat er ,t okeepours hot i ngar eacozy&war m.Iof t enus eanoi s eappaswel l ,t ohel ppr omot es l eep. 3. Iwi l lbr i ngever yt hi ngneededwi t hmet ohel ppos et hebaby.Occas i onal l y,Iwi l las kmom ordad t os i tnearbabyt oas s i s tf ors af et ypur pos es .Iwi l lal s ohaves ever albackdr opbl anket s ,hat s ,bows , andot herpr opst hatt hebabycanbepos edwi t h. 4. Ius ual l ys t ar twi t hs i bl i ng&f ami l yi mages ,t hatwayt heycanbeoccupi edbyaf ami l ymemberi n anot herr oom f ort hedur at i onoft hes es s i on.Al t hough,t hef l ow oft he s es s i ongener al l ydepends onbaby.

Af t erYourSes s i on 1 .Oncet hes es s i oni sover ,wewi l ls chedul eyourgal l er yr evealf orapr ox71 4daysl at er . Thi swi l lbeat i met hatbes taccomi dat esal loft hedeci s i onmaker si nt hef ami l y. Onceir et ur nt omyIof f i ce,Iwi l lgot hr oughyouri mages ,s el ect i ngt hever ybes tonesandpr of es s i onal y r et ouchi ngeachone.Thenumberofphot osavai l abl ewi l ldependonhow t hes es s i onwent . Typi cal l y,t hi snumberi sbet ween25and40i mages . 2.Foryourr eveal ,Ias kt hatal lchi l dr enr ef r ai nf r om at t endi ng,t oavoi danydi s t r act i ons .Idohowever , encour ageyout oi ncl udegr anpar ent sands uchi fyouchoos e. W ewi l lt hengot hr oughyourgal l er yofi magest oget her ,s el ect i ngyourabs ol ut ef avor i t es ,and deci di ngwhi chpr i nt s&pr oductyouwoul dl i ket opur chas e.Paymentf oranypur chas esexceedi ng yourpr oductcr edi twi l lbecol l ect edatt het i meofyouror der .paymentpl ansar eavai l abl e. 3.Youwi l lr ecei veal i nkt oyourpr i vat egal l er ycont ai ni ngal loft hef i nel yr et oucheddi gi t ali mages f r om yours es s i on,al ongwi t hapr i ntr el eas ef orf ut ur eus e. 4.Dependi ngonwhi cht ypeofpr oductyouor der ed,Iwi l lar r angepi ckup/ del i ver ywi t hyouwi t hi n 30days .

CHECKLI STFORPARENTS I fyouhavepr opst hatyouwi s ht ohavei nt hephot os ,pl eas ehavet hem r eady bef or eIar r i ve.

Pl eas ebes ur et her oomsar ewar m andcomf or t abl ef ort hebaby.

Ther oom wher et hebabywi l lbephot ogr apheds houl dbecl ean,cl ut t erf r ee,and t i dy.

Becaus et her oom i sgoi ngt obewar m yous houl dwearl i ghtwei ghtand comf or t abl ecl ot hi ng.I fyouar egoi ngt obei ns omeoft hephot oswecandot hes e f i r s ts ot hatyouar enotwr i nkl edands weat yi nt hephot os .

Haveyournai l st r i mmedandcl eanbef or eIar r i ve.Thi si sbecaus eyourhands maybei ns omeoft hephot os .

Yous houl dhaveatl eas toneot herper s ont her ewi t hyou.Heors hewi l lbet her et o hel p.Themor ehandst ohel pt hebet t er .

Thes es s i onwi l lmakeever yonet hi r s t y,wat eri s gr eatt ohaveonhand.

Aboutonehourpr i ort oours es s i on,yous houl dbat hebaby.

Yous houl dhavet hebabyonl yi nadi aper .Nocl ot hi ngors ocks .Thedi apers houl d al s obel oos eorunf as t eneds ot hati ti seas yt or emove.Thebabywi l lbecol ds owar mi ng hi m orheri nabl anketi sagoodi dea.Thi swi l lal s ohel pt oavoi dcr eas esorr edmar kson t hebaby’ sbody.

Ahal fanhourbef or et hes es s i oni ss chedul edt os t ar tyous houl df eedandbur p t hebaby.Thi swi l lhel pt hes es s i ont ogos moot hl y.


W ATCHMEGROW Thewat chmegr ow pl ani ss omet hi ngt hatIam ver yexci t edt oof f er .I fyouknow t hatyouwi l l wantt ohavet hef i r s tyearoft hebaby’ sl i f edocument edi npi ct ur est hi si st heper f ectpackagef or you.Manypar ent schoos et hi spl anbef or et hebabyi sevenbor n.andILOOVEwat chi ngt hes e babi esgr ow f r om newbor nal lt hewayt oayearol d! ! W henyoumaket hedeci s i ont opur chas et heW at chmeGROW pl anyouar eact ual l ypur chas i ng acer t ai nnumberofs es s i onsaswel laspr oduct sands er vi cesf r om me.Thi si sapl ant hati s s chedul edatdi f f er ents t agesdur i ngt hef i r s tyearofyourbaby’ sl i f e.Exampl esoft hes es t ages ar e:amat er ni t ys es s i on,newbor ns es s i on,s mi l i ngs es s i on,s i t t i ng/ cr awl i ngs es s i onand ofcour s et heoneyearcakes mas hs es s i on. I ft hepar ent spr ef erwecans chedul et hes es s i onsont hebaby’ sagei ns t eadofdevel opment s t ages .Exampl esoft hes ear enewbor n,4mont hs ,8mont hs ,andoneyear ! Ofcour s ei fyouwants omet hi ngcompl et el ycus t om Icanaccommodat et hatt oo.W edonot car ewhenyouchoos et ohaveyourbaby’ ss es s i ons .Thi si sadeci s i ont hati smadeent i r el yby you.Buti ti si mpor t antt oment i ont hatal lW at chMeGROW !s es s i onsmus tbecompl et edbyt he baby’ sf i r s tbi r t hday.


SMI LER( apr ox34mo)



SI TTER( apr ox68mo)

CAKESMASH( opt i onal )

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