2014 04 en

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News from the Belgian Evangelical Mission


April - May 2014 Bimonthly newsletter Issue 47 The Belgian Evangelical Mission Bld. Lambermont, 158, 1030 Brussels Belgium

BEM Info I pray for them! by Wilfried Goossens

“I pray for them. I am not praying for the world, but for thoseYou have given me, for they are Yours.” John 17 v.9 We know that these words do not mean that Jesus does not care about the world; nothing could be further than the truth. As He travelled from town to town and village to village and saw the crowds, He felt compassion for them, for they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. We read in the Gospels that He was moved by the needs of the people. On one occasion He said that He had come to seek those that were lost. Yes, He came to give His life for the world. So loved He the world… and yet… I am praying for them. I am not praying for the world. ‘them’ means ‘us’, the disciples and all who, through the proclamation of the word, would come to believe in Him. Jesus spoke these words in the presence of His followers at a turning-point in their lives. The disciples were about to be confronted with something they would not understand- His crucifixion. They would be given a super-human responsibility: from now on they were to be His torch-bearers. “As You have sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world.” John 17 v.18

I pray for them… for they are Yours! You have entrusted them to Me… Jesus sees the disciples as a precious gift that He has received from His Father. A gift of which He will take the greatest care. A gift for which He will give everything. If, when we were without Him, He loved us so much that He gave His life for us, how much more will He care for us now that we are His. I pray for them.. I am glorified in them! Our mission is the same as His mission! He came to do God’s will. To show by word and deed how great is God the Father. To make known God’s word. I pray for them…They are still in the world! They are vulnerable. Jesus shows in His prayer that he knows what an enormous mission we have and how vulnerable we are. So He prays…Holy Father, keep them…protect them…sanctify them… He spoke these words in the presence of His disciples so that both they and we might know that He intercedes for us. So that we might find His peace and His joy in the middle of the worst of trials. The knowledge that Jesus is praying for us is a great encouragement but it is also an encouragement to realise that we stand together in this ministry and that we too can pray for each other.

Wegwijzer reinvented

For some time now the magazine has been caught in a downward spiral. The board that has overall responsibility for Wegwijzer is now looking to expand this periodical into a more comprehensive project of evangelisation focussing on the internet. “We want the articles to so touch the readers that they will be motivated to consult the Wegwijzer website.” explains Wilfried Goossens, director of the BEM in Belgium. Visitors to the website will find, not only an electronic version of the magazine, but also teachings and opportunities for dialogue. The Wegwijzer board is composed of representatives from the Belgian Evangelical Mission, the Evangelical Free Churches and the Brethren Assemblies. They have decided that it is now time to reinvent Wegwijzer. Having in the past achieved a print run of up to 10,000 copies, the magazine has lost its popularity in more recent times. “The internet has had an enormous impact on periodicals and their use.” Wilfried Goossens reminds us.

“Having had its heyday in the past with a print run of up to 10,000 for each issue, the magazine has lost its popularity in more recent times.” Hitherto the Wegwijzer has appeared four times a year making it difficult to relate to current events. Using the website, however, we can hope to achieve Wethis. are looking for attention a volunteer In addition, will who be paid to teachings would be willing to clean our offices and communication. Each concept of this project in Brussels +/- once in three weeks. will be aimed at a particular objective or a particular target audience. Moreover, advertisements will Please pray with us. to the website, the board provide an income. Parallel envisages the use of social media such as Facebook information@b-e-m.org and Twitter.

“Parallel to the website, the board envisages the use of social media such as Facebook and Twitter.” Not only will the website create renewed interest, but the magazine itself will be taking a new direction. The editorial team has been rejuvenated by the recruitment of Kristel de Leenheer and Ciara Goossens (see article on the back). The magazine is still intended for distribution by churches, organisations and denominations. “We want to make our clients proud of it, so that they will use it as their calling card.” adds the director of the BEM. In the future, tracts will also be used. As far as is possible and appropriate these will respond to current events and issues. The primary target group will be the readers of the Wegwijzer. The principal objective of the Wegwijzer is to bring the Gospel to the attention of the people and then to enter into a dialogue with them. Thanks to the forum available on the website, the second objective can now be achieved. Clearly, Wegwijzer has an ambitious team. In the words of Wilfried Goossens, “We want this project to be known throughout Flanders.”

+32 (0)2/241.30.15.

A team of m issionaries committed to

For some decades now the quarterly magazine, Wegwijzer, has been a well-known evangelical resource in Flanders. The periodical presents the deeper themes of interest to the public and challenges the readers to think about them. It includes a range of reflections, opinions, life-stories and news items. If you are Dutch-speaking and would like to use Wegwijzer in your street, neighbourhood, church or circle of friends we are happy to recommend it.You may want to read it yourself, of course, but do pass it on. “Of course, you may not find that people fall to their knees and accept Jesus as Saviour, ”explains Yvan Thomas,

Belgium o building Christ’s Church in

Wegwijzer contributor, “ but the Wegwijzer is an ideal means of making contact with people and of reinforcing existing relationships.” It is worth mentioning that the annual subscription for Wegwijzer is a mere 9 Euros. If you were to buy it for a friend they would receive Wegwijzer every three months and perhaps gain an interest in the Gospel. www.hetgoedeboek.be/wegwijzer wegwijzer@hetgoedeboek.be


editors Kristel De Leenheer studied Family Sciences at the HUB and is no newcomer to the world of journalism. She gained valuable experience with the ERTS (Evangelical Radio and Television) and with the Kruisbanier, a quality periodical now sadly discontinued. Kristel is a real asset to the Wegwijzer editorial team; with her creativity and fresh ideas the Wegwijzer is on the way to becoming brand new and up to date.

Ciara Goossens obtained her diploma in journalism in 2012. She undertook an internship with the ERTS and since then has also worked with them as a volunteer. Her busy life also includes a job in communications for the EAV (The Flemish Evangelical Alliance). Now, with her experience and knowledge of journalism, she completes the Wegwijzer team. Furthermore, both Kristel and Ciara work with the BEM which previously lacked representation on the editorial team.

Support evangelism Please contribute financially to the different evangelistic efforts throughout Belgium. Send a check to: See below

Belgian Evangelical Mission - UK Enterprise number: 0410.278.623 Bld. Lambermont, 158 - 1030 Brussels

+32 (0)2/241.30.15 - information@b-e-m.org


PO Box 617 Epsom KT17 9JQ BEMUK@b-e-m.org

BEM, Inc. PO Box 2255 Buford, GA 30515 678-408-2361 usbem@bellsouth.com

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