2014 08 EN

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News from the Belgian Evangelical Mission


August -September 2014 Bimonthly newsletter Issue 49 The Belgian Evangelical Mission Bld. Lambermont, 158, 1030 Brussels Belgium

BEM Info

I will build my church

(Matthew 16:18)

By Wilfried Goossens

Every summer my wife and I try to pay a visit or two to Antwerp. As the bus approaches the city, we can see how it’s dominated by the two towers of the cathedral ; “The Farmers’ Tower” and the “Tower of Our Lady.” Antwerp cathedral is very popular with tourists, and rightly so! It is an impressive building, full of works of art. Its’ history began in 1124 when the old chapel of Our Lady became a parish church and was transformed into a fitting Romanesque style building. In 1352, this was replaced by the Gothic construction that we still admire today. It took 170 years to build, the equivalent of 8 generations. How frustrating it must have been for the labourers, most of them knowing that they would never see the finished building! And there was always more work to do, there were always improvements to make with all the accompanying difficulties and problems. However, I imagine that the labourers were very conscious of the fact that they were involved in the construction of a great building that was unique, and they were proud of it. They just had to follow meticulously the plans of the architect and the master- builder. Thinking of this, it seemed to me that this

is also true of work in the church today. All of us, together, are involved in the construction of a magnificent building – the Church of God. The Architect, the Master-Builder, is Jesus, and He knows exactly what it will look like when it is finished. We are, at one and the same time, the building and the workers. We can help, we can participate in the construction of this unique project, sometimes with pride and sometimes with frustration, but always full of hope. The character of the Church changes constantly because it is composed of human beings. Sometimes the work is scarcely advancing at all, and then, suddenly, we see great progress. And the building is far from being finished. This building is unique because it is the project of Jesus Christ, our master builder. Together we can build God’s church, and that is a great privilege!

>> 5 years in Gembloux >> Starting up in Hannut

Unexplored territory Just like that TV programme where a celebrity is taken to a mysterious place somewhere in the world to be confronted with an amazing new culture, unexpected encounters, astonishing sights, and unfamiliar practices, a new Church-plant also takes us into ‘unexplored territory.’ (Eric Zander) Whilst most of these projects attempt to reproduce the model of the local church as traditionally understood (with varying success), it was on our hearts to try a new approach… a different way of doing church : church re-imagined! So, six years ago, in Gembloux, we embarked on an adventure in truly ‘unexplored territory’. At every step, God opened up before us a new path, with an amazing culture, unexpected encounters, astonishing sights, and unfamiliar practices, leading to a new kind of church. Marc and Sabine were with us from the be-

ginning as together we discovered ‘L’Autre Rive’ (‘The Other Shore’) and worked out our new approach; our friends already had a dream – to see the birth of a Christian church back home, in Hannut. When we were celebrating our fifth year in Gembloux, God’s time seemed to have arrived… we set out for new unexplored territory: to reproduce our model in Hannut. And there also God opened the way before us. Even if there are still at least as many questions and challenges as convictions and encouragements, this first season has already seen a living, lively church coming together, new, and radiant for the Kingdom of God in this region of Hesbaye.There is still so much ‘unexplored territory’ in our country, outside the ‘familiar territory’ of the churches, there amongst the lost. Perhaps God, once more, ‘will do a new thing ; now it springs up…a way in the desert...’ (Isaiah 43 v.19) ; something our country needs so much.

One year later A year after the official opening of our project in Hannut, it’s time for our first evaluation, and we have every reason to rejoice over the path we have travelled. At least thirty people are present at each of our services, participating enthusiastically in the interactive liturgy. A nucleus of the ‘faithful’ is becoming established and showing a desire to continue the adventure. Little by little, we have seen God bringing Hannut folk along, Christians or not; those who were seeking to draw nearer to Him. He knows them, He sees their hearts and He is already at work in their lives. (Marc en Sabine Salsac) It is an immense privilege to witness His handiwork. And this is the first lesson that we want to keep in mind: it is for God to touch and convince hearts, and it is for us to care for them and to teach them how to be

faithful disciples. So, Jesus is building His Church, and the main challenge of the year ahead will be to encourage the emergence of a real community, strengthening the ties between participants. The other feeling which we have to admit is a certain frustration. The amount of work is enormous and time is cruelly lacking. Too occupied by our professional activities, we are particularly disappointed that we are unable to spend time with participants in between the monthly services. The rhythm of our activities will unavoidably intensify with the end of the holidays, especially with two services a month, which should improve our follow-up. But this will not resolve the problem of lack of time, quite the contrary. We are waiting on God for solutions. So we continue the adventure acutely conscious of our limitations, but also with a great deal of enthusiasm and a profound desire to see what God has in store for us next…

Photo: Sabine & Marc Salac and Anne & Eric Zander

>> Thirty people present >> Incredibly much work

Testimonies I can’t wait for every third Sunday in the month. I particularly appreciate the way we discuss ‘in family groups’ the different themes presented. Everyone participates, gives their point of view, their understanding, their questions, without any authoritarian vision being imposed. We question the Word of God, we question each other and when we come home, other questions and thoughts come up. It’s enriching and welcoming.”


“ “

For some years now, we have wanted to be nearer home so that we could be more involved in our church and now God has answered our prayers. Thank you, Lord.”


After 4 years in the same church 100 kilometres from home, I learnt that there was a new church in Hannut centre. Never having wanted to change churches, I decided to go just once and see for myself. After all, I lived in Hannut and it was a lot closer. I went for the first time in March 2014 and I found what I really wanted, a warm welcome, just the kind of service that I need…. so much joy. I love going every month and it will be even better when there are two services a month! Coming to faith really changes anyone’s life; my faith has changed my life.”


Support church-planting Please contribute financially to churchplanting-projects like Hannut. Send a check to: Belgian Evangelical Mission - UK PO Box 617 Epsom KT17 9JQ BEM, Inc.- US PO Box 2255 Buford, GA 30515

BEM, Inc. - US Belgian Evangelical Mission - UK Enterprise number: 0410.278.623 Bld. Lambermont, 158 - 1030 Brussels

+32 (0)2/241.30.15 - information@b-e-m.org


PO Box 617 Epsom KT17 9JQ BEMUK@b-e-m.org

PO Box 2255 Buford, GA 30515 678-408-2361 usbem@bellsouth.com

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