2014 10 EN

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News from the Belgian Evangelical Mission


October - November 2014 Bimonthly newsletter Issue 50 The Belgian Evangelical Mission Bld. Lambermont, 158, 1030 Brussels Belgium

BEM Info A new perspective by Luc Salsac

At the time of writing these lines, the daily news of the last few months has been dramatic for our brothers and sisters in many of the countries of the world- Syria, Iraq, Nigeria … I pray that when this is printed and read, this sad situation might have come to an end! But nothing is less certain! If we look around, either within or outside the church, if we look at ourselves and all our confusion, we could ask ourselves ‘But what is God up to?’ Why all of this? Where is He?’ It is easy to be discouraged and forget another reality, even that which enables our persecuted brothers and sisters to stand firm. The reality that gives our Mission the desire to persevere, to go forward, to find the means of reaching those around us :- new church-plants, programmes for children and young people, bible exhibition, evangelistic internet site… a reality that urges us forward. The prophet Jeremiah, in Chapter 3 of the Book of Lamentations, speaks of his distress, of all the dramas he lived through…. And then comes this cry from his heart, this reality that changes everything. “Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope; because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, ‘The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for Him.’” (v.21-24)

Dramas, frustrations, misunderstandings…. there are so many of them. But how little they weigh in the balance against the love of God for us, an immense, incomprehensible and wonderful love. It is good to turn our attention on Him, and remind ourselves that He is at work, day after day, that His goodness, His tenderness, His compassion, His love, His grace, His pardon and His life are present at each instant. There is not one moment, one day, one year when God is absent. What an extraordinary reality, what motivation for never giving up! Despite the shadows that may surround us, let us look to God and go forward, for He is doing, and will do, great things. He will shine His light in our lives and through us. Remember the words of the hymn, ‘Count your blessings, name them one by one, and it will surprise you what the Lord has done.’ May God help us to look to Him and to persevere to the end, for He is worthy.

All on b ard Port of call - Ganshoren If there is one thing that the church of Ganshoren learnt this summer, it is that there are times when it is better not to give up. When the team was thinking of cancelling the week of evangelism because of confusion over time available and an insufficient number of team-members, God was there… and He blessed us! An average of 50 children- with a record number of 62 on the Tuesday! – came on board the fishing-vessel, the ‘Chat Luthier’*. Swept along into mutiny par the sailor, Moussa, they discovered, little by little, that nothing can replace the presence of the true Captain at the helm of their lives. This was the eighth year of using the evangelistic material provided by ‘La Courte Echelle’ (‘Boost’), the BEM children’s ministry, and this year, the parents were more ready to stay around and even listen to the message of life. Some families even attended the special service organised on the Sunday. Praise the Lord for His faithfulness, through Him we are able to persevere in His Work. In 2014, He provided exceptional weather, an amazing number of children and a very good team. Pray for all who had the opportunity of hearing, or hearing again, the Gospel, that God might transform their hearts.

Port of call - Herstal At the end of August, the fishing vessel, the ‘Chat Luthier’dropped anchor in Herstal in two different places. In the mornings it sailed to Liers where it awaited the usual comers plus some who came out of curiosity but soon became part of the crew. In the afternoons we moored in the district of La Préalle where we found not only the members of the monthly children’s club but also newcomers.

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Even if ‘boat’ and ‘water’ belong together, there is a real challenge in putting the equipment up, taking it down, putting it up again and, above all, drying it off! The children, on the other hand were untroubled by the rain. If anything, it enhanced their water games! The week of activities ended with a party with the parents. After a reminder summarising the stories told, there was just one conclusion to be made – to choose Jesus as the Captain of our lives. ’a ker Ma teLu at ‘C

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The monthly children’s club is due to continue in Herstal, but we have no premises now. We are on the look-out and God will provide. After all, is He not the Captain of our lives? r’ – tie alu ‘ch for at! -bo ing fish

first time they come, the youngsters are a l They come to us with their questions and w had been coming for several years, shyly as today? Of course it is, as long as we meet t

A team of m issionaries committed to

The crazy scientist About a year ago, it was on the hearts of five people to start a children’s club in Ans, near Liège. ‘La Luciole’ (‘The Firefly’) was born. Every month it welcomes between 13 and 18 children. This summer a team of 19 (aged from 14 to 72) were mobilised, most of them for the first time. Their objective was to organise three very special days for the local children. At the same time, Professor Caboche, a crazy, pompous scientist, arrived on the scene. In his strange laboratory he tried by every means possible to give life to his creature but this inept Frankenstein failed every time. 36 children, including 18 newcomers, followed his (mis)adventures. They really enjoyed the games, discoveries, handicraft, and bible stories, but the star of the show was Caboche and his assistant…… who would meet the Master of masters - Jesus. The result of these three days? Great satisfaction with the magnificent resource material put together by ‘La Court Echelle’ (‘Boost’- the BEM children’s ministry), some very special days and several adolescents who now want to work in the children’s ministry. Glory to the Lord!

75 %

of the participants came from outside the church

This summer, a number of young Christian sportsmen from Flanders, Holland and the U.S.A. helped five Flemish churches in evangelism by the use of sport. It all began with a five day training camp that included several workshops –evangelism, mentoring, introduction to the Belgian culture, team-work, warming up for sport. This prepared the Sportquest team members for the weeks of evangelism awaiting them. We praise the Lord for their enthusiasm and motivation. We felt that the Lord had brought us together to serve Him in a very special way. However, we knew that something was not right: some of us had not yet given total control to God.We asked the Lord to intervene.What joy when one after another, the young people came forward to place their worries, their fears, their sorrows, their difficulties and their hurts at the foot of the Cross and to submit themselves entirely to Christ. Throughout the summer, Sportquest activities took place in several towns and villages in Belgium. For the fifth time this included the B.E.M. mission post in Brakel. Pastor Henk van Dorp tells us,” About 40 young people participated, of whom three-quarters were not from our church. Parallel to the sport, we wanted to show them God’s love. This year, once again, we noticed that those who had come on preceding years were more open to talking about faith.”

We did everything we could to show them that we loved them. Kevin Watson, one of the American basketball players, added, “Sportquest gave me more than an opportunity to play. I was able to share my faith. I am more basketball player than preacher, but it was important for me to share something.” For Rance Bland, Sportquest was a real success, “After several years in this ministry, I can say that, the little reticent. The second or third year, however, they are much more open. we are able to answer them.” In 2014, at the end of the week, one boy, who sked us for a New Testament. Is it possible to evangelise young people them on their level and we are really there for them!

Belgium o building Christ’s Church in

About a century ago, God called Ralph and Edith Norton, an American missionary couple, to proclaim the Gospel in Belgium. So was born the Belgian Evangelical Mission. But what motivated them, what were their fears, what inspired them? In the issues to follow, we will turn our attention on their lives and discover how God was working at this time in history. 1913 - Ralph and Edith Norton arrived in London. They had worked for ten years with the Chapman Alexander Mission and travelled around the world. It was with Dr. Chapman’s consent that they remained in London to reach out with the Gospel to the soldiers being assembled in the camps.


London, October 1914

London is darker than ever and every precaution is being taken against air attacks. I think there is no immediate danger, but if the Germans come, we are in the dear Lord’s hands, and living or dying we are His. Oh what pitiable and heartrending sights, the Belgian refugees, they are coming by the thousands. Antwerp fell today and that brings the Zeppelins nearer London. I saw six hundred Belgian refugees arrive one night this week, a sad, sad sight. Ralph Norton, in a letter to his wife

Support for Camp Limauges Since the 1930s, the Camp of Limauges has offered the inhabitants of Belgium, young and not so young, the opportunity of meeting Jesus Christ and building up their faith. Could you support this ministry financially? Contact in the UK and/or US: see below

Belgian Evangelical Mission - UK Enterprise number: 0410.278.623 Bld. Lambermont, 158 - 1030 Brussels

+32 (0)2/241.30.15 - information@b-e-m.org


PO Box 617 Epsom KT17 9JQ BEMUK@b-e-m.org

BEM, Inc. PO Box 2255 Buford, GA 30515 678-408-2361 usbem@bellsouth.com

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