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News from the Belgian Evangelical Mission


December 2014 January 2015 Bimonthly newsletter Issue 51 The Belgian Evangelical Mission Bld. Lambermont, 158, 1030 Brussels Belgium

BEM Info A birth like any other? by Wilfried Goossens

A story or History? Luke begins the account of the birth of Jesus with the words “at that time…” Today the accounts of many historical events are challenged. Last month a Belgian politician declared that the gas chambers had never existed – they were just a myth. We should not be surprised that the historicity of Jesus has also been denied. It is important to note that Luke places the birth of Christ in its historical context, in accordance with his objectives as set out at the beginning of his gospel. “Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. Therefore, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seems good also to me to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.” Luke 1 v.1-4 Fiction or fact? He came without any fuss, certainly, but his birth was anything but ordinary. A very pregnant Mary undertook the journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem with Joseph. On arrival, she was ready to give birth, but found no shelter. Finally, Jesus was born in very primitive circumstances. His birth was announced by angels. Wise men travelled many miles to worship Him whilst King Herod considered Him a great threat. Not only were the circumstances of His birth extraordinary, but so was His whole life. As a child, He teaches teachers. He calls Himself the Son of God, He performs miracles, He

heals the sick, He brings the dead back to life. He is both hated and loved. And what can be said of His death? He is arrested like a common criminal, humiliated, tortured, mocked and put to death on a cross. One after another his disciples abandon Him. And then there was His resurrection… So, was that a birth like any other? I don’t think so. Random happenings or fulfilment of a plan? The birth, life and death of Jesus, extraordinary as they were, did not just happen. In His account of the life of Christ, Matthew repeatedly shows that Jesus was “the servant of the Lord” mentioned in the prophecies: “All this took place to fulfil what the Lord had said through the prophet:” Matthew 1 v.22 God’s plan is fulfilled in history. “Now, brothers, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain. For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures.” (I Corinthians 15 v.1-3) I wish you all a New Year 2015 full of blessings!

Le Bon Livre Het Goede Boek A chain of bookshops for the diffusion of the Gospel For almost a century the Belgian Evangelical Mission has longed to see each and every person in Belgium meet with Jesus for themselves. This aim has been worked out mainly in three ways: evangelism, church planting and motivating believers. Our bookshops contribute to the vision by providing a listening ear, by equipping believers for evangelism, and by providing resources for spiritual growth. Our seven bookshops are spread across Belgium and all play an important role in building up the church of Christ in Belgium. In order to continue to meet your needs in the way of Christian literature, Le Bon Livre and Het Goede Boek will soon be giving you the option of buying online. The internet shop is still in the planning stage, but should open during 2015. We will keep you up to date.

In this issue, we would like to tell you of the crying need for staff in our French language bookshops. Le Bon Livre has a project for expansion and for opening a new bookshop that will become its new logistics centre in Wallonia. In order to carry out this project the current team must be enlarged. Will you join us?



Join us!

Gent Leuven


You love Christian literature and are good with people A bookseller is above all an enthusiast.


You have followed/are following/ want to follow bible training, you have a heart for mission We do not only sell books: we are part of a team of missionaries undertaking many varied ministries. Working together to build up the Church of Jesus Christ in Belgium, it is our mission to select the products that will best strengthen the faith of Christians or answer the questions of those who are seeking. In our place of work, discussions can be varied and we take very seriously the questions put to us. You have a basic knowledge of IT You are familiar with basic IT tools (word processing, spreadsheets, search engines, emails) and you are ready to learn the programmes specific to the bookshops. You like having a variety of tasks You appreciate working in a team and are not afraid of participating in all the activities related to the functioning of a bookshop – sales, admin, cleaning, running book tables at Christian events, and giving public presentations (even on a bank holiday).

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A team of m issionaries committed to

Recently, we have been very encouraged by a long conversation with a young Muslim woman who was seeking, profoundly touched by the love of God shown in Jesus. Her visit to the Bon Livre, the conversation we had, and the books she took away with her... it’s these that God will use to touch her heart. He is at work, and in His grace, He uses us Fabrice & Sylviane Booksellers in Brussels

God works through the bookshops. He provides for the needs of the customers through the books offered. There are Bibles of every kind, books for studying the Bible, reference works, amazing biographies, books for children… Luc volunteer in Brussels

The ‘Bon Livre’ offers Christians the means of feeding themselves and educating themselves spiritually so that they might grow in the faith and in their relationship with the Lord Jesus, offers them resources for evangelism and provides an attentive ear for those who are seeking. In a country that is predominantly Roman Catholic and Muslim, the Bookshop is a witness for Christ in the neighbourhood. Stefanie bookseller in Liege

From your future colleagues

I love the Bookshop ministry, so I devote some of my time to God’s work there, answering the customers’ questions, - and I am blessed in return. Janine volunteer in Liege

Coming to help in the Bookshop gives me the opportunity of witnessing to non-believers, of advising folk who are seeking and at the same time of reminding myself of Biblical truths.

A young woman wants to explain her faith to a friend who knows nothing of the Bible, a young man wants to reread the Bible, a Christian comes in to ask for help: a man wants to become a Christian, what should he do? Someone who has spent months thinking about spiritual things and who is ready to accept Christ, another is wanting to guide a friend who has been visited by the Mormons…

I am encouraged by what God is doing in Belgium through the Christians I meet, especially the students of the Bible Institute.

The Bookshop is an open door where, five days a week, we welcome seekers and Christians who, like us, are building the Church of Jesus Christ.”

Nicole volunteer in Brussels

Belgium o building Christ’s Church in

Willy bookseller in Liege

About a century ago, God called Ralph and Edith Norton, an American missionary couple, to proclaim the Gospel in Belgium. The Belgian Evangelical Mission was born. But what motivated them, what were their fears, what inspired them? In the issues that follow, we will turn our attention to their lives and see God at work at this time in history. 100 years ago, Ralph Norton was in London having received permission from Dr. Chapman (the leader of an evangelistic team, and his boss) to spend a couple of months in Gospel work among the recruits in the British Army training camps, under the direction of the Y.M.C.A. From his diary, kept in note form at the time, are culled the following statements about those days, sharing the gospel with soldiers of the first world war.

100 YEARS AGO Nov. 23 - Back to Woking at night but to different camp. Held meeting in Soldier’s Home. Fine attendance and good attention, 23 decisions for Christ. Trains delayed because of transportation of troops. Nov. 24 – In afternoon visited Belgian Refugee headquarters, left some clothing. At 5:40 we went fifty miles to Bedford, held meeting for Scottish Regiments, Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders. 54 decisions. Nov. 25- At 5:15 went to Caterham where we held a meeting for Coldstream, Grenadier and Scots Guards. About 300 present, 91 clear cut decisions. Nov. 29 – At night held meeting in Lord’s Cricket Grounds, 9 decisions, one a Belgian refugee. Dec. 1- At night we went to Wendover to Royal Engineers. Good meeting. 76 decisions.

Financing the new website régiment d’infanterie de l’armée britannique, faisant partie de la division écossaise ; (2) trois des cinq régiments de In a few months our bookshops will offer you the possibility of buying online. Please help us join the digital age by la Garde du souverain britannique ; (3) célèbre terrain de cricket à Londres ; (4) corps de soutien de l’armée britannique giving a gift to help finance the project. s’occupant du génie de combat Send a cheque to (1)

see addresses in the UK and in the USA below Gifts are tax deductible if sent to this addresses

Belgian Evangelical Mission - UK Enterprise number: 0410.278.623 Bld. Lambermont, 158 - 1030 Brussels

+32 (0)2/241.30.15 - information@b-e-m.org


PO Box 617 Epsom KT17 9JQ BEMUK@b-e-m.org

BEM, Inc. PO Box 2255 Buford, GA 30515 678-408-2361 usbem@bellsouth.com

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