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News from the Belgian Evangelical Mission


December 2015 January 2016

Bimonthly newsletter Issue 57 The Belgian Evangelical Mission Bld. Lambermont, 158 1030 Brussels - Belgium

BEM Info Mission impossible? by Kurt Maeyens

‘But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses’ (Acts 1 v.18) In this post-modern world, in our secular society, is it still possible to share the Gospel? When we look at ourselves, so many doubts arise. OK, there are lots of obstacles- we find it so difficult these days to talk to people about God and His Word. They’re always too busy and often aren’t interested in what we have to say. But the obstacles are also in ourselves. If we’re honest, we’ll admit we’re often afraid of sharing the Gospel, afraid of the rejection, or being thought naïve. When we look at what the Bible says, the answer is clear. Evangelism is always possible! True, it won’t be easy, and it certainly won’t be if we rely on our own resources ! God calls us to be ready to receive the power of His Spirit. He invites us to depend on Him, to trust Him completely. Then He can work in us and will use us as ‘living stones’. Then we won’t be ashamed of saying out loud that the Good News of the Gospel and the power of God are available to whoever believes! When I look around, I see God at work in Belgium! A lady from Deinze came to faith recently through the BEM bookshop in Ghent. She was lovingly welcomed by the church,where her husband and son were also able to hear the Gospel and learn to know God. The church planting posts of the BEM take evangelism seriously. Brasschaat is organising an exhibition using fifteen 3-D ceramic models to illustrate well-known Bible stories

which progressively explain the Gospel. The church in Gembloux holds regular services in the local old people’s home. Brakel organises afternoons for children. Hannut has undertaken some social work and so shares the Good News locally. Seeds are sown and God gives the increase. Is it still possible to be a witness for Christ in our postmodern society? Indeed, it is! By the power of the Holy Spirit, God uses us as ‘living stones’ so that hearts will open and that all might come to a knowledge of the truth. We’re encouraging the churches and Christian organisations in Belgium to be active witnesses by participating in Project 3-16 (www.3-16.be ) in March 2016. The common denominator that brings us all together is John 3 v.16. Will you join us in prayer? We want to go forward in the power of the Spirit of God, we want hearts to open. Side by side, we can do great things! Will you join with us?

Gérald & Bernadette


EXPERIENCED CHURCH-PLANTERS John and Marga den Boer both come from Holland, but have been serving the Lord in Belgium for more than 40 years. They first met in Turnhout…on a BEM year team! During John’s three year Bible College training, Marga worked in Genk as a teacher in Ons Kinderhuis, a Care Centre for children and young people. In 1980, encouraged by others, they embarked on a full-time ministry in God’s service. Since then, God has not only met their material needs, but has also given them strength, perseverance, many encouragements, and lots of good friends. With the experience of three previous church plants behind them, they’re now ready to start a new one. And meanwhile they’re helping out in the existing churches in the region. For some years John has been very active in preaching and teaching; he has a real heart for those who don’t yet know the Lord. He doesn’t talk about ‘great successes’- he’s often met with opposition and has known lots of discouragement. However, both John and Marga can testify to the many blessings they have received, and for what with God’s help they trust can be achieved in the future. The amazing way in which some people have accepted Jesus Christ during recent years has been a particular encouragement for them to persevere in the task they’ve been given. They base

their ministry on the text in Psalm 126 v.5-6. ‘Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him.’ - a beautiful image of our Lord, and of the servant who wishes to follow in His footsteps. Summer 2014 marked the end of the den Boer’s ministry in the BEM post in Lummen. Another couple have taken over the leadership of this little fellowship, giving them the chance to return to ‘pioneer’ work. At the moment, the den Boers are concentrating their efforts on Veerle-Laakdal, a borough with about 15,000 inhabitants. Since September, on the first Monday of each month, they’re organising evenings on the theme ‘There is hope!’ and they’ve already made some contacts. One young man, who showed interest on the very first evening, has joined the bible study led by John in a neighbouring village. We can rejoice with our friends, but also respond to the Apostle Paul’s call to prayer in 2 Thessalonians 3 v.1-2 ‘Finally, brothers, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honoured, just as it was with you. And pray that we may be delivered from wicked and evil men…’ John and Marga are praying that God will send them

A team of m issionaries committed to

someone (or a couple), who could be involved in this new church planting project from the outset. It might be young people starting out, for example, who would benefit from practical on-the-ground training and who could be a model for young believers. If in reading this article, you have questions or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to contact John and Marga at the following address : information@b-e-m.org Veerle-Laakdal

“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3 v.16) We all know this verse; we often quote it. It is the heart of our faith in Christ Jesus. Today, in Belgium, several million people have not yet had the opportunity of hearing or of really understanding the Good News. The EAV (The Flemish Evangelical Alliance)are planning a great evangelistic initiative which is planned for March 2016.You’ve just read its name:‘3-16.’ For the whole of the month of March 2016, churches and Christian organisations, from the four corners of the land, will be organising campaigns and activities under the name “3-16”, and one logo will serve as its distinctive emblem. In addition, March next year will include Holy Week and Easter, so it will be all the more appropriate for making known the Easter message.

During this campaign, we want to: 1. Proclaim the message of John 3 v.16 to those in Belgium who don’t yet know Jesus. 2. Make the message of John 3 v.16 visible – using posters, banners, flyers, concerts, meetings… 3. Renkindle a passion for evangelism in Belgium 4. Encourage the Christians and build up their faith 5. Bring together Christians and Christian organisations from over Belgium 6. See Christians discovering and making use of their talents and gifts, and see new initiatives flourishing. We can’t wait to see the great things that God will do through this campaign!

Support church-planting To support existing mission posts or contribute financially to church-planting projects such as Veerle-Laakdal, Send a cheque to Logo Project 3-16

Belgium o building Christ’s Church in

see bank info on the back

Every second month a new episode of the Nortons’ saga on www.b-e-m.org

Summary of the preceding chapters Mrs. Norton’s role came to assume a major significance. It was the mothering of these forlorn soldiers, a privilege at once a joy and natural to her heart. Answering their letters was an arduous task, although it was labour of love.

Excerpt from Edith Norton’s journal Many letters we received daily from men of whom we have never heard, soldiers who have heard of the work through their comrades, and ask for Testaments or Bibles for themselves, some telling us that before the war they had read the Bible and desire to return to the old paths, and as one said, “make up for the time that I have lost.” Others there are who write for Gospels to distribute, and always they tell us of the inestimable blessing theWord has brought to them at the battle front. A wonderful interest has been created among the Belgian ‘gendarmes’, or Military Police, at Calais. A Gospel given to tone of them, by one of our soldiers en route for the front, led the gendarme to write to us for more for his comrades. He began a veritable crusade in Calais. Each day brings new demands for Testaments and ‘Evangiles’ from these gendarmes. Also at the Camp du Ruchard in France, where thousands of Belgian soldiers are convalescing, the work has taken hold, and almost every day brings us news from there. At this time Mr. Norton and I began to envisage a visit to the Belgian front if this should be made possible, and began to pray to that end. To be continued...

JOB OFFERS French-speaking Belgium

Dutch-speaking Belgium

► managers at Camp Limauges

► bookseller in Ghent (M/F)

► booksellers (M/F)

► volunteer (M/F): automation system management for the Flemish bookshops

► co-worker (M/F) for La Courte Echelle, our children’s department ► church-planters/pastors Belgian Evangelical Mission

► coordinator (M/F) for the Flemish Bible exhibition BEMOrgOnline

Belgian Evangelical Mission - UK Enterprise number: 0410.278.623 Bld. Lambermont, 158 - 1030 Brussels

+32 (0)2/241.30.15 - information@b-e-m.org


PO Box 617 Epsom KT17 9JQ BEMUK@b-e-m.org

BEM, Inc. PO Box 2255 Buford, GA 30515 678-408-2361 usbem@bellsouth.com

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