2016 08 EN

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August - September 2016 Bimonthly newsletter Issue 61 The Belgian Evangelical Mission Bld. Lambermont, 158 1030 Brussels - Belgium

BEM Info News from the Belgian Evangelical Mission

Active or agitated? By Geneviève Bouvy, BEM co-worker in French-speaking Belgium Martha and Mary – how we struggle to find the right balance between the attitudes of these two women which seem, at first sight, to be irreconcilable! Martha’s busy in the kitchen while her sister sits at ease with the visitors - and in Luke 10 v.38-42 we read that Jesus praises Mary’s choice. However, the Bible also encourages the lazy to follow the example of the ant in preparing its food (see Proverbs 6 v.6-11). So obviously Jesus is not criticising domestic work. After all, everyone was probably happy to eat what Martha put on the table that day. No, Jesus was reproaching Martha for her attitude -she was worried, she was agitated, and she was judgmental towards her sister who didn’t have her priorities. The text doesn’t explain Martha’s motivation, - but we can question our own. Why are we serving? – for the love of God, for the salvation of His people, for the joy of being His co-workers? Really? 100%? Isn’t there at times a little bit of ‘will other people notice?’ Or ‘after all, if we don’t do it, who will?’This betrays a lack of trust in the God Who provides. Or are we still actually trying to earn God’s favour? Our natural tendency to believe in salvation by works takes a very long time to get rooted out. Where is our identity - in Christ, or in our service for Him? In an effort to clamp down on anything that might escape their control, human governments decree law upon law to the point of paralysing all spontaneity, all freedom, all life. Jesus, who never does things like everyone else, has reduced the whole law to loving God and loving your neighbour as yourself. ‘Mary was sitting at the feet of Jesus and listening to what He was saying.’ Some ‘Martha-types’ find this another reason for

making Bible-reading a question of the law, a set obligation to be undertaken in worry, agitation and a judgmental view of everyone who doesn’t do the same. Yes, our hearts are so torturous! ‘The best part’ that Mary chose - to sit and listen to Jesus - is rooted, of course, in the reading of the Bible, without which we cannot know Him. But hearing is no good without putting things into practice. So we need to live each day confident that God is never absent, that He is in control of the situation, however chaotic it may seem. We can rejoice daily in His blessings, in a healthy relationship with Him, in the Divine plan that is unfolding, in spite of everything.We can marvel at God’s creation. For example, even as we wash up, we can thank God for the molecules that make up the detergent…. Isn’t ‘the best part’ above all living each minute knowing there is nothing more we have to do to gain access to the presence of God? Jesus has already done everything. Nothing can separate God’s elect from His love in Christ Jesus. What an antidote to our worry, agitation and judgemental spirit! September will bring its share of commitments to fill our diaries. Let’s not be carried away by a whirlwind of worry like Martha. May the certainty of the presence and the love of Christ, plus our delight in His Word, give us wings and the zeal to do Martha’s work with Mary’s attitude – to serve Him peacefully with joy, all by His grace and for His glory.





◄► For me, supporting the ministry of my husband André is a full-time job. Every day I’m challenged to serve the Lord through my roles as a woman, a wife, a mother, and grandmother. My greatest joy in the ministry is to see the Lord’s work accomplished in people’s hearts.

◄► I have been chairing the organising committee of the annual Ladies’ Day in Flanders since 2003. I work with Teo in our church in Brasschaat and I’m involved in ‘A Heart for Women’, an internal prayer network for the ladies of the BEM. It isn’t always easy for me to let myself be guided by the Lord, but sometimes I’m agreeably surprised to find that I have strengths I didn’t know I had. I enjoy meeting very different people from diverse backgrounds. When I think of all that the Lord has done in my life, I can see that His plan has been perfect. He knew exactly where I would end up and the way in which He would use me. I consider the BEM my second family.





I have commitments in the church on many levels (Sunday School, the teenager’s group and the ladies’ group, music, pastoral support, evangelism…) and I’m also a part-time R.E. teacher. In addition I help with the German translation of BEM Info. My greatest challenge is to find a balance in my life – (church, school, family, supporters) and to determine my priorities. I rejoice every time I see someone growing in their relationship with Jesus and I really love talking to children about the Word of God. ◄►




A team of m issionaries committed to





Stephen and I have always worked together as a pastoral couple and our ministry has taken us all across Belgium: since arriving in 1987 we’ve lived in every province of Wallonia! When our four children were still at home, they were my first priority, and then when they left home I’ve continued supporting my husband in his task. Thanks to the faithful gifts of christians in England we’ve been able to concentrate on our ministry in Belgium without having to take on other work. ◄►

I’m happy to be able to support my husband and I thank the Lord for giving us gifts that complement each other. We often discuss our ministry and we try to pray regularly for the church. In recent years I’ve been able to follow a course at the Bible Institute in Brussels each week, a veritable breath of fresh air in my daily life, which can be solitary and where progress isn’t always visible. This also gives me the chance to spend a few hours in Brussels with my daughter-in-law and our grandson! My greatest challenge is the balance I need to establish in the ministry, accepting that we can’t do everything, seeking God’s will on a daily basis, to be nourished spiritually while also sharing spiritual blessings with others, to rightly balance rest and work. I love working closely with my husband; I love talking about God’s Word and sharing it with others; I love directing a choir for a special event. I’m encouraged when I see tangible proofs of the presence of Christ in our fellowship: unity, prayer, forgiveness, reconciliation and mutual support given with discretion.




◄► As pastoral couple, Charles and I are very much involved in the church in Binche. I also give some English lessons. A real challenge in the ministry for me is the indifference and lack of availability of Christians, and the shortage of co-workers to cope with the amount of work needed to keep a church going. I would also like to be more creative in what I do, but often there isn’t the time. My greatest joy is to listen to someone when they share with me the way that God is working in their life, and to see new Christians decide to use their gifts in His service.




◄► I am a nurse but that’s not what I’m doing at the moment. I’ve chosen to give my time to my family and to supporting my husband, Andreas, in the ministry, and particularly in involving myself in the church where we’re serving. This said, perhaps one day God will call me to do something else – who knows? My greatest challenge is to rightly discern the times in the ministry when I should ‘give it all I’ve got’ and those when I need to leave room for God to step in. My greatest joy is to see Christians progress from the stage of being ‘Jesus fans’ to becoming disciples who let themselves be guided by Him.


to support the work in


If you believe in the vision of B.E.M (to preach, to plant, to inspire) you can contribute to the work by sending your gift to: The Belgian Evangelical Mission see info on the back with (if applicable) an indication of the ministry or project you wish to support

Belgium o building Christ’s Church in

Summary of the preceding chapters

Every second month a new episode of the Nortons’ saga on www.b-e-m.org

Thanks to the intervention of Queen Elisabeth of Belgium Mr and Mrs Norton were accorded a prolongation of their visit at the Belgian front. They met soldiers and prayed with them.

Excerpt from Edith Norton’s journal ndon rs in Lo

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Back in London, the Nortons decided to go to America and meet their supporters to tell them about their adventures. The remainder of this summer was spent in addressing Bible conferences and in other church engagements, but at the end of two months it was apparent that Edith must return alone to England to foster the work on that side while Ralph remained in America to create further interest in the rapidly growing work. How long was to be the separation and what perils lay ahead during those critical months of absence one from the other, was mercifully veiled from their gaze. Mrs. Norton had meanwhile been office hunting. The quest was successful and God’s leading made evident in later months, when the first small office at the top of the building in Buckingham Street, Strand, becoming too small they were enabled to secure larger quarters on the floor immediately below and when this in turn was outgrown , the whole first floor became available and there, until the end of the war, the Nortons had installed their staff of eight secretaries and a large adjoining room was utilized as a foyer for the use of the soldiers in leave. To be continued...

JOB OFFERS French-speaking Belgium

Dutch-speaking Belgium

► two managers for Camp Limauges

► coordinator (M/F) for the Flemish Bible exhibition

► church-planters/pastors

► church-planters/pastors

Belgian Evangelical Mission


Belgian Evangelical Mission - UK Enterprise number: 0410.278.623 Bld. Lambermont, 158 - 1030 Brussels

+32 (0)2/241.30.15 - information@b-e-m.org


PO Box 617 Epsom KT17 9JQ BEMUK@b-e-m.org

♦ More info: www.b-e-m.org ♦

BEM, Inc. PO Box 2255 Buford, GA 30515 678-408-2361 usbem@bellsouth.com

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