2017 04 EN

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BEM Info

April - May 2017 Bimonthly newsletter Issue 65 The Belgian Evangelical Mission Bld. Lambermont, 158 1030 Brussels - Belgium


Resetting the Course once again “I believe that the BEM can

be an important

with the gospel.” player in reaching people

‘Our Hope’ I feel intimately involved in the ups and downs of the BEM. I valued the experience of spending the day with you and facilitating your deliberations. What were your expectations? When it comes to elaborating a new vision strategy, you could compare the BEM to a ship. When you turn the wheel, the ship doesn’t respond at once. You change course and it’s only after a delay that you find that the ship has actually changed direction.

Kees van Velzen (64) is president of the BEM/Our Hope

So my expectations for the day were not too high, however I was

Foundation (the organisation that represents BEM in Holland).

agreeably surprised. I can see that the missionaries have a great

He’s also been a pastor in Antwerp and headed the follow-up

passion for their work. They’re committed to it heart and soul and

ministry of the Evangelical Broadcasting Association in Holland.

are longing to see a new wind blowing.

In addition, over the years, he’s been involved in several BEM

Why is the BEM still important?

campaigns. He was the ideal person to chair the meeting at our

If we’re talking of the most important thing in life, it’s learning to

recent Vision Day.

know Jesus as Saviour, and that’s what the BEM is working for. If we join our efforts together, then with God’s help much will change.

Kees, how did you find our Vision and Prayer Day?

On a personal level, the time I spent in Belgium changed my life.

At the beginning of March the BEM workers came together to pray

Without it I would never have become the man I am today.

and to think about the new direction and future of the BEM. It was

10 years from today, if you look back, what would you hope to

a great day. I enjoyed meeting everyone and discovering the great

see changed?

passion they have for the work in Belgium. We shared our dreams,

I long for new enthusiastic missionaries, young and old, with the

our concerns and our plans. Ideas were noted down to work on

same passion as those of today, working for change in Belgium. And

in the coming months. Through this we will be formulating a new

I hope to see new mission posts and fellowships established,

vision with which to accomplish

our mission in the years

to come. As president of

places that in their turn would reach out to the rest of the country with the gospel.


Challenging times for the BEM A new season It’s spring! How wonderful to see the world around us changing back to a hopeful green. In some seasons nothing seems to flower. That’s often a time that prepares us for a new season of growth or change. In this issue of BEM Info I want to tell you about a special Vision and Prayer Day that took place on March 6th focussing on plans and activities for the years ahead. I hope that you’ll be as enthusiastic as I am about this and that you’ll want to be part of it.

Exhibition, and our

Camp at Limauges.

The BEM is also known

for its national


such as the 3:16


campaign of last year.

Hard Ground Despite great high points, many missionaries find Belgium to be ‘hard ground’ where the seed sown has not always taken root or has not produced fruit. Belgium’s a country


where there are very few evangelical Christians or even

The BEM has known many highs and lows. As a

percentage of the native Belgian population and in some

Mission we’ve been active in Belgium for almost 100 years. In many places in Flanders and Wallonia churches have been planted and we’ve worked to bring the Good News to Belgium, for example, through our Bon Livre and Het goede Boek -shops, the Bible

Summer 2017 - Recruitment of new co-workers

Spring 2017 - The launch of our new direction at the Vision and Prayer Day

Protestants. Evangelicals make up only a very small areas it’s even less than 1%. Belgium is a real mission field. It’s divided by language and those differences have become more marked in recent years. There are also wide differences between rich and poor and between the different cultures here in Belgium.

Winter 2017- Team beginning the Centenary project

Autumn 2017 - Planning for the Centenary

Summer 201 missionary in

Spring 2018 - Campaign for the new vision of BEM

What does church planting mean in 2017? My hope and expectation for these coming years is that we, as the

a personal letter from

Kurt Maeyens

My dream for Belgium: a fertile land When I think of Belgium I feel a deep love, a passion. I believe that God is so much greater than the hard ground we sometimes experience here. I believe that in Belgium there’s also good fertile soil, for example among the people I meet who’re seeking a life that makes sense. That hope and joy they can find in Jesus. I believe in God’s heart for Belgium, and I’m full of expectation for what God is going to do in this new season.

New vision This year we’re busy developing a new vision for today, so we’re asking ourselves all sorts of challenging questions. How can we, as BEM, still remain relevant after 100 years as a mission? How can we attract new missionaries?

BEM, true to our original calling, can still reach out in Belgium with the gospel. In addition to more traditional approahes, we’re finding attractive new ways of working, ways that connect with today’s generation.

Celebrating our Centenary together During the Vision day I shared my ideas for celebrating the BEM Centenary in 2019. I would love us to hold a celebration of the Good News in Belgium. For the BEM this is a unique opportunity to bring Christians together. Together with many other fellowships, churches, and Christian organisations, we hope to put on 100 missionary events, both large-scale and small-scale, to draw attention to the missionary activities already in place. They could be small events such as concerts in a home, or a meal on a special occasion, or they could be much larger events with international speakers or musicians that appeal to the Belgian culture.

Invest with us! We’re looking for people who will commit with us to this dream of a new and relevant BEM, and for the preparations for the centenary celebrations - people who also want to participate financially in our dream of reaching Belgium with the gospel. So this year we’re

18 - Preparation of the 100 nitiatives

2019 - Centenary Celebrations with 100 small and large missionary initiatives and events

looking for 250 people who’d like to support us this year with a gift of 100 Euros. We’d be happy to receive the amount as a lump sum, or for example in four amounts of 25 Euros, or 10 of 10 Euros, whatever is best for you. Please label your gift ‘For the BEM Centenary/100 Euros.’ Thank you for your contribution.

Autumn 2018 - Campaign for the Celebration of the Centenary


BEM missionaries tell us their dreams

In the context of the development of our new BEM strategy we are looking for:

Marketing Manager/Fund-raising (M/F) In this position it will be your responsibility to make known the work of the Mission on a large scale. Together with the leadership you will maintain a wide network of contacts both within Belgium and abroad. As fundraiser you will be responsible for looking to increase the income for the work of the Mission.

“To be ‘Daniels’ in the world today,

“As we continue to wait

examples just like Jesus - those who

upon God, He’ll do great

keep going, not thinking of themselves,

things. I have great hopes

benefitting those around. And I dream

for Belgium; He is greater

of seeing good relationships between

than all our limitations

young and old. After all, in God’s kingdom

and difficulties.”

Ans van Velzen

everyone is of value.”

Drienie Lombard

“To be able to use the Christian networks

“To see the MEB used as

in Belgium to really encourage every

an umbrella to shelter new

believer to share the gospel.“

initiatives so they don’t

Thomas Geronazzo

Enterprise number: 0410.278.623 Bld. Lambermont, 158 - 1030 Brussels +32 (0)2/241.30.15 - information@b-e-m.org


Project Manager – missionary projects In this position it will be your responsibility to coordinate activities relating to our Centenary. We hope to organise 100 missionary projects right across Belgium. You will also participate in the current BEM projects, e.g. the Bible-Expo.

For both of these positions you will need a good mastery of French, Dutch and English, and to be ready to build your own prayer and financial support network of friends.

Further information concerning these vacancies or other openings may be found on: www.b-e-m.org Don’t hesitate to contact Peter Hartman on 0032 22413015

just fizzle out.”

Herman Spaargaren BEM, Inc. -US


PO Box 2255 Buford, GA 30515 678-408-2361 usbem@bellsouth.com

PO Box 617 Epsom KT17 9JQ BEMUK@b-e-m.org

The Belgian Evangelical Mission - UK is a member of Global Connections (formerly the Evangelical Missionary Alliance), a registered charity (no. 247192) and a registered data user.

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