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1) Georgia to take action to ensure food security amid COVID-19 pandemic

April 3rd, 2020, https://mepa.gov.ge/En/News/Details/17899


Following a meeting of the Inter-Agency Coordination Council, the Minister of Agriculture ensured Georgian residents that government is conducting regular and systematic monitoring of food supplies and observing a new procurement process flowchart in order to ensure food security for all Georgian residents. It should be noted that Georgia is widely regarded by experts has having the necessary policies in place to effectively manage food supply chains in times of crisis.

2) Ministries of Agriculture and Finance join forces to monitor food prices

April 7th, 2020, https://mepa.gov.ge/En/News/Details/17909

The Ministries of Agriculture and Finance are working together to monitor the prices of food products that the government considers as essential in order to ensure that the population has affordable access to them during the COVID-19 pandemic period. At the same time, the government is also adopting measures to ensure that the interests of providers and resellers of such products are also not harmed.

3) Trading platform created to ensure uninterrupted food supply chains

April 7th, 2020, https://mepa.gov.ge/En/News/Details/17907

The Minister of Agriculture has announced the creation of a special platform to facilitate trade between agricultural producers and wholesale merchants during the COVID-19 pandemic period. Government officials believe that this platform will help ensure uninterrupted food supply chains and the provision of food security to the population. The Minister also announced that additional, more organized trading platforms will be created in some districts of the Tbilisi to ensure trading is continued uninterrupted and in compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules.

4) Spring field work complies with health and safety standards

April 13th, 2020, https://commersant.ge/en/post/georgias-spring-field-work-carried-out-in-compliance-with-safety-standards

Spring agricultural field work in Georgia has been and is being carried out in full compliance with all health and safety requirements imposed by the government of Georgia to combat the spread of COVID19. Moreover, the Regional Development Agency is in constant communication with farmers to keep them updated about the latest developments and status related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

5) Government approves subsidy program to maintain flour and wheat prices

April 19th, 2020, https://www.newsgeorgia.ge/v-gruzii-utverdili-programmu-dlja-uderzhanija-cen-na-muku-i-pshenicu/

The government of Georgia has approved a program to subsidize the import of wheat and first-grade flour in order to maintain existing market prices as well as encourage processing activities within Georgia. Under the program, the government will subsidize importers with up to USD 40 (in GEL equivalent) per ton of imported product provided that they import between 2,000 and 40,000 tons.

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