#57 Serbia Agriculture Bulletin, BFC

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BFC. Agriculture Finance Bulletin.

Foreign Aid 8)

USAID program to strengthen Serbia’s food industry

June 16th, 2020, http://www.agronews.rs/pametna-specijalizacija-u-prehrambenom-sektoru-srbije/

The Competitive Economy Project of the United State Agency for International Development (USAID), in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, has announced a call for project proposals for the Implementation of the Smart Specialization Strategy in the Food Sector of Serbia program. The support is envisaged to innovate the food industry in ways that strengthen competitiveness in both domestic and foreign markets. Small- and medium-sized enterprises registered in Serbia and active in the food, packaging or information and communication technologies industries are eligible to apply.


New meteorological stations to be installed to boost agriculture

June 14th, 2020, https://www.danas.rs/ekonomija/nove-meteo-stanice-za-veci-prinos-u-poljoprivredi/

New meteorological stations will be installed within the Digitization of Municipal Land Management project being implemented by NALED and Telegroup, with additional support provided by German development cooperation GIZ. The stations, which will become a part of the AgroLIFE platform, will enable greater efficiency with regard to the planning and management of agricultural production on state-owned land managed by local governments. The stations will also help producers increase yields and optimize their usage of fertilizers, pesticides and water. More than 45% of the total territory of Serbia is used as agricultural land, of which 515,000 hectares are state-owned land managed and leased by local governments. Practice has shown that, due to a lack of information, improper cultivation has led to a decline in the quality of fields over time. This project aims to stop and ultimately reverse that trend.

10) First public call for IPARD incentive funds under Measure 7 announced June 8th, 2020, http://uap.gov.rs/raspisan-prvi-javni-poziv-za-ipard-podsticaje-u-okviru-mere-7/

The first public call for applications under the Diversification of Agricultural Holdings and Business Development project was announced by the Directorate for Agrarian Payments. The project makes use of IPARD Measure 7 funding to spur approved investments for the development of rural tourism. IPARD incentives can cover up to 65% of the cost of the total investment (less the value-added tax amount) in amounts ranging from EUR 5,000 to EUR 300,000. Applications will be accepted between July 1 and October 1.

11) KfW support for energy efficiency and renewable energy loans June 7th, 2020, http://subvencije.rs/vesti/krediti-u-saradnji-sa-nemackom-razvojnom-bankom/

Credit Agricole Bank, in cooperation with the German development bank KfW, is providing loans to finance energy efficiency and renewable energy projects that result in a reduction in primary energy consumption or a reduction of CO2 emissions of 20%. Loans are available to entrepreneurs, cooperatives, legal entities and registered agricultural holdings that have up to 250 employees and an annual turnover of up to EUR 50 million. Loans can be utilized for: equipment/machinery purchases, building investments, technology investments and/or other investments leading to a reduction in energy consumption and/or CO2 emission. Loans are approved for a maximum period of up to 7 years and a Page 4

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