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State Initiatives
1) Database of organic products to be created
October 23rd, 2020, http://www.politika.rs/scc/clanak/465190/Lazni-organski-proizvodi-najvise-se-prodaju-na-pijaci
The Ministry of Agriculture has announced the creation of a database of organic food products as many products marketed as organic in the country are actually not. The database will help protect both organic producers as well as consumers. The Ministry reminds consumers that organically-certified food products are clearly marked as such and that labels such as “bio”, “eco” and “organic” without such a certification are likely not organic.
Organic products are becoming increasingly important, especially in export markets in the European Union (EU). As such, the Ministry of Agriculture is planning to increase state support (including subsidies) for organic production in the country.
2) 2019 law on seasonal work moving things in the right direction
October 16th, 2020, http://www.agronews.rs/pozitivni-rezultati-reforme-sezonskog-zaposljavanja-u-poljoprivredi/
In January 2019, the Law on Simplified Employment in Seasonal Jobs in Certain Activities came into force, which, among other things, enabled the registration of seasonal workers on the basis of an oral contract via an electronic portal with just a few clicks. It also included the payment of a fixed amount of taxes and contributions per actual day worked. Under the law, seasonal workers do not lose any previously-acquired unemployment or social benefits nor are they removed from the state unemployment register. According to a new survey, the implementation of the law is functioning as intended, although much work needs to be in informing seasonal workers of their rights under the law.
3) RGZ platform and digital app to bring more efficiency to agricultural inspections
October 15th, 2020, http://www.stips.minpolj.gov.rs/srl/vest/efikasniji-rad-uz-platformu-i-digitalnu-aplikaciju-rgz
Agricultural inspectors in Serbia will be able to more quickly and efficiently perform their job functions using the new digital platform Geosrbija and the mobile app crowdSDI, both of which were developed by the Republic Geodetic Authority (RGZ). Specifically, the platform and app will allow inspectors to easily identify a plot of land and connect it with all other relevant registers. This will allow existing digital databases to be kept up to date in real time and expedite processing. It will also allow for the state to more effectively monitor the status of land in the country and the overall status of important sectors, especially agriculture.
4) National Rural Revival Program gives recommendations to new government
October 10th, 2020, https://www.021.rs/story/Info/Biznis-i-ekonomija/255447
The National Rural Revival Program of Serbia is recommended that Serbia establish a Rural Infrastructure Development Fund and the Agrarian Development Bank. In addition, they have recommended that 10% of the national budget be allocated for agricultural support and development. Prime Minister Ana