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Foreign Aid
10) Cooperatives Eligible for RSD 15 million in Incentive Funds
January 6th, 2021, https://www.danas.rs/ekonomija/krkobabic-zadrugama-do-15-miliona-dinara-podsticajnih-sredstava/
Rural Welfare Minister Milan Krkobabic announced that cooperatives are eligible for incentive funds of up to RSD 7.5 million for newly-established cooperative and up to RSD 15 million for existing cooperatives. The Minister expects that this will help 50–60 cooperatives with the purchase of basic herds, perennial orchards and/or necessary equipment. The Minister also announced the Ministry’s intention to start a new program for the renewal of cooperatives in the near future.
11) RSD 53 Billion Allocated for Agricultural Subsidies
December 29th, 2020, http://www.rtv.rs/sr_ci/ekonomija/aktuelno/vlada-usvojila-uredbu-za
The government of Serbia has adopted legislation that will allocate RSD 53 billion in subsidies for the agricultural sector in 2021. In addition to many of the subsidies provided last year, new ones will also be introduced, especially those related to new sectors such as winemaking, viticulture and agritourism. Additionally, some subsidies will focus on incentivizing young people to get or stay involved in agriculture.
Foreign Aid
12) Agro Info Caravan Visits 17 Local Governments
January 26th, 2021, http://www.agronews.rs/uspesno-zavrsen-agro-info-karavan/
Agricultural producers and seasonal workers from 17 local governments throughout Serbia had the opportunity to get acquainted with the simplified procedure of engaging seasonal agricultural workers by using the sezonenskiradnici.gov.rs portal and mobile app thanks to visits from the Agro Info Caravan. The Caravan, which was organized by the National Alliance for Local Economic Development (NALED) and supported by the German Development Cooperation, presented the procedures and advantages of the new system as well as distributed applications and other promotional materials.
The simplified system helps protect the rights of workers, increase incomes and legalize seasonal work.
13) IPARD Public Call Plan for 2021 Announced
January 8th, 2021, https://www.novosti.rs/vesti/ekonomija/952634/objavljen-plan
The Directorate for Agrarian Payments of the Ministry of Agriculture has published the plan of IPARD public calls for 2021. Although there are no planned calls for tractor procurement, farmers will be eligible to apply for incentives aimed at increased mechanization and the construction and equipping of processing capacities. Calls will also be made for investments in rural tourism and other technical assistance. Additionally, approved applicants will be able to withdraw up to 50% of approved funds immediately (as opposed to being reimbursed for the sum after the fact).
14) RSD 37.5 Billion in IPARD Funds Allocated for Fixed Asset Procurement
January 8th, 2021, https://agrosmart.net/2021/01/08/za-podsticaje-u-poljoprivredi-375-milijardi-dinara/
The Ministry of Agriculture is allocating RSD 37.5 billion for incentives for the procurement of fixed assets this year. This allocation is part of IPARD funding, and a public call for this measure (Measure 1) is expected in April 2021.