Looking ahead Compost collection expansion
Future programs include:
The Zero Waste department will expand the compost program in FY 2021. Initial program development will include office kitchenettes where bins previously were requested. Further program growth will begin at the fall and spring semester openings until we achieve full deployment.
• Trading Post events: Residence hall students may participate in Ditch the Dumpster year-round by exchanging gently used clothing items.
Zero Waste will partner with the Memorial Union to upgrade and standardize waste-collection bins while also increasing public-facing compost-collection opportunities. Behavior change The Zero Waste department will launch a concerted effort around behavior change, focusing on compost adoption, reusables utilization and recycling participation. Further program work will include university partners and leverage ASU’s interdisciplinary culture to identify innovative, human-centered solutions. Continuing engagement programs
• Zero Waste Ambassador opportunities: Student groups may earn funds for their clubs and gain hands-on experience with the Zero Waste department. Bin upgrades In response to COVID-19, Sun Devil Dining offers to-go service only using both compostable and reusable containers. To enhance that effort, the Zero Waste department will install 18 newly designed compost-recycle dual-litter containers around the Memorial Union and Hassayampa dining halls for the fall semester in 2020. The Zero Waste department also will refurbish, replace or newly install 143 dual-litter bins, which equates to about 25% in FY 2020.
The Zero Waste department will continue to grow engagement programming with more interactive activities with internal ASU partners throughout the year.
Visit zerowaste.asu.edu for more information about recycling markets, diversion-program changes, and help with purchasing decisions and switching to reusables. Copyright © 2020 Arizona Board of Regents for Arizona State University. All rights reserved. Photography by Emmanuel Padilla, Marketing Hub, Zero Waste team.
13 Zero Waste Annual Report | Fiscal Year 2020