1 minute read
Mission Worship at the Cathedral
The cathedral provides a variety of opportunities for people to gather together for worship each week. These times of worship are always evolving and, over time, changing to best meet the needs of those attending.
Please speak to me if you have any comments or suggestions as it is precisely your comments and suggestions which inform the choices that are made in developing our shared worshipping life together.
Please speak to me or telephone or email me. Thank you.
Canon Paul
6 Our Purpose Our Values
To serve Jesus Christ as a vibrant community of worship and mission enriching the City, the Diocese and further afield.
• Hospitality • Faithfulness • Wholeness
Useful Links Diocese of Leeds: leeds.anglican.org A Church Near You: achurchnearyou.com/church/5746 Visit Bradford: visitbradford.com “Bradford Cathedral” LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/bradford-cathedral/ Explore Churches: explorechurches.org/church/bradfordcathedral-bradford
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