READY No*4 - Jubilee

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A publication of Bethesda Frankel Estate Church I 060/01/2015






A Step for


Kuah Leck Ping

Joan Chen

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Estate Church

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4 La Salle Street Singapore 456930 Tel: 6448 1800 Fax: 6448 0831 Email: bfec( Web:

Editor Jimmy Tan

Editorial team Priscilla Soh Diana Chin Matthias Ong LohXln Ling Lim Seow Cheng

Design and Layout Abigail Ng

Printer Regent Printing (S) Pte Ltd

Cover Photo Abigail Ng

Sunday Services Worship Services: English Sam & 10am/Chinese 9.30am Children: English 10am/Chinese 9.30am

Views expressed in published articles are those of the individual writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editorial Team or the Church Council. Your contributions to RBADY are welcome and should be submitted to The Bditor reserves the right to accept, reject or edit any articles submitted for publication.

Youth: English 12pm/Chinese 9.30am Filipino & Indonesian: 10.15am

Contents READY No*4







Proclaiming Liberty this Jubilee

50 Shades of Freedom



Reclaiming the Spiritual Margin in Our Lives

Spurring One Another On


23 Supernatural Childbirth


11 A Step for Faith

13 The Journey Towards Making It Happen

25 Imminent Return

The Sea of Galilee

Photo by Diana Chin


Were you surprised? This year, every household received its very own National Day "SGSO" funpack. No need to be at the parade. No questions asked. Free!

Idealistic? Yet in God's infinite wisdom, the bold and timely message to us rings clear: the Jubilee marks a return to family, a time for forgiveness, and a respite from frenetic (even if well-inten足 tioned) activity.

The Jubilee joy indeed came in many other forms (and baby bundles). It's impossible by now to escape the SGSO spirit, even if you tried.

I hope you seize the opportunity to savour these deeper aspects of Singapore's Jubilee. As you read the articles here, may the different facets of the Jubilee spirit (of salvation, rest, trust, harvest, freedom, celebration, and return) inspire and encourage you.

Yet this is also the season for sober reflection. The original Jubilee is a biblical milestone. After seven sabbath cycles (49 years), the agrarian Israelites were to cease sowing and harvesting for another entire year. It was already a statement of great faith to depend on the last permitted harvest. But the Jubilee meant much more. It was literally a nation-wide "reset" that affected the life and spiritual tone of society: debts owed were cancelled, slaves were set free, and no matter how you fared or failed economically, you got to return to, reclaim and restart with your family's inherit足 ance (that is real estate)!

It isn't hard to unpack and quickly enjoy our fun足 packs. But this SGSO, I pray that you will not miss out on the only "free" gift that really matters - the real Jubilee deal that Jesus still offers us world足 weary folks. He said, "Come to me... and I will give you rest." Will you receive it? Blessed Jubilee! Jimmy Tan Editor



PROCLAIMING LIBERTY THIS JUBILEE In this article, Loh Meng See shares the wonderful testimonies of his parents' salvation. Many of us continue to pray for family and friends who are not yet believers. Sometimes, we see the answer to our prayers very quickly. At other times, for a myriad of reasons, there continues to be resistance to the gospel we share with our loved ones. We hope that Meng See's sharing will encourage you to keep on praying, for as Paul and Silas told the jailer in Acts 16:31, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved - you and your household." Meng See is married to Doris and they have two daughters, Mei Ling and Xin Ling.


"Count off seven Sabbath years-seven times seven years-so that the seven Sabbath years amount to a period of forty-nine years. Then have the trumpet sounc:lec:I everywhere on the tenth clay of the seventh month; on the Day of Atonement sounc:I the trumpet throughout your land. Consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you; each of you is to return to your family property anc:I to your own clan. The fiftieth year shall be a jubilee for you; c:lo not sow anc:I c:lo not reap what grows of itself or harvest the untended vines. For it is a jubilee and is to be holy for you; eat only what is taken directly from the fields." Leviticus 25:8-12

held captive but now set free. In addition, just as the land was given rest, we too have entered into His rest from all of our works for we can never save ourselves by our own works because salvation is fully a work and grace of God. In fact, because of Christ's atonement, we can celebrate Jubilee today and everyday. Hallelujah! What liberty we have in Christ! I will be proclaiming liberty this Jubilee through this simple retelling of my parents' salvation testimonies. My heartfelt prayer is that salvation will come to your household and you will experience Jubilee today.

The practices that were to be followed in the Jubilee year contain parallels to our salvation. Just as all slaves were released, all debts cancelled and all sold family estates returned to the original heirs, so too have we been released from a debt of sin and returned to God the Father. Christ's blood has atoned for our sins and satisfied the wrath of God that was due us (Romans 5). We were once slaves to sin but now we have been released; once

My Mother's Conversion My mother migrated to escape famine and starvation in Hainan, China after the end of the Second World War in 1945. She went first to Hong Kong and, in 1948, took the boat to Singapore. She practiced ancestor worship and would go to temple to pray regularly. My mother did not keep any altar in the house. 3

My wife, Doris and I accepted Christ and were baptised together in 1988. My widowed mother was present to witness our baptism. She was considerate enough after that to set aside food, that had not been offered for ancestral worship, for us during Chinese festivals and other auspicious occasions.

Her prayers were answered. I recovered from dengue fever without needing a blood transfusion and was discharged from hospital a few days later. My mother readily agreed to attend church the following Sunday when I invited her. This was miraculous and God must have prepared her for this.

When our daughters, Mei Ling and Xin Ling encountered a personal relationship with Christ through Campus Crusade in the University, they also undertook to share Christ with their grandmother. It was on one particular weekend in mid-August 1998 that our older daughter, Mei Ling arranged for a Chinese evangelistic video to be shown as part of an outreach at our home. My mother was present to participate in the outreach. It also happened to be the night I was hospitalized in Changi General Hospital for dengue fever.

My wife and I brought my mother to church every Sunday. She looked forward to the weekly Sunday worship service. After three years of church service and attending various fellowship and activities, she was to able to read, memorise and recite Bible verses in Hainanese even though she was uneducated and illiterate. She decided to be baptized at the Holy Grace Church in December 2001 at the age of 82. My mother is a woman of faith and prayer and the peace of God is evident in her life. She is 96 years old and though frail, is still relatively independent and mobile, with good eye-sight and good appetite. She is always praising God and proclaiming the gospel to her friends and relatives.

My mother noticed that I was not home and was shocked to learn that I was hospitalised. When my mother visited me in hospital that Sunday, my wife was present and Elder Fred Sabapathy was also visiting. I shared the fragility of life with my mother. My blood platelet count was low and I might require blood transfusion. I told her that if she prays to Jesus and believes in God, I will be healed. Elder Fred prayed with her for my healing and recovery.

My Father's Conversion

My late father received Christ and was baptized in Zion Presbyterian Church in Simei at the age of 88 in 2006. His salvation came after years of prayers. The manner and speed at which he received Christ was surprising and amazing. Indeed it is God's timing and grace.

My mother had previously been operated on at Singapore General Hospital for gallstones in her bladder. Before she went to the operating theatre she was fearful. At that time, my wife and I had comforted her and she agreed to us praying to God for her for a smooth operation and recovery. The operation was successful and she had a quick recovery. Upon reflection, this positive experience with prayer must have left an impression on her.

My father had deemed himself to be a practising Taoist. He was a businessman, a very strict father, and very disciplined and hard-working. He hardly communicated with his 12 children. When his children and grandchildren became Christians he did not object to their conversion. He had attended 4

describing what he had seen to me. I realized he needed comfort and support. Led by the Holy Spirit, I called all my Christian siblings to gather at my father's house immediately to pray.

some of our baptisms and those of his personal friends. I believe the seed was sown through his business and social contacts. His Christian business associates must have impressed him with their integrity, reliability and dependability.

The Holy Spirit led one of my nieces to bring My father was diagnosed with early dementia along five-coloured threads - black, red, white, green and gold - to explain the Gospel to my at 85 years old. Upon his diagnosis, he was very depressed for a while and soon started hallucinating. father. The timing was opportune and perfect as my father agreed to say the sinner's prayer. On a number of nights, he would call me and When we asked him if he understood what he had another sister who lived nearby to complain about prayed, he said "yes." To be sure, we asked him if the ghosts he had seen in the living room. Each time he understood the term 'eternal life'. He said "Yes. my sister and I would go to his house and pray with Forever and ever." him. We told him that the power of God is greater than the evil ones. We shared with him that if he Thereafter, he looked forward to attending believed in Jesus there would be no fear in him as church every Sunday. He was baptized and had the blessing of worshipping God and partaking in the God would protect him from harm. Holy Communion a year before he passed away. At the same time, my other non-believing siblings, who were mostly Taoists, would suggest We are proud and humbled that God has that we engage monks to come and chant away blessed our family of four generations with Jesus the evil spirits. We thank our sovereign God for as the Lord, Savior, Master and King of our lives. His timely intervention that this did not happen. We desire to follow Jesus as the way, and the truth and the life. God hears our prayers and He Otherwise we would have had severe spiritual warfare within the family. is indeed faithful. We stand on His promises that never fail. All glory. honour and praise to God. One night at about 7pm, my father called me on the phone to say that he saw ghosts again in the living room. He sounded very frightened when 5


RECLAIMING THE SPIRITUAL MARGIN IN OUR LIVES There has never been a moment when God hasn't loved you. We need to put the margin back in our lives as we rest in God's love. These were the themes of the Women's Retreat held on 7 and 8 March 2015. Liew Weng Khay reflects on lessons learnt and memorable moments at the retreat. Weng Khay is married to Liew Kin Soon, and they have two children, Noah and Naomi.


It was wonderful to be able to have such an intimate bonding experience with my sisters I had never seen some of them come alive the way they did. Memories of the humorous moments, the beautiful smiles and the radiant faces as they worshipped and praised the Lord will be etched in my mind and upon my heart for a long time to come. As I reflect on this, I think all of us find it (one way or another) really hard to open up our hearts to others but I believe being a part of this retreat was a great start to growing some of the new friendships that were formed. I feel this is God's heart for us - that we would allow ourselves to be vulnerable and open to our brothers and sisters, just as Jesus was. Jesus never held back His affections or tender mercies for fear of rejection, betrayal or non­ reciprocal relationships. He dared to love.

Rest is elusive for many of us and yet much needed. Whilst one may have physical rest, one may yearn for rest for the mind and soul. I was in a semi-tired state of mind when the day of the Women's Retreat came but was filled with excitement and joy because the day that the organizing committee and I had planned so hard for, was finally here. By God's grace, His peace and presence guarded my heart even as I was bursting with anticipation inside. It felt almost surreal that the BFEC Women's Retreat was really going to take place! Before I left home for Changi Village Hotel, I had prayed that God would speak to me and that I would hear His voice; that I would not be caught up with the programme and logistics. God is so good. The time with my sisters-in­ Christ was beautiful and we enjoyed ourselves so much! We laughed and played so hard and God used sister Ying Kheng to minister to us, to challenge us, and most of all, the Lord encouraged our hearts greatly through the messages of putting the margins back in our lives and to let our Abba Father remove rock burdens that were never meant to have a place in our lives.

Well, this is not the end of my 'story' - God did speak to me during my personal time with Him, so yes, He responded to my prayer. He gently chastised me for bruising a gentle reed of my precious boy, but even as He did so, He lovingly wiped away my tears and restored in me a fresh confidence and perseverance to be the mum He knows I can be. Finally, I just want to thank all the ladies who attended the retreat - you made it so special! 6


7 NUMBERS BFEC was started by Bethesda Katong Church (BKC) in July 1958 though we only became an autonomous legal entity on 19 December 1973. What was our church like in 1965, one Jubilee ago?


Year-old Sanctuary at La Salle Street On June 20, 1964, the foundation stone of the current sanctuary was laid by Mrs Constance Rijk, a senior member and former Sunday School teacher of BKC. It was completed at a cost of $100,000 and was dedicated and opened on 21 November 1964.



Worship Services The Lord's Supper Sunday Service and an evening Gospel Service were held in English each Sunday. 8


Elders Chia Hong Hoe, Fred Sabapathy and Seet Poon Soo. Dr Tan Ban Cheng joined them on 19th December 1973. Lionel Ong (left, with Elder Seet Poon Soo) later became Elder too.

The first BFEC Committee: Seet Poon Soo, Henry Phillips, Chia Hong Hoe, Hooi Cheng Soon and Fred Sabapathy


Sunday School Students Enrolled in our Kindergarten, Junior and Senior Sunday Schools.



“Regular” Worshippers When BFEC became a legal entity in 1973, other members of BKC who regularly worshipped at BFEC also transferred their membership here.


Full Time Staff ...Until BFEC became an autonomous legal entity.


“First” Weddings Dr & Mrs Peter Wee, from BKC, were the first couple to be married in the new church building in April 1965. Elder Ernest and Mrs Chew (left) were the first couple serving in BFEC to be married here on 31 July 1965. Dr & Mrs Ernest Chew



A STEP FOR FAITH A facet of Jubilee is the motif of the breaking of oppression. Have you heard of "trampling the fumie"? Did you know this was a method of persecution the Japanese Christians endured in the 17th and 18th centuries? Gripped by the book "Silence" by Endo Shusaku, Kuah Leck Ping who served in missions to Japan from 2003 to 2005 and from 2007 to 2011, visited the Endo Shusaku Literary Museum in Nagasaki to reflect on the faith of the suffering Japanese believers during the period when fumie trampling was exercised.

It had saved lives but also stumbled many and tortured souls to hell. It had caused betrayals and breakups in families and the community. It had been a step - the choice of a step on a "fumie" - a picture to be trampled on to denounce one's association with the Christian faith. It was made of bronze or some metallic material mounted on a block of wood. It could also be a piece of metal plate on its own, or a piece of paper with the image of the crucifix or the Virgin and the Child. It could be slightly smaller than A4 but did not exceed that of an A3 dimension. Whatever the size, it had to be big and durable enough for an adult's foot and thousands to trample on.

The fumie exercise was definitely not fictitious, definitely. It happened at a time known as the "Christian century in Japan" (1550-1650) when Nagasaki was called "The Rome of Japan". Catholic Christianity came to Japan in 1549. The believers were then known as the kirishitan, and they grew from 500 to more than 30,000 over 20 years. Until the Tokugawa government fully banned Christianity from 1614, Kirishitan had reached an estimate of up to 400,000 people. This growth was due to the effort of missionaries who did not just preach the Christian faith, but also popularised European culture, built schools, hospitals and enhanced education.

Endo Shusaku wrote about the fumie exercise - "in each house...everyone in the family is lined up, the first to trample is the master of the house, then his wife and children .. .if there are any sick, they are made to touch the fumie with their feet from their position in bed."

Believers included Shoguns, their households and the common people. The missionaries' association with the major powers from countries outside Japan was feared by the ruler Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and the Tokugawa government enforced an anti-Christian edict; a sanction prohibiting the spread of Christianity and to destroy the church. One of the sanctions was the fumie exercise.

From 1614, the fumie exercise was held at least once a year for everybody in Japan, including all foreigners in the land; priests were not spared too. Jonathan Swift penned "Gulliver's Travels" in the 18th century about Gulliver in Japan asking "to be excused from trampling the fumie".

The kirishitan had four choices: refuse apostasy and choose death without resistance, 11

pretend to live as Shinto and Buddhist believers but practice Christianity in hiding, revolt with weapons, or abandon one's faith via apostasy. People who refused to trample on the fumie would be tortured slowly to death but quickly released as soon as they surrendered and apost.atized. Many succumbed to apost.asy because they could not bear seeing their loved ones tortured before their eyes. More than 250000 people died over 200 years of Christian persecution in Japan. The fumie exercise went on for more than 200 years. It was abolished in Nagasaki on 13th April 1856 and Christian persecution ended in 1873. Duplica at Endo Museum - taken with my hp, 15 Dec 2013, Endu Shosaku Literature Museum.

Why then would the kirishitan choose death when they could escape excruciating torture with a simple act of just stepping on the fumie in public?

God and enduring suffering and persecution must have been the transformational Gospel the believers embraced. The Christian martyrs were testimonies of genuine faith which came from what they had heard and what they had been taught. And that faith was worth dying for.

It could be true what the secular Nagasaki Heritage Guidebook mentions about martyrdoms at that time - nit is unmistakable that they believed till the end what Christianity had t.aught them about the soul continuing to live in paradise after death.•

Today even with the intensity of the mission work of evangelical believers in the Land of the Rising Sun, Christians are still a minority. I wonder if there is something akin to the fumie exercise in schools, offices or the community today? Are there Christian youth who choose not to go to Sunday School so as not to be rejected by their schoolmates? Are there office workers who choose to engage in pagan rituals and practices in their company so as not to face falling out of favour with their superiors? Do the present-day kirishitan trust God to be seen differently as the Christian minority? And what kind of fumie do missionaries have to face?

But I was reflecting more about the life.. changing message the people heard at that time. It must have been a difficult message to preach and to receive, like in the time of Jesus as recorded in Matthew 10. With civil war and social injustice prevailing together with increasing Christian persecution, the message of complete trust in

I also reflect on the equivalent of fumie trampling for us as people identified with Christ today in our time and context. How are we pretending, hiding. masking who we are in Christ? How are we living victoriously in Christ? May God use the lmowledge of this episode in history to help us pray even more fervently for the work of evangelism and disciple-making in Japan.

Illustration of fumie in, "Furnie", a printing by Keiga Kawahara in 1823, scanned from Nagasaki Heritage Guide Map



THE JOURNEY TOWARDS MAKING IT HAPPEN In this year of Jubilee, our gracious God grants His favour upon BFEC in bringing together 388 campers from the English-speaking and Chinese-speaking congregations for a first-ever combined Church Camp. 11 children and 3 adults professed faith in Christ for the first time. Derek Pang, first-time church camp commandant shares the journey of planning for it and testifies of God's great faithfulness and provision. Derek frequently takes to the skies as a commercial airline pilot. He is married to Janis and they have two sons, Jeremiah and Josiah.

Our bags were packed, our boys fed, the GPS set, and the petrol tank filled up. We were ready. We were ready for BFEC Camp 2015. It started quite some time back - this journey of planning for the camp. It was a journey lasting more than a year. All for these 4 days. All for Him, and His people. I remember when the recce team first walked into the lobby of Renaissance Hotel. We wanted a comfortable and safe place for campers to enjoy a retreat, to spend meaningful 4 days with God and fellow brothers and sisters. "Jimmy," I said, "I think this is the place. I imagine the campers wowed and assured

that things will be well here. They can be at ease and enjoy a good camp." And, over Teh Taril<, the camp programme was drafted almost immediately, Jimmy and I bent over a tiny piece of paper, scribbling on it. - 4 days and over a weekend, so campers would not need to take too many days ofleave. - only one message a day, so campers would have more time for reflection. - a wide selection of workshops, so we can all learn somethlng we are interested in. - free time, so campers can rest, relax, and fellowship with one another. - an evening of time-out, so campers can savour local Malaysian cuisine... and durians! - some fun and games, so we can 13

laugh together together. - a special night, so we can present ourselves anew to God. The first time Jimmy and I met camp speaker, Dr Tan Soo Inn, and shared the camp theme and our idea of having each message centered on each word of the theme "Come Walk With Me", he immediately responded with, "Come - Invitation, Walk - Discipleship, With Relationship, Me - Lordship." This was exactly what we had in mind ! Surely God has planned for this!

And what better people He blessed me with than all those in the committee? They accommodated my flying roster and took time off from their families after a hard day's work to meet. Ever so often, Jimmy, Francis, John Teo and Leck Ping, stopped whatever they were doing when I dropped by their office, unannounced! Once, Jimmy delayed a meeting just so I could finish settling whatever I needed to before heading to the airport for my flight! The tireless Agnes. Surely she's someone a camp commandant cannot do without. I am grateful for the many times she met to discuss camp matters despite late notice. And then there's the dependable Donna. Agnes and I ran through the different areas to be looked into and where the Children Ministry was concerned, most if not all of the time, we would be assured - "Donna is there, we don't need to worry!" And how grateful I am for the many late nights Aaron had to spend to brainstorm with me on publicity plans. Bystanders would see us in a serious conversation and then break into uncontrollable laughter as the ideas came along. I am thankful for all the families of the camp committee.

You have "sacrificed" your loved ones as they took time away from the family to plan for the camp. Ben would look at his watch during our discussions as his wife waited for him to have dinner. Dyeo, despite his many overseas work trips, looked into camp matters with us whenever he was back in Singapore. And it must have been challenging for Noel and Jane as they recently celebrated their newborn! God sent other angels to help. Marcus came forward and asked to serve with us. Lai Yong initiated plans for Grow@Noon, to reach out to the children at the orphanage. And there's Kelvin chipping in to organise this so enthusiastically and also Jason and Hei, the faithful, quiet workers looking into the Chinese Ministry camp programme. And who can forget the inspired, bilingual worship seesions that Sharon and the team put together? Every now and then, in the midst of the planning, God would remind me that this camp is His and He would deal with every challenge we meet. For example, at one point, the hotel 14

ran out of rooms and could not accommodate all our campers! We set out to work on various options. This included my wife, Janis, searching for rooms from alternative sources and figuring out rooming permutations to the extent of asking four ladies to "squeezen into one room! There was nothing we could do but pray. I found out later that all this while, Janis, Jeremiah and Josiah, had been praying every night before bedtime. And our loving, sovereign Father stepped in. Just a few days before camp, an entire tour group pulled out at the last minute and their rooms were available! Praise the Lord! Indeed, this camp is for our God. This is His camp. And we, His people will keep Him at the centre of it. As we lugged our bags into the hotel lobby, I looked at Janis. Her eyes and mouth were wide open as she surveyed the campsite I had been telling her about for the past year. She let out a "wowwwl" And that was how BFEC Camp 2015 started......


7QUESTIONS Jubilee is a time to rejoice and celebrate. Among those who have deep reasons to reflect His joy are senior members like Uncle Laurie Chan. At 86 years young, he and wife, Swee Keow, continue to open their home to host and lead a cell group that is growing from strength to strength. It has kept on growing in maturity and numbers since our church embarked on 40 Days of Purpose in 2006. Like a "Caleb", Uncle Laurie is an example of someone who looks beyond himself to our Lord to serve in the strength that He provides.


1. Unde Laurie, how did you and Aunty Swee Keow come to worship in BPEC?

L: Swee Keow was baptized in Bethesda Katong Church and joined BFEC in the church's pioneering years in the 1960s. I was a Methodist so after marriage, we worshipped at Wesley Methodist Church. We came to Frankel as family and friends were here and she was more comfortable as BFEC was more like home. 2. How did you come to Christ?

L: I was brought up as an ancestral worshipper. My uncle, a Methodist pastor, came to know Christ during the Japanese occupation. He shared Christ with me and I received Christ as my Saviour. Subsequently, I backslided through the years and to me, church was only for Christmas, Good Friday and Easter. It was God's answer to the faithful prayers of family members that led me back to church. At BFEC, I learnt what it meant to be a follower of Jesus and not just a fan. 3. You have a big and active cell group. How did your ceD group grow to what it is today?

L: I believe nothing is by chance. We were led to be a part of the 40 Days of Purpose. Friends invited friends. Some stayed on after completing it. I think it is the camaraderie and the warmth of Christian friendship. We shared precious fellowship on holidays together and brunches at the coffee shop every Sunday after the service. Whenever the opportunity arose, we would serve together in church or on missions overseas. Most important of all, we pray for one another. 15

4. Describe a time when you felt your ceD really grew spiritually. L: It is not easy for a group of people with diverse personalities and idiosyncrasies to stay together for so long. Studying Biblical truths is one thing but applying them to daily living is another. I have witnessed members practicing forgiveness, coming together during tough times to uphold, encourage and affirm one another. We are still growing spiritually and going through the Refiner's fire. S. Any tips to ahare with other cell leadera? L: Be patient and ldnd with one another. We're all at different levels of growth. Let God lead in everything. 6. Any word of encouragement for those who are not nill not in a cell? L: Join a cell. Togetherness is strength. God wants us to be in community. Jesus was in community with His disciples. 7. You are 86 tbu year. Any thoa.ghb of lltepping clown &om service? L: As long as God gives me the health and strength, I will continue serving Him.



SO SHADES OF FREEDOM Lau Ying Kheng is a free spirit and, with her tasteful fashion sense, she artistically expresses herself in creative dressing, and as you will see here, also in verse. Currently, she is Cru East Asia School of Theology's Field Education Director, Publications Coordinator and Resident faculty member. Ying Kheng served with the Operation Mobilization's MV Logos ministry and was in India for three years beforejoining Cru Singapore (formerly Singapore Campus Crusade for Christ) in 1978. Ying Kheng is married to Elder Roland Tan and their daughter is Julienne. Prayerfully mull over her creative 50-line sharing on freedom in Christ.

1. Freedom is not a place, not even those with sepia sunsets and waves. 2. "Destinations" are not free; and (ouch!) look out for 3. Jellyfish! 4. Some say freedom has no rules: "Do what you want!" 5. I learned at 13 that if you must cheat to get it, 6. That freedom is not free nor 7.Fun. 8. You see once I told Mum I was at Mary's, but we sneaked off to a party, 9. For hours I was stuck with Mr Knock-Knock-Jokes, 10. Feeling trapped, stupid, and 11. Guilty. 12. I learned that freedom and shame don't walk together, 13. Freedom doesn't hurt your mother. 14. Freedom won't accuse us in our dreams, freedom is felt from 15. Within. 16. At 14, I received Jesus as Saviour, and discovered that freedom is a Person 17. Who set me free that He might live through me; 17

18. I walked out of the grave when I met my 19. Master. 20. God loves me and has a plan for my life, 21. I'm not the awful names people throw at me, I'm not an accident; 22. Don't need to fit in, stand out, be average, be remarkable, 23. Don't need to live in fear of weakness, ordinariness, 24. Oblivion. 25. But being free doesn't come instantly, it's an ongoing journey 26. Of following the God who is good, and not by ticking off (or outsmarting) rules. 27. Be it forgiving a wrong, saying "No" to Mr Almost-Right, 28. Doesn't matter if everyone's (or no one's) doing it, it's what we 29. Choose. 30. Freedom also doesn't come from things31. Be it a house, car, designer bag, phone, or a little bird that sings. 32. If these rob us of sleep, make us worry and fuss, 33. Kill our conversations at the table; we don't own them, they own 34. Us. 35. At 21 I answered God's call, and left home for Africa. 36. Served in a few other countries, the Philippines, Hong Kong, India. 37. Was it rough at first? Of course. I didn't have an answer 38. When even my cell group questioned me, "What about your 39. Future?" 40. But what I know is this: when we walk by faith not by sight, 41. We taste the freedom God gives, and live the eternal life: 42. Life that drinks deeply from a well that never dries, 43. Life that knows what's important for a world in pain, life that 44. Satisfies. 45. Is the road to freedom easy? No, actually it's tough. 46. Sometimes your friends won't go with you; 47. Sometimes it breaks your heart. 48. But is it worth it? Absolutely. Can you feel it? You bet. 49. Look, when you're truly free-the wind blows in your 50. Hair. "If the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed" (John 8:6). 18


Vac.1tion Bible School

Praise the Lord! 160 children who came for the Vacation Bible School from 3 to 5 June had the opportunity to hear that Jesus is the life-giving Messiah. that He satisfies our soul and He wants us to share that good news with others. Centering on the theme of Jesus the Living Water. Professor Walter Bottel (wearing a hat of water bottles, gigantic glasses Alph• Coune: March to May 2015 "No one pressured me to convert." and a big bow tie) and his assistants brought the stories of Jesus and the Samaritan woman This year's Alpha course returned "The Christians here didn•t have to a Friday evening. The Intro and Prophet Ezekiel to life for the any"airs"abouttbein;everyone Dinner was held on 6 March in was so friendly. starting with the children and teachers. Combined church and the first class started people who were serving dinner." with lively songs. engaging games. relevant crafts and warm on 13 March with a steady attendance of 16 guests and 11 fellowship, the children had an All of us involved in Frankelite helpers throughout organising and facilitating Alpha incredible time at VBS. the course. are humbled. We are reminded On the last day, amidst the that we are to be used by God to Very early in the course, one backdrop of colourful balloons, enable our guests and seekers to guest prayed to receive Christ. the children gave a short feel welcomed and comfortable. presentation of what they learnt During the Alpha Day Away. It is God who saves. during the three days to their another four invited Christ into All glory to God. parents and family members. their lives and four believers offered the prayer of re-commitment. Again and again, we marvelled at God•s goodness as we saw how He drew seekers to Him Some reflections from seekers include "Actually I wasn•t keen to attend because I expected to encowiter "holier than thou" Christians who will run down my views. But I was pleasantly surprised that I could share freely."


BFEC Cares

In obedience to God's desire for His people to live out love and good deeds. BFEC Cares was initiated. Elders Chua Soon Boon and See Toh Ming Yew and sisters Lindis and Tan Fang Fang were sent to Dallas, Texas, for a leaders' training from 13 to 19 July 2014. The other members of the committee are Elders Jimmy Tan. Danny Chua. Deacon Woon Chin Chang and Seah Lay Khim. Jesus said that the church needs to be a healing and caring community. "My command is this: love each other as I have loved you." (John.15:12) There is also a saying. "A burden shared is a burden halved. a joy shared is a joy doubled." We should not have to carry our burdens alone. Paving the Way In the light of this. our church initiated the BFEC Cares Ministry. The goal is a pool of BFEC members have been trained to journey alongside a sister or brother in a caring. Christ-centred relationship to help ease confusion. frustration. loneliness. anger and other distress during these periods. God works through fellow Christians to bring His healing and hope. to provide support and added strength at times when we may need a helping hand or just a listening ear. Having someone to work through a difficult period can become an opportunity for personal growth and a deeper relationship with the Lord.

From 5 January to 23 March 2015, some 36 Frankelites (including three friends of Frankelites) spent 10 Mondays learning Christian caring principles as well as other related skills and knowledge. so that they would be equipped to provide Christ-centred support to other Frankelites and friends who are going through difficulties. transitions and crisis in their lives. Some of the topics covered were "Distinctively Christian Caring Ways". "Art of Listening". "Process-Oriented Caregiving". "Ministering to Those in Grief or with Depression", "Inner Healing" and "Using Mental Health Professionals and other Community Resources". Their commitment. enthusiasm and active participation in small group discussions, role play and raising questions for further understanding and clarification, greatly encouraged the instructors and the BFEC Cares committee. We trust that these


Frankelites will pave the way for BFEC to become a more loving, caring and responsive community to those within and without the church. Caring and Praying for You 20 Frankelites have since committed to be BFEC Caregivers and with God's help are prepared to walk alongside people who are going through struggles like those you may be going through right now. They were commissioned on 30 May to serve as BFEC Caregivers. You may be wondering. "Does it look like BFEC Cares ministry is doing what our leaders and pastoral staff are doing? Does it mean they will stop visiting people, etc.?" Let us be assured that our leaders and pastoral staff still care about you and will visit with you and minister to you. However a BFEC Caregiver will be assigned just to one person so that he/she can focus all of his/her caring ministry on you.

Youth4Youth Mission to Joyo City, Kyoto, Japan

On 23 March 2015, seven Grow@noon youth and two adult mentors travelled to Kyoto, Japan, in partnership with Living Waters House Church (LWHC, Japan) and Barker Road Methodist Church, to fellowship with and minister to the Christian youths. LWHC had recently started a youth service in January 2015. We met up with leaders from various churches in Kyoto for a workshop on preparing to lead a worship service. Some were native Japanese, but there were also missionaries and their children, some of whom had been born and raised in Japan. It was our first experience

On 28 March, we had the opportunity to put what we had learnt into practice and worshipped freely at a public park and outside a train station in Kyotanabe city. As people looked on in curiosity, we sang and danced with the joy of the The 2-day youth worship camp on 26 and 27 March reminded Lord in our hearts. There was no us that we are true worshippers fear or shame, because God was our focus. who must worship God in Spirit and in Truth. We must also not This trip has blessed each of be ashamed or embarrassed of the way we worship Him, but us, and helped us bless others in rather, praise God with our entire Japan. Our God is truly a great being (mind, body and soul). God who deserves our worship every day of our lives. Everyone sang songs bilingually as one voice, waved flags and danced with bamboo sticks in worship to God. It was humbling and amazing to lmow that no language or cultural differences can hinder worship if we sincerely want to worship Him. worshipping with others in English and Japanese, and we were very touched to see youths from both countries coming together to praise God, who reigns over the entire earth.



SUPERNATURAL CHILDBIRTH Davina Low shares her journey to motherhood in this gripping testimony. From trying to conceive to carrying the pregnancy safely to full term, nothing happened by chance. Walk with her on this journey as she writes about how she and her husband, Matthias Ong, depended on God and how their faith grew even as He grew the baby from strength to strength.


'For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.' Psalm 139:13

wish. Although I was afraid to be disappointed again, I went ahead to use an expired test kit we had. Lo and behold! two lines showed a positive result! I felt joy but doubt quickly crept in and I told Matthias not to be too hopeful yet. The next day, we got a new test kit and it confirmed that I was expecting. We were ecstatic, and immediately, Matthias was calling up different gynaecologists to book an appointment to confirm the pregnancy. On 24 November 2014, on Matthias' father's birthday, we saw a strong heartbeat on the gyanecologist's screen! We were finally going to be parents.

It was about two years after we were married when Matthias and I looked at one another and wondered why we were taking so long to conceive a child. The words of Uncle Teck Seong after our wedding dinner were still clear in our heads: "This year have joy, next year a boy". Well, 'next year' did not exactly happen. W hen friends asked us about children, we would just smile and say "in God's timing". I was somewhat disheartened and demoralised at that time and doubt slowly crept in. Why did God not want to grant us a child?

But the first trimester was anything but pleasant. Nausea, dizziness and severe vomiting meant I had to carry a vomit bag everywhere I went. At that point in time, we heard about multiple cases of miscarriages and losses of newborns, and read up on how the first trimester was the most unstable. We had planned a holiday to New Zealand and prayed each day for God to keep the baby safe each step of the way. At the end of the first trimester, we visited the gynaecologist who said everything seemed to be going well. Little did we know, that was not the end of it.

God's promise revealed

Knowing how much we wanted a child, our doctors suggested assisted reproductive techniques to conceive more quickly. We were not ready for that just yet and all we wanted to do at that point in time was to pray and hold on in faith. On 13 November 2014, I made a birthday wish that I would able to conceive and be a mother in 2015. On 15 November 2014, Matthias had an impression that God was going to grant us our 23

Great u 'lhy faitbfulnus Well, God has never forsaken us. Even as I write this article, I am filled with thanksgiving and gratefulness for His healing and protection. I have been touched by His divinity and miracle. It is coming to the start of the 3rd trimester now, and from recent scans, our baby is growing well. The incident was a real test of faith for us. I lmow God answered our prayers that day. Not just ours, but also those who prayed with us. I am truly blessed to carry this little baby and for all the support we have received. Since that incident, the season of bed rest has also taught me to slow down, be still, and rest in the presence of God. It gave me time to meditate upon His word and reflect on His providence. Having gone through all of this, we have become exceedingly assured that this baby has a path ahead and we will do everything we can as parents to help this child lmow God intimately. We continue to pray for baby each day, knowing baby can hear these prayers and that his journey of faith has already started. We continue to trust God all the time, knowing He is watching over us. As we celebrate this Jubilee with His gift of life, we also ask that you pray with us, that as he grows, he will realise how irreplaceable God was and is in his life. To God be the glory, great things He has done.

Oar lumds are bat human hands On 6 January 2015, whilst I was at school, I experienced sharp pains in my abdomen and felt some discharge. I rushed to the toilet and to my shock and horror, I was bleeding heavily. There was a lot of fluid being discharged and it would not stop even after I had sat down. I called Matthias who immediately rushed down from work. I was convinced I had lost the baby. I started to blame myself for bending over earlier in the day, for getting exhausted the day before and for not slowing down. On the way to the gynaecologist, Matthias held my hand the whole way and reminded me to pray. When we reached the gynaecologist, there was so much blood that the gynaecologist was afraid that my water bag had broken. We were terrified as the gynaecologist could not say for certain what had happened. She gave me two hormone injections and immediately warded me in the hospital I was distraught and cried so much that day. There was nothing else we could do as we messaged our parents and friends to tell them of the situation, asking them to pray with us. Matthias prayed for me for hours that day, consoling me and telling me to trust God especially in moments like these when there was nothing else we could do. His colleague had given him a book claiming the promises that God had for pregnancy and his children, and he recited it to me as I lay in bed.

Biby Ashyr Ong made it for the Jubilee iussue!



IMMINENT RETURN Joan Chen has been in BFEC for 15 years. She attends the 10am service and serves at Grow(.@Noon. She joined 41 brothers and sisters in Christ on a 10-day trip to Israel from 9 to 18 March 2015. Highlights of the trip included places where Jesus walked the Sea of Galilee, the Mount of Beatitudes, Jerusalem, the Dead Sea and Bethlehem. Joan's reflections include thoughts on the link between Jesus' return and our nation's Jubilee.

The trip to Israel was an extraordinary and meaningful journey. What an apt time to visit Israel in the year of Singapore's Jubilee and BFEC's Sabbath. This trip transformed the Bible into 3D for many of us. Reading the Bible now will never be the same again. Being able to step foot onto Israel was heartwarming for many. Tracing Jesus' footsteps from His birth in Bethlehem to Galilee where He ministered to thousands and performed miracles, to the last days of His life on earth at the Garden of Gethsemane and Golgotha where He was crucified and finally to the empty Garden Tomb, was indescribable.

of the Lord's faithfulness in keeping His promise is that He has blessed Israel such that she has

excess agricultural produce to export. I had never tasted sweet beansprouts till I ate homegrown Israeli beansprouts ! Deuteronomy 30:4 - 5 states that "Even if you have been banished to the most distant land under the heavens, from there the LORD your God will gather you and bring you back. He will bring you to the land that belonged to your ancestors, and you will take possession of it. He will make you more prosperous and numerous than your ancestors." Indeed the LORD has brought and is bringing His people back to Israel. With the return of His people, He also blesses the land. The Lord is sovereign over the nations and is the crafter of human history.

Return of Jews

Israel was reborn as a nation on May 14, 1948. Millions of Jews have since returned to their homeland and today, there are approximately 6 million Jews in Israel. In just 67 years, the nation has been rebuilt into a modem state with cutting-edge technology and rapid economic development. Once a parched and barren land, the lush green fields and forests that we saw throughout our journey are a great reminder of the Lord's promise to Israel as a land overflowing with milk and honey. Today, Israel's second largest industry is agriculture - the testament

At the top ofthe Mount of Olives, facing the Old City


Retarn to the Marriage CoveDaDt

slopes of the Mount of Olives so that the dead will be the first to meet the Messiah when He returns again. Wow! How amazing to learn of this. Yet in the meantime before Jesus returns, how do I live my life? Like the 10 virgins who were preparing to meet the bridegroom, may we be like the five prudent virgins who had extra oil, ready for His return. Our walk with God is what matters at the end of the day. not our achievements, status or riches.

11 manied couples celebrated the renewal of their marriage vows at Cana of Galilee. In a simple ceremony officiated by Elder Ernest Chew and Mr Bddie Lee, the 11 couples walked down the aisle, faced each other and recited the marriage vows. Cana is the site of Jesus' first miracle in changing water into wine at a wedding feast. It was a special moment for the married couples, especially for several who were not Christians when they first got married. Elder Ernest gave a short homily; no matter what stage we are in, whether married, widowed or single, we must remember not to lose sight of Jesus who is the center of all relationships. He transforms ordinary water in clay jars into the best wine.

How does the Holy Land trip connect with Singapore's Jubilee? On the day we left Israel to return to Singapore. the Israel's elections resulted in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyah.u being re-elected. At the same time, we also heard news that our late founding father Mr. Lee was aitically ill. Within a few days, he passed on. It was very sad but this also signified the end of an era and the passing of the baton to the next generation in this year of Jubilee. What is the significance? God is sovereign. over nations and He has also given us the privilege to partner Him in contending in prayer for the nations. We have a role to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Genesis 12:3 states that whoever curses Israel will be cursed, and whoever blesses Israel will be blessed. Let us pray that Singapore will continue to bless Israel and continue to enjoy God's blessings on our land. Just like Israel, Singapore has a special place in the heart of God. It is my deepest hope that in the next 50 years, Singapore fully fulfils her destiny as the Antioch of Asia.

Retarn "Homen Sensing the close presence of our precious Jesus as we ..walked where Jesus walked" and learning afresh the social and economic life of His people at various places, we felt like we were returning home. It was an overwhelming feeling knowing that we had walked in the footsteps of Jesus. At the Jordan River, Elder Ernest baptized Sister Patricia with water in the name of the blessed Trinity. This was totally unplanned for. At the right time, she made the decision to publicly declare her faith. 'Ihat was a very touching moment, with tears welling in many of our eyes as we witnessed the baptism. Indeed He makes all things beautiful in His timing.

RetarnofJeau The imminent return of Jesus became very real to me when we visited the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem. W hen Jesus returns, His foot will stand on the Mount of Olives (Zechariah 14:4). From the Mount of Olives, we had a stunning view of the old city of Jerusalem including the Temple Mount. We also saw the East Gate that was shut by Suleiman the Great who believed that the Messiah will enter through the East Gate and caused the gate to be sealed up till this day, to prevent His entry. 'Ibis is in fulfillment of Ezekiel 44:1-3 that the gate will remain shut and only the Prince will be able to enter. There was also a Jewish cemetery on the

Renewal ofthe mmiage covenant at Cana


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