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Key Performance Indicators set for the planned communication activities. Based on BGBA experience from the past 10 years of designing, implementing, monitoring and measuring our own communication campaign we can safely set the following targets for the combined communication eorts of all partners:

Pillar A and target audiences A indicators


The project partners have agreed on the common communication and dissemination targets - with a dedicated communications plan - to ensure visibility of the project milestones and results; Initial targets for the dissemination of project actions are:

• Each partner ensures announcements on project milestones on their own website and social media

• Each partner shares project tools and resources over their newsleer and website updates

• Each partner sends out a PR on the start of the project to its media partners explaining the long-term intended impact of the project.

• Each partner organizes at least 20 in-person/digital meeting with relevant institutions and stakeholders;

Quantitative indicators:

• +100 000 views - organic reach of messaging about the project results, milestones, updates

• 24, in total for all partners, PR messages sent out to media partners; (4 each)

• 100% involvement of partners in developing the dissemination plans

• 2 each, 12 in total, creative, tactical interventions to raise awareness of the project and its aims;

• +15 000 schools (combined in all partner countries) reached with the Sport #WithoutWaste messages, through newsleer communication

Pillar B and target audiences B indicators

The project partners, based on BGBA case studies, together and separately have developed the Sport #WithoutWaste - mixed media national campaigns with their specific angle and target groups and KPI’s.

In the second year ot the project, the implementing partners have initiated the organic and paid implementation of their mix-media Sport #WithoutWaste campaigns at the same time to ensure the clear link of the project activities;

As part of the mix-media campaigns partners have engaged in creative - tactical urbanism interventions and have communicated about it to their medial networks and partners;

Piloting partners facilitated and coordinated their NWM events: No Elevators Day, MOVE Week, Open Streets Day, European School Sport Day to be #WithoutWaste and communicated about it both through traditional and digital media, as well as during events.

Piloting partners have reached to other sporting event organisers and shared the Sport #WithoutWaste idea, guidelines and tools and supported their peers into the organisation of WithoutWaste events.

Quantitative indicators:

• +10 ml combined reach of the activities under the piloting actions and communication;

• + 200 media publications - combined eort of all partners

• All 6 partners have their NWM events as #WithoutWaste events - with a focus on year 2 of the project but prompted for smaller tests from year 1;

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